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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire

    Default Dalek Questionnaire

    Now that we’ve had several New Series stories featuring Skaro’s finest, here’s a few questions to ponder regarding the Daleks from their original appearance through to their most recent.

    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    9.Should Davros return again?

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Birmingham, UK


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    I think they look much better, I hated how, after the 60s, the Daleks didn't look like they were made of metal. They looked really badly painted, and like they were about to fall apart at any minute.

    The new series has also been treating them like proper 'characters', and hasn't forgotten that the Daleks actually plot and scheme and can feel some emotions, and Nicholas Briggs voice adds a great deal.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    Probably the 60s - though they are certainly very popular still.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    I'm tempted to say 'Dalek', as it shows just how dangerous they are. I think they are probably at their most menacing in 'The Dalek Invasion of Earth'.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    They come across as a bunch of bumbling idiots in 'The Chase', although I do have a fondness for the story.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    Lots to choose from, but their extermination of Davros and rise to power at the end of 'Genesis of the Daleks' is one of their strongest, alongside the Dalek rampage in 'Dalek'.

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    I think their biggest success is just how memorable they have become, EVERYBODY knows what a Dalek is.

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    I think we probably are, and hopefully they will be given a rest now. I think the S4 finale would have been much better if it had been the first time we had seen the Daleks since 'Parting of the Ways'.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    I think they are, but only because they keep being used in situations that can only end in their complete and total destruction. And we keep getting lots of shots of them exploding at the end of each episode they appear in.

    9.Should Davros return again?

    Definately. I'm of the opinion that he's the greatest enemy the Doctor has. But I think they need to seperate him from the Daleks, he's a villain in his own right, and works best when he's talking to real people. Julian Bleach was brilliant in the role as well.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    I'd quite like to see them not being completely wiped out again, and maintaining a presence in the universe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    well I think all our jaws hit the floor during Dalek when it's center section started swiviling round that one upgrade for me finally made you believe that these were a truely fearome all conquring race.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    I would say the 1960's - simply because they saved Doctor Who and made it what is is.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    hard to say I'd say it's a toss up between The Daleks and Genesis.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    Revelation of the Daleks, hate the characters it's full of plot holes and vastly over rated.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    greatest moment for me is when they turn on Davros, in Genesis and exterminate him

    biggest failure needing humans to fight their battles

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    the biggest success is the sale of the merchandise .

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?


    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    well to much of a good thing is bad and the more you see them there is a danger of stories becoming repetitive and stale

    9.Should Davros return again? -

    yes but not for a few series

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    well the cyberman fell through the void so it's inevitable thats how the next Dalek story will explain their appearence

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?
    Well, it's clearly been successful in terms of how the kids of today have taken to it. I think it's a bit much to claim that the new team have redesigned it so that it's so vastly superior to the old series - granted, some of the mid-80s Daleks looked a bit tatty, but the sixties ones, and the white ones in Remembrance look (IMHO) just as good as the Daleks of today.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?
    Ooh, tricky. They had a huge impact in the 1960s, but it's just amazing for lightning to strike twice and for them to have become so huge again in the 2000s. I'm going to say the 2000s, as I can't vouch for the 1960s on the grounds of being born in 1971...

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?
    Destiny. And quite simply, because it was my first.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?
    The Chase, because it's just so absolutely awful. It is just so bad on so many levels.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?
    Surely their greatest 'moment' is when they conquer the Earth. I find that simple shot on the riverbank just such a stark and powerful moment: "We are the masters of Earth, we are the masters of Earth, we are the masters of Earth."

    Their biggest failure is suddenly becoming hugely dependant on Davros in later years. Or alternatively, failing to exterminate the Doctor when he stands there saying "Exterminate me" in, for example, Evolution of the Daleks. Never mind listening to him guys, just fire!!!

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?
    Biggest success - is their anybody who doesn't know what one is? It's just a part of daily life, of popular culture, a national term of reference. What a triumph!

    Biggest disappointment, rather anally perhaps, is the inaccuracy of the Dapol Dalek - I love my little red one to bits, but I can never overlook the fact that it has a 'breast bulge' where it should not. Still, considering Dapol's other mistakes, I suppose the Dalek actually got off quite lightly...

