Thread: Best Moments

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  1. #1
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    Default Best Moments

    OK, it's been a while since we had any of these threads, so here's the first of a number that I'm going to start. To begin, let's have your top ten moments. They can be from anywhere in the series, classic or new. So, let's have them. The only restriction is that they can't be cliffhangers (I'll put up a separate thread for those). Those of you who remember the '20 moments when you know you're watching the greatest TV show ever' feature in DWM about ten years ago, that's the sort of thing to go in this thread. Was it Jon's 'daisiest daisy' from The Time Monster? Tom's 'then what's it FOR?' from The Pirate Planet? Did Eccleston's 'just this once, everybody lives!' make you grin from ear to ear? Or was it something smaller, like the 'what is love' moment between Peri and Yrcanos? Tell us your best moments, with a few words explaining what makes it so special for you.

    I'll post mine a bit later on. Let's have yours.
    Last edited by Jason Thompson; 1st Jan 2008 at 11:22 PM.

  2. #2
    WhiteCrow Guest


    The death of Adric. At the time I loved him, and wanted to be him, and it just seemed so dark and dramatic and shocking.

    As an adult watching I can't help thinking he's an annoying prick, and be glad to see him splattered over the Jurassic period.

    That said he has a much more memorable departure than most companions.

  3. #3
    Pip Madeley Guest


    I'm surprised at how many of these are from the New Series, I guess it's just testament to its greatness!

    1. The last ten minutes of "Utopia"

    Just stunning. 'Professor Yana' crying when discovering time-travel was a reality, Martha's reaction when she realises he has a perception filter disguised as a watch and what it meant, the drama of the Doctor's completely frightened reaction, hearing the snippets of Delgado and Ainley, the opening of the watch, the evil glint in the Master's eyes, "I AM THE MASTER!" and "YOU ARE NOT ALONE!", Murray Gold's exhilirating music, the exchange of looks between the Doctor and the Master just before he scurries into the TARDIS and the music that underpins the Doctor's fruitless attempts to open the TARDIS doors, the regeneration and the Doctor's panic-striken reaction from outside, the newly regenerated Master's speech: "End of the universe! Have fun! Bye bye!", Jack and Martha straining to close the door, the Doctor's face as the TARDIS dematerialises... oh my God, it's just ten minutes of genius. I was like a little kid as the theme tune came crashing in.... Doctor Who has never been more exciting!

    2. The Ninth Doctor meets the last "Dalek"

    Christopher Eccleston's finest moment. After five episodes of scratching the surface, he finally reaches the heights of greatness he's capable of. The weary, battle-hardened Doctor screaming at the Dalek in rage and anger, perfectly willing to kill it, and only stopped by Van Statten... the conflicts in emotion, scared to death of it at first, then delighting in goading it... shocking, powerful, superb. And perfectly written by Robert Shearman. "Oh... and I caught your little signal? Help me, poor little thing... but there's no one else coming, cause there's no one else left..."

    3. The Doctor and Rose's seperation in "Doomsday"

    The end of "Doomsday". Everyone knows what I'm talking about here. The acting was brilliant. The Doctor's scream as he helplessly watches Rose fly towards the Void, the two different but equally affecting reactions either side of the wall, their final conversation... "I love you!" ... "Quite right too." Billie was just magnificent, and seeing the Doctor cry... I feel sad just thinking about it. I remember watching it first time round and I started crying, bless my little cotton socks. And once again, Murray Gold gives us a superb soundtrack - particularly 'Doomsday' (great vocals, great bass) and that gorgeous final flourish as the Doctor wipes his eyes and returns to the console... serving to give the viewer the chance to breathe out a long sigh.... oh yes, it was fantastic.

    4. The Doctor reads Madame Du Pompadour's letter in "The Girl In The Fireplace"

    "Hurry now, my love." It's achingly sad. The Doctor returns to take the beautiful Madame Du Pompadour with him, to live life together in the stars, and has happiness snatched from him. Standing in the console room, reading a farewell letter from the one woman he let into his head, hearing her final words and seeing him holding back tears, all weary, all alone... it was heartbreaking. What really makes it though, is the absolutely exceptional music from Murray Gold, it's just beautiful, and underpins the moment to perfection.

    5. The TARDIS motorway chase sequence in "The Runaway Bride"

    The sight of a brilliantly-rendered CGI TARDIS careering down a motorway at breakneck speed in pursuit of Donna was just stunning - when it spun up into the sky, it was a real punch-the-air moment. Squee! Also worthy of mention is the TARDIS crashing into the Powell Estate in "The Christmas Invasion". Ta RTD!

