View Poll Results: A superb series finale or a disappointing conclusion?

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    4 8.89%
  • 9/10 - That was awesome, and nearly perfect.

    9 20.00%
  • 8/10 - Enjoyable stuff! RTD can have my babies.

    3 6.67%
  • 7/10 - Woo!Can't wait for Christmas!

    6 13.33%
  • 6/10 - It was alright, but could've been better.

    2 4.44%
  • 5/10 - I'm sitting on the fence.

    4 8.89%
  • 4/10 - RTD's let me down once again.

    6 13.33%
  • 3/10 - I can smell OG burning.

    2 4.44%
  • 2/10 - Second To Last Of The Time Lords

    2 4.44%
  • 1/10 - Last Of The Time Lords.

    7 15.56%
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  1. #1
    Pip Madeley Guest

    Default Rate And Discuss 3.13: Last Of The Time Lords

    The Doctor's in dire need of Oil of Ulay, Captain Jack's recovering from a very painful death (again), most of the Jones family is in bondage (oo-er) and worst of all, The Master has ordered his spherical allies to remove 1/10th of the population of Earth.

    It's up to you, Martha.

    As usual, nothing remotely spoilericious about this episode before 7.05pm please, or we'll get the Tolcafane on you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    oh I do like that sexy sultry look of Freema's .

  3. #3
    Wayne Guest


    I agree with Larry!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Squeeeeeeeeee? We'll have none of that on Planet Skaro thank you very much!

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    She looks like she should be in a remake of Blakes 7, rather than Doctor Who.

  6. #6


    I am so excited!!!!1 I honestly can't remember being as excited about an episode of Dr Who since the series came back!


  7. #7
    Wayne Guest


    I thought that was a bit dull. Not to mention the fact that the story was cobblers. Even taking my feelings about Simm's Master into account, i found it such a disappointment after last week.
    This 2 parter is going to be hard for me to score as a whole story, because after last week's 9/10, i'm giving this a 5/10.
    Shame about Martha leaving, too. She had so much more potential than she'd been written for, IMO.
    Funny ending with the Titanic, though.

  8. #8
    Trudi G Guest


    Thats my face right now

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Birmingham, UK


    That was rubbish!

    And I rarely say that about anything. What a let down, things I didn't like:

    - Spheres magically dissappear.
    - Doctor goes back to normal with some ridiculous explanation.
    - The Master died, what a waste.
    - The whole year being erased.
    - Martha leaving, I've really liked her, but the scene had no impact at all.
    - Yet another 'WHAT?' ending, not nearly as good as last years.
    - Jack being the Face of Boe - whaaaaaaaats the pooooiiiiiiinnnnnnnt?
    - The little Doctor/creature... eh?
    -Annoying flashbacks every few seconds, I know what was said, it was only in the last scene!

    I'm sorry, but I felt it was such a let down, after I gave last weeks a 10/10. It started off excellently, with the Jones family being mocked by the Master, Martha travelling the world, the Proffessor and the Utopia links...but the seconf half of the episode I just didn't like at all. I've given it a 4/10.
    Last edited by Martin Penny; 30th Jun 2007 at 8:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    now i like this good round up for all 3 parts who pic up the ring?
    and yes the what what what (Funny ending with the Titanic, though. )
    made me LoL too

  11. #11
    Trudi G Guest


    I'm sorry but i have to totally dissagree with you! I thought it was fantastic - especially Jack turning out to be the face of Boe - what a twist!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Midlands


    What utter tripe I started singing " Look what they done to me Doctor Ma"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Midlands


    By the way the master Dead. NO way.....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Wow!! And Wow again!!

    The episode wasn't without it's minor problems, but woah, I really enjoyed that!

    My (minor complaint) is that the first 20 minutes or so were a little frustrating as I wanted the answers, but then that last 25 minutes or so was just amazing! I loved the reveal that the Toclifane's were the humans last seen heading towards Utopia, that the Doctor had a plan all along, and how he saved the day. I felt so sorry for him when the Master died, an incredibly irony which RTD pulled off amazingly, and then of course there were those final moments - making Captain Jack the Face of Boe was a fantastic twist, as was Martha saying goodbye - and then of course that final moment setting up the Christmas special!!

    I loved the song and dance bit with the Master and the Doctor at the beginning, the Doctor being turned in to a incredibly incredibly incredibly old man, and lots of the rest - it's just a shame that the bits with Martha running around Earth, whilst interesting, didn't quite match the rest of the episode.