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?
    Yes. And more troublingly, they seem to be ever easier to dispose of. The 'unstoppable killing machine' of "Dalek" is already reduced in stature by the time of "Journey's End" so that a flick of the switch destroys every Dalek in existence. Again.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?
    Yes, see above.

    9.Should Davros return again?
    Erm... I actually don't rate Davros quite as highly as some. I like what BF did with him in "Davros" in that the Daleks didn't feature at all, but I'm not sure the TV show could get away with something like that. I think really, and without taking anything away from what the various actors have done with him, he's long since run his course as a character. JE didn't really add anything to the character, it was just good to see him again after such a long time.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?
    Back into the mists of myth and legend. What we really want is a few Dalek-free seasons, so that the audience actually wants them back, and even begins to wonder if they ever will come back. Then the time will be right for just a whisper of their return to filter out to the press, and just a brief flash of them in a mid-season episode before a dramatic season finale return. But genuinely, I don't think 3, 4, even 5 years off will do them any harm. Hopefully Moffat doesn't like them and won't use them, but we'll see...

  5. #5


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    Yes, they look battle worn, not dusted down after being kept in the BBC storeroom.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    Probably the 60's although the 2000s has been a bit of a reboot.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    Dalek from the new series as it's basically a Vietnam-ish story about survivors and even the Doctor learns something!

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    Day Of The Daleks, there's only three and the BBC has lost the voice changing metal grille thingy.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    For me it's the cliffhanger to Rememberance of The Daleks part one and the biggest failure is The Chase's Dalek pilot!

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    Entering the public imagination and disappointment is giving 15th-rate comics material for their puny routines.

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?


    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?


    9.Should Davros return again?

    Give it a couple of years. (I'd give it 5 minutes if I were you Davros!)

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    It'll be a while before we see them as a huge unstoppable invading force. (famous last words) But they've already done "Dalek" so... don't know.

  6. #6
    Pip Madeley Guest


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?
    They certainly look much better, particularly the addition of the remote controlled 'head' which makes life easier for the operator and the overall effect much more realistic. CGI has helped too, obviously. The voices are much better too thanks to Nick Briggs; although I like Roy Skelton the Daleks had never sounded absolutely "right" since 'Evil of the Daleks' (with the exception of Wisher's voices for Planet/Death).

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?
    I don't really know, I wasn't born until 1985. But the impact they've made in the last few years has surprised me - I see Daleks everywhere (not in a shadapavolva TARDIS-esque way) in shops, on all sorts of merchandise... it was weird at first, but now it's normal.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?
    I'd say The Power of the Daleks because they're dangerous, clever and bloody devious in the way they get what they want by manipulating human nature (I was pleased to see that streak re-emerged in 2005's Dalek).

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?
    Day Of The Daleks - their big comeback was rubbish! The voices were wrong, the props looked tatty and the big climax to the story made them look pathetic.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?
    The sight of thousands of Daleks at the end of 'Bad Wolf' was pretty spectacular. The sight of three Daleks at the end of 'Day of the Daleks' was spectacularly bad.

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?
    The fact that they've captured the imagination of a generation of children forty years after they first appeared. That's success. As for disappointment, seeing them used in that KitKat advert was a low...

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?
    Yes, and as Andrew said their impact has lessened as a result.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?
    Just said that.

    9.Should Davros return again?
    Definitely, but in a story where we get more of the darker aspects of the character and less of the ranting lunatic.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?
    Not a clue! But I'm sure they'll be back. Just hopefully not soon, give them a well-earned rest like they did in 1968-71.

  7. #7


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    I think it's a better design. Although having said that 90% of the design is the same anyway, it just looks a little less wobbly. The things that have been totally new, like the Emperor and the Dalek Supreme (or whatever the red one was called) have been less succesddful.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    I wasn't alive in the 60s, but they had two feature films made about them then, and songs released about them, so I would have to say the 60s.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    Power of the Daleks. It was the first Dalek story to put a bit of a spin on things, by having them in the weaker position for once and having to use their brains. The way that they manage that, and manipulate all the petty jealousies and ambitions of the humans to get their way, is done very well, telling us something about ourselves and making us appear even worse than Daleks. The fact that they nearly blow it all by letting the Doctor goad them into showing their true nature is a great moment too, as is the way this is totally ignored by the humans who just don't want to see the truth. The audience knows all along what is going to happen, and what is really going on. It's a tragedy in the truest sense. Never bettered.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    Daleks in Manhatten. Because it's f***ing awful.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    Blasting Tip Tipping to death in Remembrance of the Daleks, because I was 9 and it was cool. The biggest failure would have to be chanting "Exterminate" over and over and over on the radio as they approached the Earth in The Stolen Earth, because it made them look like complete retards.