    6. The Doctor meets Joan in "The Family Of Blood"

    For once, you dislike the Doctor. His arrogance is just horrible. Having been partly responsible for the devastation which befell this innocent village upon which he descended, he then assumes Joan will be grateful for the opportunity to travel with him in the TARDIS. The Doctor leaves Joan a broken woman and she too leaves her mark on him - her quiet and dignified dismissal of him, "You can go now", was the best moment of the episode.

    Also worth a mention is: "He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe." Need I say more?

    7. The Doctor comforts Victoria in "The Tomb Of The Cybermen"

    A really warm moment, proving why Patrick Troughton was one of the finest actors to play the Doctor. Unusual for its time, given the emotional tone.

    8. Mr Oak and Mr Quill overpower Mrs Harris in "Fury From The Deep"

    "What are you doing in here? Is there something that you want...?" Mr Oak and Mr Quill walk into the bedroom, one smiling, the other staring... creepy as hell, Mr Quill's face is terrifying! And what fantastic & unique music from Dudley.... I just love that moment...

    9. The Doctor begins to age to death in "The Daleks' Master Plan"

    With little time left, the frail and increasingly helpless Doctor falls to his knees, and Steven watches in horror as Sara ages to death in front of his eyes.... he then tries to help the Doctor before it is too late, but the Time Lord angrily warns him not to touch him and you can hear the emotion in his voice as he screams for him to get back...

    STEVEN: Come on Doctor!
    DOCTOR: (sounding very ill) No! Don't touch me!
    STEVEN: I must help you an--
    Hartnell's finest acting as the Doctor, for my money.

    10. The Doctor's speech in "The Ark In Space"

    "Homo sapiens. What an inventive, invincible species. It's only been a few million years since they crawled up out of the mud and learned to walk. Puny, defenseless bipeds. They've survived flood, famine and plague. They've survived cosmic wars and holocaust. And now, here they are, out among the stars, waiting to being a new life. Ready to out sit eternity. They're indomitable... indomitable."
    The speech that cemented Tom Baker as The Doctor. Marvellous.

  4. #4


    Gawd... I don't think I have the 3 weeks necessary to spend on wracking my brain to come up with an ACTUAL top 10, so I'll just give the first ten that pop into my mind. Some of my favourite moments are probably cliffhangers too, but I'll discount them.

    1. The TARDIS materialising as something other than a police box in Attack of the Cybermen. I was 6, it was exciting

    2. Hugo and the Doctor telling Peri how to prounce Lieutenant in The Twin Dilemma. Probably not that great, but it's the kind of thing that appeals to me.

    3. The flipped coin landing in slow motion in Warriors Gate. Not sure why, I just thought it was a great image and it somehow seemed an impressive effect for the time when I saw it.

    4. The Doctor's TARDIS landing inside/outside the Master's in The Time Monster. I love that kind of stuff.

    5. Zoe quite clearly laughing when she opens the door to a Doctor covered in foam (The Seeds of Death).

    6. The soldier being E-X-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-E-D in the first episode of Remeberance of the Daleks.

    7. While we're at it, any moment at all featuring the Special Weapons Dalek.

    8. The moment when the persuing time ship turns out to be, not the Daleks, but the "Monk" in the Daleks' Masterplan. Watching them in order you really notice how the rule book gets torn up in season 3 and anything can happen.

    9. The 5th Doctor's regeneration scene. The only one which was really any good in my opinion.

    10. The opening sequence to Trial of a Timelord. Again, I was 7 so this was quite wondrous at the time.

    Hmm... that's quite an odd little random selection I'm sure you'll agree.

  5. #5


    Oh and Lady Painforte and Richard arriving screaming in the middle of a tea room in the 20th century. I always find that immensely amusing for some reason. In fact that could probably replace any of the other ten in a top ten list.

  6. #6
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    1. Logopolis: The Doctor sees the Watcher for the first time
    I've gone on about the wonders of this scene in the past, but it still holds up as one of my very favourite moments of the series because of Tom's look of doom, because the music and Tom carry it without saying a word.

    2. State of Decay: You are wonderful...
    Tom and Lalla united in love in a cell, so clearly utterly together. It warms my heart just thinking about it. Lovelier than any of the Pertwee and Jo in a cell scenes! Awww!

    3. School Reunion: My Sarah Jane
    I shed a tear or two. It felt right that Sarah finally gets a proper goodbye, and even though I've never been Sladen's biggest fan, I was welling up as the Doctor grabbed her, lifted her up and said goodbye! Then, just to be even more perfect, the TARDIS dematerialises and there's a new K9 waiting for her. Perfect!

