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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default You're Nixed - "The Bill" Cancelled!

    Can they do this?! Isn't there some law?

    The Bill's current longest-serving character PC Tony Stamp has been axed from the series after nearly 22 years, Digital Spy can confirm.

    Graham Cole - who made his first appearance as Tony in September 1987 - will leave the long-running series later this year after producers decided that the police officer "doesn't fit" the show's "new 'dynamic'".

    In an email to fan site Stampers, Cole said: "How do I tell you this? As my official website, I have to inform the 'Stampers' the management have decided that PC Tony Stamp will not be a part of the new nine o'clock show.

    He continued: "I cannot tell you how disappointed and disregarded I feel. Tony has been a wonderful character to play. They say he doesn't fit the new 'dynamic' so I have to be out of the programme before the big relaunch in November. I will launch the new nine o'clock format but then they don't want any thing negative within the new show."

    He added: "So poor old Tony will be sent to training school, with the door left open to come back for odd episodes."

    Speaking of his exit, Cole told DS: "I have had a wonderful time patrolling the streets of Sun Hill and of course I'm sad to leave. Tony has been a big part of my life for a long time, but I'm looking forward to seeking out some new challenges and enjoying life outside the nick!"

    Executive producer Jonathan Young added: "Graham is a much-loved and admired member of cast. He has contributed an enormous amount to The Bill and we are grateful for his enthusiasm and support over the years. PC Tony Stamp leaves an amazing legacy."

    At the beginning of this year, it was announced that ITV's flagship police drama was to be cut to one episode per week and moved to a 9pm, post-watershed time slot.

    The show's relaunch is intended to allow 'grittier and more action-packed' content.

    Last week, DS revealed that The Bill will regularly air in high definition from July 1.

    Cole is currently writing his autobiography, which is due to be released later this year.
    It's very ignorant if you ask me. His character "doesn't fit" the new show. Because there are no tubby 55 year old coppers in the force any more are there? Everyone on TV now has to be edgy or glamorous or dynamic, regardless of real life.

    Cole also has a Doctor Who connection, of course, going right back to the Troughton era.


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    It's very ignorant if you ask me. His character "doesn't fit" the new show. Because there are no tubby 55 year old coppers in the force any more are there? Everyone on TV now has to be edgy or glamorous or dynamic, regardless of real life.
    I think you have to retire from the police at 60, although you wouldn't still be working on the beat by the time you were in your 50s.

    Just looked it up here.

    For most it's 60, but it looks like any officer above the rank of chief inspector can retire at 65.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    to be honest i'm supprised he has lasted this long but like with most characters who have been in a programm for years there comes a point where the writters have no where left to take the character.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    From the BBC - The Bill is GONE!!!!

    ITV axes The Bill after 27 years

    The Bill celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2008
    The Bill will end this autumn following ITV's decision to drop the long-running police drama after 27 years.

    "Times change, and so do the tastes of our audience," said Peter Fincham, the channel's director of television.

    The move follows a major revamp that saw the drama relaunched as a weekly programme in a post-watershed slot.

    ITV said it would invest the money it spent on the programme - first seen on the channel in 1983 - on new peak-time drama commissions.

    Fincham said The Bill had been "the home of some of the UK's best serial drama storylines and a great showcase for terrific scriptwriting and fine acting talent".

    Creative decision

    "Thanks to a superb production team, it's been one of the great institutions of television drama," he continued.

    Set around the fictional Sun Hill police station in London, The Bill began life as a one-off drama entitled Woodentop.

    ITV was impressed enough to commission a weekly series that eventually became a thrice-weekly soap.

    The channel insisted the move to axe the show was a creative decision and was not done to cut costs.

    "Whilst The Bill will come to an end in 2010, we will continue to invest more in drama programming than any other commercial broadcaster in the UK," said Fincham.
    "And we lasted one year longer than Doctor Who's first run so ner."
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    This is a major, major loss. "The Bill" was one of those things every actor could have on their CV - it was a staple. A training ground for new actors. It's APPALLING that it's axed - it ought to have had a preservation order put on it!