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    Managing to get 2 feature films of their very own has to be seen as some sort of triumph. Most of the things in those films would probably be the biggest disappointments though. Apart from Daleks in Manhattan.

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?


    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    I don't know. They're certainly losing their credibility.

    9.Should Davros return again?

    Probably yes.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    No doubt an entire new race of them will be created spuriously out of thin air, only to be totally erased from history 90 minutes later.

  8. #8
    Dave Lewis Guest


    Now that we’ve had several New Series stories featuring Skaro’s finest, here’s a few questions to ponder regarding the Daleks from their original appearance through to their most recent.

    I apologise in advance for all this rambling; usually I'd just delete it before posting - as I've done on numerous occasions - but this time it's taken so long I might as well leave it and just allow the whatsits to fall on the thingummy.

    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    The only thing I've ever agreed with Jon Pertwee on - although there may be other topics whereby we concur; alas we never ever met so I will never know - is how rubbish the Daleks are. There is absolutely nothing about them that either scares me, intrigues me, or interests me in any way, shape or form. I actually really liked "Jubilee" because it showed the absolute limitation of the Daleks as characters; why not have an army of armchairs with gravelly voices attacking you? Ugly, unwieldly, and utterly unworthy of anything. Any success that 'Doctor Who' has enjoyed has been in spite of the Daleks, not because of them,

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    Obviously the sixties. Their appearances in the new series have been mainly - no, sorry; utterly - bollocks. Surely there was never any need - except to splurge money at the Nation estate - to bring them back in the first place. They're rubbish and any half-decent writer could produce a better, less one-dimensional alien horror if they were given half the chance.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    Remembrance Of The Daleks; but not because of the Dalek bits - in spite of them.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    What will cause the most controversy to lay into? Probably Genesis... what a load of overdrawn rubbish that is. Or how about The Daleks? It's better in the novelisation... or possibly the film. Actually, Doomsday. Everything that's good about the new series can be summed up in the closing stages of this story; everything that's shit can be summed up by the bits with the Daleks and the Cybermen.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    Day of the Daleks, which would have been equally as impressive if there were no Daleks in it whatsoever... except it wouldn't; those gosh-darned pepperpots seem to have changed history - except they haven't at all; it's those pesky rebels who did it all.

    Their biggest failure is not being totally destroyed at any point in their history when apparently they were totally destroyed.

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    The biggest success has been convincing generation upon generation that the Daleks are somehow important or relevant; the biggest disappointment has been their existence.

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    Absolutely. Their appearances became increasingly cowardly and lazy; which meant that what might almost have actually been a decent Dalek story - Daleks in Manhattan; at least they're doing something - became, by virtue of their over exposure, a story so atrocious it made Planet Of The Daleks look inspired. Actually, I'd better shut up... this argument is akin to saying that The King's Demons is a decent Master story because he's not trying to take over the universe, he's trying to do something vaguely dull.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    The law - is it a law? - of diminishing returns has never been more apposite. They were shit and are getting shitter. When's the Cybermen version of this questionnaire? Surely the virtue of the Daleks - the sole virtue - is that they're not as awful as the Cybermen?

    9.Should Davros return again?

    No; he makes the Daleks even shitter than they are. It's one thing trying to believe they're an unstoppable, amoral, unarguable universal force. It's quite another to try and stomach a rubbishy ranting creator trying to say he's better than they are. Davros' best moment was being killed by his creations - in an actually quite good Dalek moment - because they couldn't stomach the idea that anyone was better than they were. Davros' diminishing returns are even crapper than those of his creations.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    I couldn't care less about them; hopefully they simply end up in Dalek Empire audios in perpetuity, where the people who like their existence can enjoy them. Or are forgotten about forever and Terry Nation is remembered for Survivors or Blakes Seven. Sorry, Raymond P Cusick... you designed something shit and - worse - wanted to be remembered for it. Sometimes, it's better to remain schtum.

