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  1. #1
    Trudi G Guest

    Default Time To Move On...

    I used to come on this forum, and feel like part of the gang, but i don't really anymore. I guess when that happens it's time to move on to pastures new.
    I hope you all get everything you want from life, cos the majority of you are a good bunch, and i did concider you friends.
    Keep up the good work with the audio plays, they were always fun to take part in, and i did enjoy being one of the team.
    It's been nice knowing you all.
    xx Trudi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Sorry you feel you're not part of the gang anymore but I guess if something stops being fun then its probably time to stop doing it. Good luck for the future and I hope we see you again sometime. You're always welcome.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Take care Trudi. You know you're welcome to pop back and see us when and if you want.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  4. #4
    Wayne Guest


    Sorry you feel that way Trudi. But i wish you all the best for the future, & hope you drop by from time to time, or something.

  5. #5


    Sorry to hear your decision Trudi but I understand what you're saying. You seem like more of the "gang" to me as at least you chipped in a cointribution to the audios - I've never done a thing on those.

    I hope you'll maybe pop back now and again. Take care.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Hi Trudi,

    I'd just like to echo what everyone else has said. I always enjoyed reading your views and you were great in 'Soap of Fatal Death'.
    It was nice to have met you last August at the 'Jugged Hare' Victoria meet.
    Best wishes for the future.


  7. #7
    Trudi G Guest


    Thank you to all of the people who posted a comment on this thread - it's nice to really know who gives a shit about you.
    Not many people really, so i guess i'm making the right choice in leaving.
    Farewell to my friends, have a nice life.
    xx Trudi

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I'm sorry you feel that you have to leave Trudi, I was enjoying your music only yesterday. But as people have said, you'll be welcome to pop in & see us.

    As for your last comment, that's may be a little hard on some people, I myself haven't been on here for about 48 hours & some are away or don't have continual Internet connection so I hope you'll give those people the benefit of the doubt with regards to 'giving a shit'.
    Take care.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Well some of us haven't been able to get online till half an hour ago and have only come across this thread. Work tends to get in the way I'm afraid.

    It's a shame you're leaving at all, never mind leaving feeling as though nobody loves you. If you ever change your mind, please do come back and at least let us know how you are.

  10. #10


    And then there would be 'part time' members like me who don't really know you and might feel they don't really have and place posting in this thread. That wouldn't be the same as not giving a shit though.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The North


    Firstly I like seeing you on here, Trudi, I really do, but I learnt a long time ago that berating people for "not giving a shit" (in other words, not posting to your thread within 24 hours or whatever) just gets people's backs up. I've not been here for 4 days! Life isn't all about ME (and neither is it all about you).
    Anyway, the time comes for everything I suppose, so it's a shame you're moving on. If you really feel you have to go, I do hope you still come back from time to time though as I really appreciate your points of view and tales of life with Christian. You take care. x
    Last edited by Carol Baynes; 28th Aug 2007 at 6:21 PM. Reason: Must learn to spell!

  12. #12
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    Trudi, I can understand what you're saying about not feeling part of the gang, but the other side of that is that a number of us have known each other for quite a few years now and occasionally it's interesting to hear the point of view of somebody from a different background who sees things differently.

    I only saw your first post about an hour and a half ago and wanted to say the right thing (and also needed to go out again to get some milk) so pardon me if I didn't respond straight away but, as I say, I wanted to say the right thing rather than the first thing that came to mind. I was going to say that most of us would probably be glad to have you back if you changed your mind at some point in the future, but you seem to be burning your bridges already, in which case it's your decision and I hope you feel at peace with it.

  13. #13
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Trudi G View Post
    Thank you to all of the people who posted a comment on this thread - it's nice to really know who gives a shit about you.
    Not many people really, so i guess i'm making the right choice in leaving.
    Farewell to my friends, have a nice life.
    xx Trudi
    I have to say that's a bit harsh. You're not doing a lot of good people much justice there, IMO. I think you would've had a lot more replies if waited a bit longer than you did.
    Shame to leave under a cloud there.

  14. #14
    WhiteCrow Guest


    I can understand where you're coming from. I think as far as forums go, Planet Skaro is a great place, made great by the people here.

    But I remember it took me a few months to really feel I fitted in here. I've recommended this place to a few other people, and they've joined, said the people are nice, but it's not really their scene.

    I could post the same person thread on PS and Outpost Gallifrey (well I could if I wasnt banned from there ). I know I wouldn't get tons of replies on PS, but the ones I get are always more important.

    Last week I had a bad week, and it came through in some of my posts, and one person from this site asked me later in the week if I was feeling better. Somehow that means more to me than a dozen replies which don't hit the mark, or worse wind me up. I think here it will always be quality over quantity.

    Any sometimes esp in the Temple of Secrets, there's a need just to be able to voice some of whats inside me.