    I'm intrigued as to whether we'll see the Master again or not (that bit where his ring was grabbed from the funeral pyre seemed to suggest that something was going on), and I can't wait for the Christmas special and to see what will happen on the Titanic...I can't help but think of course of that picture from Rose where we saw the 9th Doctor linked to the Titanic, but I'd probably be being a bit too optimistic in hoping that we're going to get a 2 Doctors episode, but well, you never know...

    So that gets 9/10 for me, the next six months till Christmas sure are going to drag!
    Last edited by Alex; 30th Jun 2007 at 8:09 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I thought that was brilliant!

    Freema gone! The Master almost destroyed (but who got the ring! A painted talon bodes well for it being Kate O'Mara), the creepy heads inside the spheres! The ending! Martha going!


    WTF!?!! OMG!!!? LOL. 1!1!1!


  16. #16
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Is it right that I cried my eyes out at the last five minutes? I'm meant to be going to a wedding reception in about 10 minutes...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I'm a bit like Wayne. I was a little under-whelmed to be honest. I'll not be sad to see the back of John Simm which is hard to say but he just didn't grab me as the Master. I'd rather have Derek Jacobi back.
    I wasn't smiling at the song & dance routine but the song was good.
    Loved the Toclafane resolution, a sort of regression to children & the to automatons.
    Oh, loved the Face of Boe ending for Jack.

    7/10 for me. 7.5/10 for the story as a whole.

    Loved the Titanic ending, I'm quite looking forward to Christmas now.

  18. #18
    Trudi G Guest


    Oh i'm sure the master's not dead - look at the DALEKS - they keep popping up!
    I'm sad that Martha left - but she was too in love with The Doctor to stay - but i think we'll see her again.

  19. #19


    Utter Cr@p. Much as I hate feeling like a mid-eighties DWB staff writer, RTD MUST DIE BEFORE HE RAPES THIS SHOW COMPLETELY. Totally superfluous floating cloudbases that have no need to even be in there, totally bizarre Doctor ageing/becoming Golem/floating around like a God moments, yet another 20 minute love story epilogue. Bring back Doctor Who. Oh and just re-using last year's "cliffhanger" ending was a bit rubbish as well. Zzzz.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It was proper that Russell inserted a "get out" into the death of the Master - he doesn't really have any right to finally kill such a long-running character.

    "Voyage of the Damned" should be jaunty on Christmas Day! I was hoping that Kylie might pop her head over the top of the boat and give a jaunty wink before the credits rolled in though.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006



    Bring back Doctor Who

    It's like we're OG!


  22. #22
    Trudi G Guest


    Christian just said it was 'spectacular, the best one he's ever seen' - lets not forget this is technically a kids show!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Portsmouth / Edinburgh


    Sorry, the whole thing was just too much to take. Doctor as a CGI goblin was ridiculous but then you've got Martha as some sort of prophet and the Doctor as a surrogate Jesus figure ("I forgive you," - oh go away). The human race saves itself by faith in a Godly figure, which isn't really the human race saving itself in my book - I'm getting increasingly tired of being constantly told what the Doctor is and how much he means to everybody.

    Tennant got some good acting to do opposite the dying Master - that scene was fantastic - and the Jack/Boe revelation was amusing... though I doubt Jack would be too happy about it. Otherwise I just found the whole thing bloody irritating. Paradox machine, nonsense about forgiveness and faith, RTD repeating himself over and over... I just can't see where New Doctor Who is going, really. I just couldn't connect with anything in this episode bar the Doctor/dying Master scene.

    Over-wrought cobblers.
    "I remember because cherries send me into a wild fury!"

  24. #24


    It was amazing! Much better than last week which left me a little cold for a penultimate episode. Murray Golds music was amazing, and Martha got a good exit - I hope they leave it there. Please be Zoe Lucker picking up the ring!

    At least we've got what looks to be a different sort of Christmas special this year.

  25. #25
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Gently View Post
    I'm a bit like Wayne.
    You poor sod!

    I actually feel slightly sad that i didn't enjoy it much, because for the most part i think it's been such a consistently good season this year. It just seemed a bit of a let down.
    The Doctor crying over The Master whilst that horrible, greasy incidental music was playing didn't work for me at all. And i'm someone that usually likes the emotional bits, but it just seemed so false......
    And as David says.... The Doctor as a CGI goblin...... That really didn't work for me! I don't even feel inclined to watch it again. I think i'd rather watch 'Blink' another a couple of times instead!

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