    Sorry, what was the question again? Was it about Terry Nation's hairpiece? Rubbish.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    It' s a lot better. The voices are more menacing too.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    Hard to say. They terrified a whole new generation both times...but al least this time we were forewarned.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    Um...either Resurrection of the Daleks or Renaissance of the Daleks. I think Peter Davison really comes into his own against them.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    Bleh, probably Day of the Daleks. Because Jon Pertwee said so.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    Their biggest failure was the Reality Bomb, since it would have solved ALL their problems. Their biggest success was most likely managing to actually conquer Gallifrey in The Apocalypse Element.

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    The answer to both of them: The Peter Cushing films.

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    Well, they are popping up a lot more often than they used to, but i think it's good that the kiddies watching know there's something to look forward to every year.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    Certainly not.

    9.Should Davros return again?

    Only as Terry Molloy.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    Davros used an emergency temporal shift, and he'll let all the daleks out of the void, repopulate Skaro and do some evil stuff.
    For every fail, there is an equal and opposite win.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?
    They didn’t need much to update them…the way they were written in Series 1, combined with the swivelling middle section, was all that was needed to make them the ruthless killing machines that they were always intended to be.

    When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?
    Probably the sixties, although it could be close…I’ve been surprised just how popular they’ve been since the new series began

    What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?
    My favourite is probably the original Hartnell serial, despite perhaps being an episode or so too long. It was the story which started the whole alien monster side of the series, after all. Although if either of the 2 Troughton stories existed, hopefully they would have a strong case for the top slot. They're both excellent stories all the same.

    And what’s the worst? Why?
    Again, it’s hard to choose…all the classic series stories after Genesis tend to blend together in my mind, particularly those after Destiny. The only notable thing about Remembrance is the cliffhanger from episode 1. I regard these stories as dull rather than bad, though…I suppose the one I think is the worst is possibly Resurrection.

    What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what do you regard as their biggest failure?

    I’m with everyone else on this one…the way that they have become so ingrained into the public’s conciousness…you needn’t ever have seen a single episode of Doctor Who to know what a Dalek is; however this fame has also had a flipside…the way that they became figures to poke fun at rather than the evil monsters they were supposed to be. That Kit-Kat advert was the final straw…

    What’s their greatest moment, and what’s the biggest disappointment?

    Greatest moment: In ‘Dalek’…the first scene where the Doctor meets the captive Dalek, and the Dalek realises who he is…
    Disappointment: Nostalgically, it has to be 'Day Of The Daleks'…this was my first experience of them as a child, and it was a decent enough story as well…too bad about the realisation of the Daleks, though…that really was the weak link in the story!

    Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    Are they losing their impact with each successive return?
    The Stolen Earth halted what appeared to be a case of diminishing returns with each story after Bad Wolf/TPOTW…but still didn’t manage to scale the heights of the Series 1 stories.

    Should Davros return again?
    Not for a few years…if the Daleks were to return I’d rather see them on their own rather than with Davros. That was the problem with the character in the original series for me…overuse.

    Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?
    Hopefully they’ll fade away for a few years to be brought back when we’re actually ready to see them again, rather than having them rammed down our throats each year. I suppose it will depend on how much the BBC paid Terry Nation’s estate though, and how long the deal was to last for. There’s no point in paying for something then not using it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    I think they look much more dangerous now than they ever did before!

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    The 60s definately! Dalekmania anyone?

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    Genesis is a classic, and Dalek is just stunning!

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    The Chase is pointless in almost every way.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    Greatest - 'We Are THe Masters of Earth'
    Failure - Menacing Romana in Destiny!

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    Success - Global recognition
    Disappointment - Only one appearance of the 'Special Weapons Dalek'

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?


    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    Not necessarily

    9.Should Davros return again?

    Yes Julian Bleach was excellent

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    Hibernation for a couple of years, then back with a bang!
    One Day, I shall come back, Yes, I shall come back,
    Until them, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties, Just go forward in all your beliefs,
    and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine!