    4. Stones of Blood: Outer Space or Inner Time
    A lovely little scene that feels perfect as the Doctor builds his machine and chats to Professor Rumford. There's an ease between the actors which works really well, and the strange way she puts a screwdriver in her ear, and then asks him if he's an alien. Very likeable.

    5. Full Circle: And I'm the Doctor!
    It's silly I know, the way that all the Deciders get up and the lights twinkle on them as they announce themselves, but I love it, especially when Tom turns round and grins one of his enomous grins and announces who he is... I can't help grinning with him.

    6. Father's Day: The TARDIS falls to bits
    OK, so it doesn't really make much sense, but it's a great image that conveys the fact that something is going seriously wrong with time.

    7. Robot: The Brig uses the Destructor Gun
    There's something really joyful about this silly scene- just the way the Brig is so confident that he can do without the Doctor, so he uses the gun and of course it makes things a whole lot worse than they were. That always makes me smile!

    8. City of Death: Running round Paris
    Yes, yes it's padding, especially as they do it three times in one episode, but when the padding is as lovely and scenic as this, then I think it's justified. Then you add in Dudley Simpson's gorgeous music and you've got some beautiful images... after all if you're going to go to Paris to film the show, you might as well show it off a bit.

    9. Rose: Did I mention...
    Just when it looks like Rose has turned down the chance for a trip of a lifetime, the TARDIS returns and the Doctor tells her it's a time machine.... and she's off. I love the slow motion run into the TARDIS- it's just right!

    10. Family of Blood:The Doctor and Joan
    I love this scene because it really emphasises how alien the Doctor is, and hwo he doesn't always see things the way we do. Offering Joan the chance to travel with him is incredibly crass thing to do considering all she's been through, and yet it's all he has to offer her, and then he can't understand why she turns him down. It's an incredibly powerful scene, with two brilliant actors turning in great performances, very different to the ones they were giving at the start of the story.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  7. #7
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    Downstairs by the PC


    I would actually have picked Si's number 1, and number 5, myself, as they are such superb moments, and I wholeheartedly agree (I always said that Si Hart had impeccable taste). But here's another 10 which are really pretty darned super!!!

    1. The Silurians : "The humans will destroy you!"
    Early in part 3 the Doctor tries to speak with the Silurian at Quinn's house. His bleak pronouncement is a chilling moment, partly because it casts us as the audience in the role of the villain, and partly because it re-emphasises that although he's exiled among us, he isn't part of the establishment at all. Pertwee's Doctor didn't get to be bleak all that often, but when he does he's superb...

    2. Inferno: "Terrible things are happening there" here, early in part 7. As he awakes, and relates to Liz some of his experiences in the parallel world it's a stark warning. The use of the present tense is inspired, making it so immediate and real. It sent a real chill up my spine first time I watched it.

    3. Delta and the Bannermen:
    The destruction of the bus in part 2 is such a shock, because it's just so unexpected, and so out of keeping with the jocular-ish style of the episode to that point. To switch from Murray's daft "I'm trying to use brainpower to make it grow faster, but I'm not having much luck" to the sudden massacre of the entire party is brilliantly done.

    4. Mawdryn Undead:
    The scene where the Doctor steps into the Brig's hut. It's sparse, it's lifeless, it's such a comedown for such a brave and heroic man, it's heartbreaking. The music and acting does it all.

    5. Full Circle: "Nobody knows how to fly it"
    A wonderful twist. The Doctor's fury at a society being deceived by its rulers then leads into Nefred's ironic admission that they can rebuild the entire ship, but can't pilot it. It's both funny and tragic at the same time.

    6. Rose: "That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien"
    There are just sooo many moments in this episode designed to make us love the Doctor, but I've opted for the first scene with the Doctor in Rose's flat, simply because the shots of him playing cards, and then being strangled by the arm in the background, made us laugh so much at the time.

    7. Rose: "Fantastic!"
    As did the 'London Eye' scene between Rose and the Doctor. Even now I can't but smile when I think of it. Thankyou Mr Gardner for keeping it in!

    8. TOATL: "There is some evil in all of us Doctor, even you..."
    As a fanboy in 1986 this was one of the most dramatic moments I'd ever seen. The Master's shock revelation that the Valeyard is the Doctor comes totally out of the blue, and is all the more powerful for it.

    9. The Curse of Fenric: "Night is the time of the evil curse..."
    All those scenes early on with the translation of the runes are just so potently atmospheric, with the acting, the direction, and the music combining to give us something really very special.

