Thread: Star Wars dvds

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    A pineapple under the sea.

    Default Star Wars dvds

    (I thought about where to post this but if I put it in the wrong place, please do move it.)

    I'm looking at what seems like a lot of different Star Wars episodes IV-VI dvds, with various degrees of remastering. Are there any versions on dvd which are the original theatrical movies, or if not, can anybody recommend the best dvd box set o buy?

  2. #2
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    The North


    The new box sets have the original theatrical versions on one of the sets, and they were included in one of the sets issued immediately previous to these.

    Previous to that they had never been released on DVD before (obviously appearing on non-digital video only).

    The re-vamped versions are generally better in the context of the whole 6 episodes. I do love the planet/Death Star explosions and the end of "Jedi" look smore suitably epic.
    Sadly the end music of "jedi" isn't as good and having Hayden Christensen in the final spirit scene doesn't make much sense, as Anakin didn't look like that when he died and redeemed himself (to be consistent with Obi-Wan and Yoda's elder appearances).

  3. #3
    WhiteCrow Guest


    Yeah - it's typical with Star Wars - you wait over 6 years for it to be released on shiny disk, then they put out a brand new version every year.

    I think I ended up getting it three times on video (pan and scan, then went widescreen, then the remastered effects version). So far only once on DVD. So far.

    Me and my son don't agree on this, but I say Han shot first, and the evidence has been subsequently doctored!!!

  4. #4
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    I have it 3 times each on video as well. The original releases, wide screen & the remastered versions.

    I have them on DVD as well. @the Han change.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2006


    I have the 2 disc versions that have the original theatrical versions as extras on the second disc.

    This is the first disc of these versions. You can pick them up quite cheaply now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    A pineapple under the sea.


    Thankyou for this, I'll be getting those Paul, as soon as I get paid! Ta!

  7. #7


    Am I right in thinking that the "original" theatrical versions are non-anamorphic?

    (Also, that it's not really the original version of the first film?)

  8. #8


    I do actually find that most of the changes made in the special editions either don't really bother me (more CGI creatures, different Emporer in ESB) or help to improve the films (most notably, the painting out of the matte lines. This simple enhancement really improves things like the Rancour).

    Really, the only thing that bugs me is the Greedo thing. But, I think that bugs most people.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatso the wombat View Post
    Really, the only thing that bugs me is the Greedo thing. But, I think that bugs most people.
    Yep, that's the bit I REALLY HATE. Other than that, I'm happy with the fiddling that went on.

  10. #10
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    The ones Paul recommends are the ones I have too- I think HMV had them in the 3 for ?20 sometime last year. I still haven't managed to get more than 20 minutes into Attack of the Clones so I tend to ignore the last (first) three.

  11. #11
    WhiteCrow Guest


    I'm surprised there's not a 6 film box set, special edition, now with even more modified special effects.

    Probably due in 2009.

  12. #12
    Dave Lewis Guest


    I hate myself for buying them; but I did. I hate myself for sucking George Lucas' flabby, overwrought-with-too-many-dollars cock and buying the DVDs with the original theatrical releases on, even though the other disc of the two-part set for each film contained the special edition that I already owned... but I did. And you know what; it almost matters to me. And for that state of apathy as regards to something that was important to me as a kid I will gladly grab onto Lucas' beard and pull it really hard next time he comes around for a cup of coffee and that non-existent food that the Skywalkers are eating at breakfast.

    It's all a massive myth, this - I got an Amazon voucher for Christmas the year before last - or was it last year? - and got the tin box edition for absolutely nothing. But I still want to pull George's beard to see if the Luke Starkiller script where everything that happened in the six films was planned from the beginning falls out.

  13. #13
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    A pineapple under the sea.


    I typed in Star Wars Trilogy Original on the hmv site and all it offered was lego sets...

  14. #14
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    I avoid Star Wars Lego on the suspicion that it looks far too addictive. You start off with a little speeder bike and before you know it, your entire living room has been transformed into a recreation of the battle on the frozen planet Hoth.