    Anyway really sad to see you go, you were part of the flavour of this place. But life's too short to spend time on an Internet forum which is obviously making you unhappy. So good luck.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    well I too like to say hi have read lot on this site have meet some of you and know you all a very friendly
    sad to see you go hope to see you some time you know you cant make the nov meet but there's will all way be lot more have all way felt welcome when I met you all

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Thank you to all of the people who posted a comment on this thread - it's nice to really know who gives a shit about you.
    Not many people really, so i guess i'm making the right choice in leaving.
    As others have alluded to, the time span of approx. 9am to 5pm is hardly helpful for those of us who don't access the internet while at work.

  17. #17
    WhiteCrow Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jonno Simmons View Post
    As others have alluded to, the time span of approx. 9am to 5pm is hardly helpful for those of us who don't access the internet while at work.
    Whereas I saw this post whilst on my break at work and didn't reply because I knew I'd not be able to give more than a sycophantic reply in my break.

    End of the day I'm no big fan of these "I'm leaving" threads as invariably they're an attempt to keep someone on. I find they're overly dramatic. People do grow out of forums and want to move on. I just up and leave, I don't post about it.

    By it's very nature an "I'm leaving" thread should be one the author never replies to, but again invariably the poster does. You can't post a leaving thread AND also have the last say on it!

    Anyway as I've said it's obvious something has made Trudi very unhappy on this site (was it my Jon Pertwee digs??? ), so as I said if something makes you unhappy, don't do it. She's made the right decision for her, and good luck to her.

  18. #18


    While it might have been a little unfair to expect everyone to reply during an 8 hour working day period, I'm sure it's not outside everyone's compassion to let it slide just this once? After all when you're upset you're upset, and not always too logical. If Trudi wants to burn her bridges then that's her choice, but there's no need for anyone else to go burning them for her after one ill-thought-out comment.

    Peace and love is the way

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Trudi, you will always be part of my gang!

    Live long and prosper! xx
    One Day, I shall come back, Yes, I shall come back,
    Until them, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties, Just go forward in all your beliefs,
    and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Quote Originally Posted by Zbigniev Hamson View Post
    While it might have been a little unfair to expect everyone to reply during an 8 hour working day period, I'm sure it's not outside everyone's compassion to let it slide just this once? After all when you're upset you're upset, and not always too logical. If Trudi wants to burn her bridges then that's her choice, but there's no need for anyone else to go burning them for her after one ill-thought-out comment.
    I think people are naturally suspicious when posters post a big "I'm leaving the forum" post, as we've come to expect that this is all just for attention and wanting to be reassured that you're liked by everyone else. Certainly that seemed to happen a lot in the past on here and I've seen it happen often on other forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zbigniev Hamson View Post
    Peace and love is the way
    It certainly is! Things would be far nicer generally if everyone remembered that!

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  21. #21
    WhiteCrow Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord President View Post
    Live long and prosper! xx
    Hey everyone, let's beat up the Star Trek fan! Obviously not a Next Gen fan, as "today is a good day to die", isn't quite as compassionate.

    Everyone knows though, Babylon 5 rulz.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Zbigniev Hamson View Post
    And then there would be 'part time' members like me who don't really know you and might feel they don't really have and place posting in this thread. That wouldn't be the same as not giving a shit though.
    My feelings exactly. I don't know Trudi, and I don't think I've ever had a conversation with her (which doesn't mean that I didn't read her posts, or that I ignored them) and so I didn't quite know what to post here. Like the rest of you, I'm going to miss her posts, and I'm sorry that she feels that she needs to leave. But if she's not happy here, it's probably for the best.

    Don't burn your bridges though, Trudi. You know you're always going to be welcome here. All the best for the future though, and I hope everything works out well for you. Good luck!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    I've never spoken to you Trudi but it seems as if you were a very popular member on this forum. It's a very sad day when somebody leaves and I'm sure as has already been said you will be sorely missed

    Take care
    'Steed is one of my most valuable subjects he's too valuable to lose'

  24. #24


    I've just been surprised by the way it seemed to come out of nowhere really.

    Never really had a lot of contact with Trudi on here, so I wasn't sure if there was anything much I could say. It was nice to have her around though, and I liked her earthy irreverent sense of humour. The redheaded avatars added a bit of colour too.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I've been offline for a few days, and so I've only just seen this thread. I'm probably a bit too late, now, but hopefully you'll see this post anyway, Trudi.

    Like others, I'm surprised to see this post, but also rather disappointed that you think that people don't "give a shit" about you. As you can see from the subsequent replies, this is most definitely not the case.

    I've always thought of you as part of the gang, and for one thing, I enjoyed playing alongside you in 'Soap Of Fatal Death, despite never having ever met! I still hope we will meet one day, and that you will pop in here from time to time. Just please don't think that we don't care about you - we're ALL good people, and we do give a shit about each and ever one of our friends. Take care, Trudi x

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