  12. #12


    I'd like to change my answer to the most disappointing thing about the Daleks:

    It's got to be that bit in Death To The Daleks when one of them has a breakdown after Jill escapes.
    Even without your exterminator being able to fire, your still one of the most advanced battle machines the galaxy has ever seen!
    Get over it!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    Very successful I think in general. I like the way they subtly updated the design making them chunkier and more "real" somehow. I wasn't sure about the bronze look but it seems to have worked fine.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    Although they've been great this time round, the big impact has to tbe the 60s. I don't think we'd all be talking about Doctor Who now 45 years later without them.

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    I still love Genesis of the Daleks. I watched it when i was ill a few weeks back and I thoroughly enjoyed it despite it being familiar. I suppose what makes it work is the attention their creation got given in the story- how it seemed almost inevitable from the situation- from the war comes something utterly devoted to waging war on "lesser" species. Despite the Daleks being barely in it, it is all about them and what they will become.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    The Chase. It's an inept story that's ineptly made. Sending the most useless Dalek Taskforce ever after the Doctor was a bit of a mistake.

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    I think the greatest moment is their brilliant return in "Dalek" which did everything right- showed them to a huge, brilliant, evil force that survives no matter what. It took them from being a joke on a Kit-Kat ad to being right back where they should be.
    Biggest failure? Not being able to invade Earth for very long every time they try!

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    Getting a stamp. No really, that's a huge accolade and shows that even when Doctor Who was at its lowest ebb of popularity, the Daleks were still a huge cultural force in the UK.

    The biggest failure is still not being able to shake the "can't go upstairs" "jokes"

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    Once a year isn't really too much, but I agree with the others that a break would be good.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    Sort of, but only because each time it seems we have to have a bigger and bigger more unstoppable Dalek force that has to be defeated. Some smaller scale Dalek stories would do them good for a bit of variety.

    9.Should Davros return again?

    Yes, but maybe without the Daleks like some of the best Big Finish stories.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    It's difficult to say. I think, as I said, maybe we need to go back to small Dalek taskforces working on smaller scales. No grand universal plans- they always go wrong for them.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  14. #14
    Wayne Guest


    1.How successful has the 'revamp' (if you can call it that) of the Daleks been...has it improved any on the original series model?

    Visually, the new chunkier look is an obvious improvement, though i'm slightly less keen on the bigger lights. Briggs' voices are brilliant.

    2.When do you think they made a bigger impact…in the 1960s or 2000s?

    The 60's. Dalekmania!

    3.What do you reckon is the best Dalek story of them all? Why?

    Well my favourite is 'Genesis', but is that really a 'dalek' story in the sense that you mean?
    After that it would be 'Planet', because of all the Red Hot Dalek Action! (© Rob McCow) Or even 'Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways'.

    4.And what’s the worst? Why?

    Does 'Stolen Earth/Journey's End' count? Why? Isn't it obvious?

    5.What’s their greatest moment (within the confines of the stories as broadcast, not their impact on tv or culture or anything else outside the fictional world of Doctor Who) and what’s their biggest failure?

    I've always loved the speech at the end of 'Genesis', & the extermination of the Section Leader by the Dalek Supreme in Planet. There's something about their ruthlessness that appeals!
    Biggest failure? - Even i think that their overuse in the new series has diminished their effect. They came across really poor in Stolen Earth/Journey's End.

    6.What do you think has been the biggest success regarding the Daleks in any way, shape or form and what do you regard as the biggest disappointment?

    Biggest success - Hard to pinpoint one thing. They came into being just at the right time, i suppose it's their unique design that's given them their enduring success.
    Biggest disappointment - Never mind the voices in 'Day' - the voices in DIOE are rubbish.

    7.Are we seeing too much of them in the New Series?

    Sadly, i have to say yes.

    8.Are they losing their impact with each successive return?

    Yes. More because of poor writing than anything.

    9.Should Davros return again?

    Yes. Because he was one of the best things about SE/JE, but because everything & the kitchen sink had to be shoehorned in, the character didn't really do much. He needs a proper story.

    10.Where do you see the Daleks going from here (ie after the events of S4)?

    Who knows. In spite of everything, i'd like to see them back at some point, because they can still be great when well written for.
    Last edited by Wayne; 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:02 PM.

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