  15. #15
    Wayne Guest


    I've just got the Star Wars Trilogy box set that came out a few years ago. I'm not bothered about having the original theatrical versions or whatever. I actually like all the 'new' bits with Jabba & wotnot.

  16. #16
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    I like Jabba, not so keen on Watnot.

    My favourite new bit, silly though it sounds, is the shot of the Falcon taking off from Mos Eisley. In the original that was a bit 'something of nothing' but in the SE it's a really exciting moment when we see it lift up, with the Stormtroopers around it.

    The inclusion of some Biggs moments was odd though, since it still didn't really explain who the heck he was.

  17. #17


    I'm terribly sorry to see all you Star Wars fans getting fleeced

  18. #18
    Wayne Guest


    But i have only ever owned 1 version of each of the 4 Star Wars movies that i like, & i got them for a damn good price, so i personally haven't been 'fleeced'.

    And i've never paid good money for tat like 'The Saint' either, so i'm a winner all round.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatso the wombat View Post
    Am I right in thinking that the "original" theatrical versions are non-anamorphic?

    (Also, that it's not really the original version of the first film?)
    Yes, you're right! The original prints of "Star Wars" do not include the "Episode IV- A NEW HOPE" sub-title. Once the film was a sucess and Luca fel the might be able to do more he boldly edited subsequent prints to include it, as early as the 1978 re-issue I believe. So whether or not you saw that first version or not really depends on how early you got to see it at the cinemas.
    However, it's always worth pointing out that what are now Episodes I to III did not exist in script form back then and were largely written as those films were produced. All Lucas had was a vague outline of the Republic, The Clone Wars, the end of the Jedi, the rise of Palpatine and something called "The journal of the Whills" which will be familiar to anyone who's read Alan Dean Foster's novelisation of "Star Wars" from 1976 (credited to Lucas). All fascinating stuff!

    Bottom line- Lucas was making it up as he went along!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Curnow View Post
    The inclusion of some Biggs moments was odd though, since it still didn't really explain who the heck he was.
    That mildly annoys me too, Andrew. There is a scene (actually filmed) of Luke, Biggs and some other friends including Windy (I think she was called, and was played by Koo Stark) at the Bachi Station (or whatever the heck it's called ). Luke has been watching the clear skies with his binoculars and has picked out flashes of light he believes to be a space battle (actually the Star Destroyer persuing the Rebel ship). None of his cynical mates believe Luke and take the piss out of him and his wild fantasies. There is also a reflective chat with Biggs who is saying goodbye before he goes off to the Academy to become a space pilot.

    If all that was reinstated it would make more sens eof who Biggs is later on and what he meant to Luke. It also gives Luke more of a back story and depth than in the original vesrion, which is no bad thing.

    Edited to say- I've done a bit of digging on Youtube.

    Here's the deleted scenes with Biggs! You see- I wasn't making it up!
    Last edited by Carol Baynes; 22nd Nov 2008 at 4:36 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie McCrimmon View Post
    I typed in Star Wars Trilogy Original on the hmv site and all it offered was lego sets...
    Apparently if you re-create the first trilogy using Lego it looks more like the original theatrical versions than the revamped films do.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    And i've never paid good money for tat like 'The Saint' either, so i'm a winner all round.
    Give me Roger's version of Star Wars anyday

  22. #22
    WhiteCrow Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph View Post
    I'm terribly sorry to see all you Star Wars fans getting fleeced
    Yeah BBC Enterprises never does that to Doctor Who fans!

  23. #23
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    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Apparently if you re-create the first trilogy using Lego it looks more like the original theatrical versions than the revamped films do.
    Hee hee!

    Then there's the Star Wars Lego Computer Games, which are far truer to the original spirit of the films than any of the movies that were ever released ever. Get those instead!

    We re-watched Empire Strikes Back on the theatrical version release a few weeks ago. The film was excellent, throughly enjoyable and engrossing. But they could have done a little bit more cleaning.
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

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