    10. Castrovalva: "Get K9 to explain it to you, good luck!"
    Davison makes his mark so early on, with this manic sequence of high-speed improvisation one of my all-time favourites. I know that virtually everybody else hates Castrovalva, but this scene has me on the edge of my seat every time.

    And, bubbling under... "A sequence of events that threatens to fragment the laws that bind the universe together" (Tom at his most doomladen best, making us really believe the end is nigh); "I never thought precognisance of my own death would be so disturbing" (Colin at his most sombre giving Tom a run for his money); "Six months of Helen A's handiwork - a list of the disappeared"; and "I was with Puccini when he died... it was so sad."

    I could go on...

  8. #8
    Pip Madeley Guest


    It's interesting to see how different we all see things!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteCrowUK View Post
    As an adult watching I can't help thinking he's an annoying prick, and be glad to see him splattered over the Jurassic period.
    I think you'll find it's the Cretaceous, not the Jurrassic. But you were right about the annoying prick bit.

    Anyway...I'm going to go over 10 here, I'm sure, but in chronological order....

    "Go forward in all your beliefs..."
    the first Doctor's farewell to his grand-daughter at the end of "The Dalek invasion of Earth". The first piognant goodbye.

    The Cybermen awakening from their tombs in "The tomb of..." and the accompanying music. Even with the sound off the set design alone is fantastic.
    Also, in the same episode, the second Doctor's comforting of Victoria as he talks of his family- a scared girl a long way from home, Beautiful.

    The Autons breaking out in "Spearhead from space". Eceptionally well edited and performed. The everyday turns exceptionally disturbing.

    Roger Delgado in "Terror of the Autons", the plastic chair and the troll doll. The everyday turns exceptionally horrifying, and all overseen by the saturnine presence of a sublime villian.

    The drashigs erupting from their swamp in "Carnival of monsters". I thought they were an extremely scary prospect when I first saw them (which would have been the 1981 repeat).

    "Do I have the right??!"
    The Doctor's moral dilemma, and the heart of a phenomenally good Dr. Who story.

    "I do"

    from "The Stones of blood"....
    Professor Rumford : "But I still don't understand about hyperspace."
    The Doctor : "Well, who does?"
    K9 : "I do."
    The Doctor : "Shut up, K9!"

    "What a wonderful butler- he's so violent!"

    The epitome of Tom Baker's later portrayal. Playing the fool, but to very serious ends. As the Count observes, "...nobody could be as stupid as he seems".

    "It's the end but the moment has been prepared for".

    Time hasn't been kind to many aspects of "Logopolis", but the final scene still moves me, and takes me back to when I first said goodbye to my first Doctor in 1981.

    Three years later, the closing moments of "The caves of Androzani", and the scene leading up to the regeneration in particular. Davison at his most heroic and desperate, finally filling Tom's shoes twice over.

    In "The curse of Fenric", the conclusion of a chilling chess game
    and the temporary hurt caused to Ace in order to save a billion lives. McCoy and Aldred's finest hour.

    "Grace, I came back to life before your eyes. I held back death. Look, I can't make your dream come true forever, but I can make it come true today."

    sublime, brilliant and heart soaring....'nough said.

    "Dalek"- The Doctor's realisation at what stands there, chained up in the dark....and then the fear. Brilliantly performed by our most reluctant Doctor, as his greatest foe is unvieled for a new generation. "Let me out!!"....scary and thrilling.

    Arriving too late in "The girl in the fireplace". The Doctor as a romantic hero, crashing in for the rescue, but especially the later scene were his abilities as a time traveller cannot prevent the inevitable as he lets down a woman he loves. Sad and nicely played.

    " Master!"
    Derek Jacobi briefly becomes the best thing since Delgado as he realises his true identity and wreaks his vengeance. That laugh....the drums....Delgado's voice calling "...give your power to me"....a great ressurection that never felt truly fulfilled in the season finale.
    Last edited by Carol Baynes; 3rd Jan 2008 at 12:22 AM.

  10. #10
    WhiteCrow Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Pip Madeley View Post
    It's interesting to see how different we all see things!
    Life would be perverse if we all enjoyed the same Jon Pertwee stories ...

  11. #11
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    Downstairs by the PC


    for Carol's list - some excellent choices there.

    I've just realised that I actually forgot one of my favourites, so I'm scandalously going to add it.

    10b. Castrovalva part 4

    It's the scene where the Doctor tries to explain to Mergrave about the occlusion. As Michael Sheard's character marks off his apothecary on the map, it's a haunting, heartbreaking, and horrifying moment, as the truth begins to hit.

