Coming this Saturday August 9th, to Planet Skaro! Our Season draws to its conclusion with...

The Paradise Machine
by Martin Penny

We step forward in time in our adventures now. The Doctor's travels with Ed are over, and he has picked up his old friends Rob and Nick from their galactic tour of Peladon, Florana and The Ice Chambers of Klrix. But don't worry - we may just dip back into the past sometime and see how the Doctors travels with Ed panned out. Meanwhile...

The TARDIS has landed on the Golden Moon Space Station. The Doctor recalls it as the largest entertainment station in the Universe (but maybe he was just fond of the Batternburg). He may have got the time wrong, as on this visit it's being patrolled by murderous Mark 4 Galactic Security Robots and playing host to a myriad of rich visitors, from pop stars to politicians...

What's really going on aboard the Golden Moon? What are the plans of Leckard, the insane Station Controller selling tickets to Paradise? And can the Doctor save Rob and Nick from the lure of their own desires?


You may think Martin Penny's contribution to this season had finished as we wave a temporary goodbye to Edward Bradley, but The Paradise Machine is his writing debut. It stars Paul Monk as Doctor Who, reunited with David Tudor as Nick and Steven Alexander as the ever-lovable Rob. Also starring are Alex Finch as Controller Leckard, Ant Cox as Mills with Simon Hart as Thrace and Pip Madeley as the iconic Baron of Boralis. Not forgetting (would you believe it) Martin Penny as Tor Garane. Some old chancer called Si Hunt produces the adventure.

So sit tight, head for the stars and strap yourself into The Paradise Machine this Saturday - free to download exclusively here on PS!

Oh and check back soon for news of the physical CD release, and some very special extra features!
