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  1. #1
    Pip Madeley Guest

    Default Really Weird Food Habits

    Anyone here have weird tastes when it comes to food? Do you mix foods that don't normally go together? Do you add sauce to meals that don't need them? Do you eat crisp butties? (eww) Tell us about your food creations.

    I'm just eating a sausage and mayonnaise buttie. Yum yum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    I hate cheese. Apparently that is weird.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    My favourite sandwich filling (that isn't my missus & Nicola Bryant!) would be Peanut butter with strawberry jam & marmite. Apparently it's disgusting, but I love it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I've heard some people like eating slices of dead cow. That's just needlessly wacky.
    Dennis, Francois, Melba and Smasher are competing to see who can wine and dine Lola Whitecastle and win the contract to write her memoirs. Can Dennis learn how to be charming? Can Francois concentrate on anything else when food is on the table? Will Smasher keep his temper under control?

    If only the 28th century didn't keep popping up to get in Dennis's way...


    The eleventh annual Brenty Four serial is another Planet Skaro exclusive. A new episode each day until Christmas in the Brenty Four-um.

  5. #5
    WhiteCrow Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by SiHart View Post
    I hate cheese. Apparently that is weird.

    Si xx
    Not even Wensleydale?

    I'm sure I've seen you eating cheesecake before now ...

  6. #6
    Pip Madeley Guest


    I like soft cheese (Dairylea etc), but can't deal with hard cheese in blocks...

    I don't understand people who can drink warm milk either.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I used to have crips in cheese sandwiches once upon a time.

    I don't mind warm milk although I never really have it now. I can't stand luke warm tea or hot chocolate though. It needs to be hot but not burning hot.

    Not sure if this counts but I never bite into an apple. I have to have it cut up.

  8. #8
    Pip Madeley Guest


    I'm the same, cut up into bits, removing the core.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I like onion flavoured crisps but not actual onion. It's like selotape!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Fanboy Depot


    Some people like to dip it in marmite.

  11. #11
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Simon R View Post
    Not sure if this counts but I never bite into an apple. I have to have it cut up.
    I've been the same with peaches and nectarines ever since my mum bit into one to be greeted by the earwig-type thing which had taken up residence in said nectarine and wasn't too keen on her eating his home.

  12. #12
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Milky Tears View Post
    Some people like to dip it in marmite.
    Dip what? Or do I not want to know?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Ah, now is the time to mention my quite franky grotesque tomato ketchup addiction I guess...It's about time you all knew...But I have a (vague) excuse for it though...Picture the scene, a young Alex, aged all but six months, is refusing to eat baby food for the first time...he cries and whinges much to his mother's despair...until she adds ketchup to the baby food and I wolf it down, much to her delight.

    And ever since, pretty much every meal (bar the odd Chinese) I have had ketchup with it. Yup, Everything. Much to the annoyance of anyone who has ever cooked for me. The thing is that food just doesn't taste that nice without it to me. And I've tried a ketchup-less life, and simply not enjoyed eating the meal. I wish it wasn't like this, I really do, for I receive much mockery and disdain for it, but it genuinely is the case. The worst thing is that when I'm eating around other people I add the smallest amount I can, no one really knows that when I'm alone the amount I add is really pretty shocking!

    I've spoken to my psychologist friend about it though and she does blame my Mum, for basically never giving me food for the first five years of my life (before the decision was really mine, basically) which didn't have ketchup on it. And one day I'd like to give it up. One day...
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  14. #14
    WhiteCrow Guest


    The Hawaiian omelette - eggs, bacon, cheese, pineapple - you know you want it!

  15. #15
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Ah, now is the time to mention my quite franky grotesque tomato ketchup addiction I guess...It's about time you all knew...But I have a (vague) excuse for it though...Picture the scene, a young Alex, aged all but six months, is refusing to eat baby food for the first time...he cries and whinges much to his mother's despair...until she adds ketchup to the baby food and I wolf it down, much to her delight.