    10c. Castrovalva part 4
    It's the scene where the Zero Cabinet is being solemnly escorted to the Portreeve. Not only is the music very stirring, I love the exchange between Tegan and Nyssa. "The Doctor's so heavy, he can't be levitating" "The history of Castrovalva" "All thirty volumes?!"

    10d. Castrovalva part 4 (for a change)

    And it's the scene between Shardovan and the Doctor, as the latter tries to work out the mistake with the books. Shardovan guides him towards the truth as he says, "The books are old... Yet they tell of the rise of Castrovalva up to the present day"

  12. #12
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    10b is a great one, Andrew, one of my favourites too. There's some great choices from Carol too. I was very tempted by the Dalek moment.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteCrowUK View Post
    ...and wanted to be him...
    ...he's an annoying prick...

    Well when you put it like that...

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Carol Baynes View Post

    "Go forward in all your beliefs..."
    the first Doctor's farewell to his grand-daughter at the end of "The Dalek invasion of Earth". The first piognant goodbye.
    It would be quite moving if it wasn't for the inescapable fact that he's just suddenly locking his beloved granddaughter out of the ship and abandoning her forever at the age of 16 (or is it 15?) with the first guy she gets a crush on. This would usually be a time to sit her down and have a talk about "taking precautions" or something, not leaving her to fend for herself with a guy she's only just met in a bomb site.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Curnow View Post
    10b. Castrovalva part 4

    It's the scene where the Doctor tries to explain to Mergrave about the occlusion. As Michael Sheard's character marks off his apothecary on the map, it's a haunting, heartbreaking, and horrifying moment, as the truth begins to hit.
    I much preferred this scene in the book. In the book Mergrave (and the other one) explain it all very matter of factly and don't see anything strange about the apothecary being located in several different places, and thinking the Doctor is a bit dim for not getting it. It makes the point that they are part of their world and it makes sense to them, but not to the "real" people from outside their word. Having them sort of semi-realise... but not really, in the televised version doesn't really make much sense in comparison. Or if it does make sense, I still don't think it's as good at any rate.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zbigniev Hamson View Post
    It would be quite moving if it wasn't for the inescapable fact that he's just suddenly locking his beloved granddaughter out of the ship and abandoning her forever at the age of 16 (or is it 15?) with the first guy she gets a crush on. This would usually be a time to sit her down and have a talk about "taking precautions" or something, not leaving her to fend for herself with a guy she's only just met in a bomb site.

    Given that Carole Ann Ford was leaving and it had to be this serial, we're meant to except that she's fallen in love and that the Doctor trusts this chap and the life he can offer her and in that context I stand by saying it's a great scene. But yep, they could have led up to it better. Plus if she's a time lord/lady I expect she's not actually 15. Or called Foreman. (Although admittedly, I'm being revisionist there, as the Doctor's heritage and age were a mystery in 1964).

    Dr. Who doesn't always offer us realistic drama, even in the context of it's own fantastical background. Time, money and the other restriants on resources in a programme made very quickly and cheaply mean that yes, a scene like that, and the events leading up to it, are not going to be perfect.

    At the end of the day, give me a chance to think of 20 best moments and I will be often seeing how Dr. Who is a cheap TV programme and not a consistently great drama. But, having said all that, I still think that is a great scene and because the production team always did the best with what little thay had, Dr. Who is a great programme

    But it is only a TV programme.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiHart View Post
    [B]1.3. School Reunion: My Sarah Jane
    I shed a tear or two. It felt right that Sarah finally gets a proper goodbye,
    Si xx

    she did in truth get a proprt good bye in Hand Of Fear, the last 10 minutes of episode 4 with Sarah, are for me one of the highlights of Sladen's time on the show, the chemistry and general warmth between her and Tom, is very evident and it's always a delight to watch.

    a lot of my favourite moments have already been mentioned and pretty much for the same reasons already given so i'm not going to repeat them but a few other favourites for me are

    Father's Day - When Pete realises he has to die and he is saying good bye to Rose, that moment when he sayes to Rose "Who am I" and she replies "your my daddy" always makes me feel emotional no matter how many times I watch it.

    Reserection of the Daleks - Tegan's departure is for me one of the sadest departures of all the companions - most companions have left because they wanted to settle in down - she left because she was tired of all the killing a very emotional departure.

    Parting of the Ways - "Have a fantastic life" - that moment when the recording of the Doctor turns round to Rose and says that absolutly fantastic.

    The Visitation - "drop the sonic device" - I love this story but don't we all share the Doctor's grief at the demise of the sonic screwdriver /.

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