I've had a quick look and I don't think we have a general 'New Adventures' thread. Or at least we didn't until now, so you see just how quickly things change!

The first one was of course released in June 1991 - however, I started reading it 18th of August 1991, that is to say exactly 18 years ago today. I'm able to pinpoint it so closely as it was the day before my parents moved house, and consequently it was the day I moved my stuff into my brother's flat, to begin what ended up as nearly five years kipping on the sofa!! In our case, it was the parents that flew the coop and so this time 18 years ago, it really did seem like the start of something new - and so by accident as much as anything, that evening I was able to sit down and start reading Timewyrm: Genesys, the first new adventure...

So, in a nutshell, for me they always have that nostalgic 'out alone in the big world as a grown up' kind of association, quite apart from having some excellent books in the range as well.

So, any other thoughts, and praise, criticisms, fave raves or clanking clunkers? Did you collect & read them all, did you read one and give up forever, and why, why, why?