I've dug out all my old Madonna records this week, as well as a fair few new ones. I finally got around to buying "Confessions..." and I love it. Love it Love it Love it!!! I'm dancing in my bedroom again. I feel like I'm 12 years old!

I'm not sure why any of this is significant, but I hadn't really taken Madonna back to my bosum for some years...so many memories of growing up, and perhaps because I feel I'm finally turning out alright (I think) I see that young me listening to the "Like a virgin" LP and quite like her. Madonna was my icon, and in jaded adulthood, and after years of wider musical education, she still has a place. I was a huge fan, you see, and probably overdid it on her back then.

Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free, but at night I don't lock the doors anymore.

Besides, I was raised a Catholic- who else was I going to listen to?

We've said it all before but it'd be nice to start a new Madonna thread. Any thoughts at the moment?