    It makes me mad because they SUNK the ship. We knew as soon as they announced that revamp and shunted it to a late night slot that it was doomed.

    And why did they end it? Probably because it's actual drama, and therefore a smigeon more expensive to make than a SHIT reality game show where members of the public shame themselves in front of a pathetically untalented "host".

    A sorry day for TV.


  6. #6
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    Nov 2006


    I think Ian Levine has hacked into Si Hunt's user account...

  7. #7


    "Ha! No wonder people make programmes like The Bill to take the piss out of you!" Richie, Bottom

    But seriously, this is a great loss. You can't not make The Bill! It makes itself?
    I want to take a private prosecution against the "managers" of ITV for not looking after their own and letting one of it's modern greats fall into decline.
    ITV Drama... How can you mess that up? Well it hasn't stopped them...
    Terrible news.

  8. #8
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    Sileby near Loughborough (Leics)


    Fingers crossed the series will go out Blakes 7 stylee with Sunhill as the centre of a Assault on Precinct 13 like assault - lots of old face reappearing only to be mercilessly shivved up by the Smack Head they arrested 13 seasons ago.
    Then fade to sepia as the final assault takes place on voice over only.

    Well, I'd watch that; which is more than I've watched of The Bill in past 15 years.
    Creator of Doctor WHeasel and sometime political radical

  9. #9
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    Bracknell, Berks


    But did anyone actually watch it? We might be upset that its beuing axed, but I can't feel too bad as I've barely seen it over its 27 year run.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by SiHart View Post
    But did anyone actually watch it? We might be upset that its beuing axed, but I can't feel too bad as I've barely seen it over its 27 year run.

    Si xx

    I used to be a regular watcher of The Bill, but lost interest many years ago but this should come as no suprise as itv, have for the last year been systamaticaly axing all their drama so they can continue with their obcession for reality tv.

  11. #11
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    No, I didn't actually watch it.



  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Airstrip One


    Sort of surprising to see this go, but I'd be very interested to see the viewing figures over the last few years. I wonder if there's a 'The Bill' PS-equivalent forum where they post the ratings/AI/overnights every week.......maybe Milky knows....

    Must have gotten expensive to make, I imagine, especially as it's been filmed in HD of late. I wonder if a lot of it's audience has been lost to Five and it's CSI franchises?
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  13. #13
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    Nov 2006


    Could channel 5 not step in and make it? Isn't The Bill popular in Australia? Get them to pay towards it! If all else fails, Big Finish can do some audio versions.

  14. #14
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    Who last saw it trailed? Swept under the carpet more like.

    Si. :mobile

  15. #15
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    Did anyone see the final episodes of "The Bill"? I taped it for old times sake, not having watched it for a few years.

    Initially it seemed to me that they had overbaked it since the relaunch, with arty direction, incidental music and excess blood/gore (the finale showed someone graphically knifed, with a blood-soaked dripping hand in the first two minutes). However, on further watching I rather enjoyed it, and the "spirit" of "The Bill", especially in the way the camera still jogs along behind the policemen, was still there.

    A real shame it's gone.


  16. #16
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    We haven't watched the last episode though so no spoilers!

  17. #17
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    Did anyone see the final episodes of "The Bill"? I taped it for old times sake, not having watched it for a few years.

    Initially it seemed to me that they had overbaked it since the relaunch, with arty direction, incidental music and excess blood/gore (the finale showed someone graphically knifed, with a blood-soaked dripping hand in the first two minutes). However, on further watching I rather enjoyed it, and the "spirit" of "The Bill", especially in the way the camera still jogs along behind the policemen, was still there.

    A real shame it's gone.


    sadly The Bill, is no longer what it used to be back in the days of D I Burnside I was a regular watched but certainly in the last 5 years I have hardly watched it.

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