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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    South Wales

    Default The Shadow in the North (formerly Ruby in the Smoke)

    I thought we'd have had a thread for this, did no one watch it?

    I thought it was very good, a very moody period piece, lots of intrigue and murder, mystery and a bit of suspense.
    Billie Piper was very good as the heroine, she played her part with a kind of moody understatement perfectly in keeping with the mood of the piece. Julie Walters was good too, one of the best roles I've seen her, nice to see her in a part like this with no comedy element, she was as brutal a villainess as they come.
    I'll be looking forward to a series of this, should be very good.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Morning Steve!

    I watched it, admittedly mainly to see how Billie did. I thought she was very good, in that she was very different in a different part to how she was in Who. The story itself, and even some of the production values, seemed to be all over the place I felt - I'm pretty sure the books are generally well-regarded, so maybe the book had to be heavily trimmed to fit the slot? There were some big revelations in the story (the cracking of the code by Julie Walters, who was fab; the truth over Sally's parentage) which were over in a flash with no sense of drama at all. I even felt that the first scene between photographer chappie and Sally was lamely directed - he directs her towards some trees we can't see, while they discuss some beautifully-coloured scenery that we also can't see. And I'm still not sure - did the chap off the boat who ended up with his throat cut go to Mrs Holland deliberately, or was it all just a hugely massive coincidence?

    It was watchable in a Christmassy sort of way, but I have to admit I only stuck with it for Billie and Julie Walters (and even the latter's death scene felt a bit forced).

    HST, by coincidence Zel got the other three books in the series for Christmas, so I am at least tempted enough to read the second one and see whether the novels are more involving.

  3. #3
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    Parts of it were good.

    The same parts were also good in 'The Sign of Four' and 'The Moonstone'.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Not having read any Philip Pullman before, I watched this last night, and thought it was quite enjoyable. Fast-paced (if a little too rushed at times), dark and full of gloriously seedy Victorian detail, this made an engaging little tale for Christmas.

    Our Billie was excellent, proving (as if proof were needed) that there are more strings to her bow than just Rose Tyler, while Julie Walters was a brilliant as you'd expect her to be.

    I see that there is another Sally Lockhart drama planned ('The Shadow In The North' I think?) so I shall look forward to that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The Fanboy Depot


    Is this thread worth another shot? Did anyone else watch The Shadow in the North?

    Was Dave looking forward to it all year?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Lovely as Billie is, I have to admit I didn't want to get to the end and feel I'd wasted another 90 minutes of my life. So I didn't watch it (actually, that's not 100% true, I did catch the very, very final scene by the river). Sorry Ms Piper!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Milky Tears View Post
    Was Dave looking forward to it all year?
    I was looking forward to it so much...

    ... I taped it, and will have a look when I get a chance.

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