Currently looking forward to the last weekend of legal smoking in public spaces in England. It's going to be weird, but might help me quit...

....but enough about the positives. I'm starting to get worried. There seem to be a lot of civil liberties slowly eroding away. We believe everything we're told, and even if we don't, we go along with a kind of apathy. Look at the state of politics with the voting turn outs. We're fed a diet of banal telly and sound and distracted from what matters, perhaps???
Oh, I don't know, I've been reading a lot of scary stuff recently, and honestly think we're heading towards a time of the 'thought police'. I think there's a lot of control in society and it's getting worse, especially when we believe 'they' are doing us good and protecting us (which I'm led to believe may not be entirely true).

What do you think? Are you happy with the potential future of the world? What do you think that'll be? Or (gasp) could there be a long term machievellian schem of plotting to get us to succumb to some kind of global police state? (worse case scenario there, of course!)