Have a read of this: http://www.denofgeek.com/television/...octor_who.html

It's an odd article, isn't it? It's a rant that's somehow passed off as journalism.

This bit I found particularly odd
I want the Doctor to be a hard-bitten grizzled cynic, perpetually fed up with mankind for not sorting its shit out. I want the Doctor to be utterly fed up with mankind, and to want a holiday. If I could time travel, and I was immortal, I'd have a sit down a cup of hot chocolate to ponder: what does it all mean? Is this it? Is all my life spent rescuing a species that mostly doesn't even know I exist?
So he wants a Doctor who he isn't like the Doctor at all? One of the things I like about Doctor Who is its optimism and that the Doctor usually sees the best in things- even when they're at their darkest. Any number of other sci-fi shows do this, why should Doctor Who be the same as them? Why can't it stand alone?

But I wonder what you lot make of it.

Si xx