    And ever since, pretty much every meal (bar the odd Chinese) I have had ketchup with it. Yup, Everything. Much to the annoyance of anyone who has ever cooked for me. The thing is that food just doesn't taste that nice without it to me. And I've tried a ketchup-less life, and simply not enjoyed eating the meal. I wish it wasn't like this, I really do, for I receive much mockery and disdain for it, but it genuinely is the case. The worst thing is that when I'm eating around other people I add the smallest amount I can, no one really knows that when I'm alone the amount I add is really pretty shocking!

    I've spoken to my psychologist friend about it though and she does blame my Mum, for basically never giving me food for the first five years of my life (before the decision was really mine, basically) which didn't have ketchup on it. And one day I'd like to give it up. One day...
    Whilst never wanting to be disdainful or patronizing or anything like that, if you were in a postion where you couldn't actually get any tomato ketchup to put on your food, then you'd have to manage without it, or starve.
    You just have to put yourself in that position, mentally.
    You would get used to it. Like i've got used to not eating at least 3 bars of chocolate everyday. I love chocolate with a passion. Probably even more than beer! But i only have it occasionaly now because i've exercised my will.
    I'm not condemning you. There's a lot worse things in life than that! But if you personally want to stop than you just have simply make that choice and do it.

    Actually that still all does sound terribly disdainful & patronizing doesn't it? But i don't mean it that way.

    As for me, the nearest thing i can think of is the fact that i like tomato soup, tomato sauce, & tinned tomatos, but i can't stand fresh tomatos. I always take it off my salad when i get served it. It's horrible.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Tsk, so patronising.

    But yeah, you're absolutely right, it's just that with my cooking it really needs something like ketchup to save the day too! I do intend to cut back though, and hopefully eventually my taste buds will go back to a place where they've forgotten how lovely ketchup is!

    Edit: And yep, like you, the irony is that I don't like fresh tomatoes either!
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  17. #17
    Wayne Guest


    What about tinned?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I'm just like you with tomatoes as well, Wayne. What are the odds...?

    On top of which, the only water I can drink is tap water - not bottled.

  19. #19
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    I once encountered someone who wouldn't eat anything on her plate if it had touched anything else. By this I mean the peas, the chips etc. all had to be seperate, and not encroaching on each other. If they touched on the plate, then she wouldn't eat either. It was bizarre.

    I try not to have ketchup now, for the same reason I don't have sugar in tea. It's just a sweetener (of sorts) which you grow to think is enhancing the flavour of the food; in fact, it's not, it's just making you taste the ketchup instead of the food - the replacement taste that you automatically think you like, because it's just sugar. I prefer the taste of the food!


  20. #20
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    Isle of Wight


    Peanut Butter, Jam, Banana and Ready Salted crisps on a sandwich may taste revolting, but trust me, it taste's great.

  21. #21
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    Yup, even tinned!

    It might be a strangeness that sort of runs in the family, as my Sister uses unholy amounts of garlic in the food she cooks. When we lived together at my Mum's she could be cooking downstairs and I'd be upstairs in my room (with the door shut) and yet the stench of it would make my eyes water.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Southern IL, USA


    I like slices of dead cow. Also chunks, or ground up. Also dead pig, dead chicken, dead turkey, dead fish, occasionally dead deer...

    My weird thing I guess is that I don't usually eat 'breakfast foods'. For breakfast I usually eat the same things that most people reserve for later meals. Usually I have microwave dinners for breakfast.

    When I was a kid I used to rank all the food on my plate by most to least appetizing, then I would eat all of one thing before moving on to another working my way from least appetizing and saving the most appetizing thing for last. I wouldn't eat a bite of one thing then a bite of another, it was always one thing at a time.

    I still won't eat soggy bread. Soggy bread is a thing of the devil. (stuffing is usually okay though as it is dry enough not to have the same texture .

  23. #23
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    I have to admit, chip butties are just gorgeous.


  24. #24
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    Southern IL, USA


    I was going through a phase awhile back where I was turning everything into a sandwich... a Pork chop, mashed potatos, and corn was one...

  25. #25
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post

    When I was a kid I used to rank all the food on my plate by most to least appetizing, then I would eat all of one thing before moving on to another working my way from least appetizing and saving the most appetizing thing for last. I wouldn't eat a bite of one thing then a bite of another, it was always one thing at a time.
    Save the best 'til last? I still do to an extent.

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