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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Si Hunt Probes You Deeply

    It's Friday! I'm bored! It must be time for some Friday Questions. Answer all the below and give good reasons, except if you are Darren in which case you may be cryptic in order to remain an enigma.

    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    10. How health-concious are you?

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    Consider yourselves probed!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Atlanta, GA


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    I don't have a job!

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    yes - I post occasionally to the PlanetBlaze forums, and to the Marillion forums.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I honestly can't remember

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    my suede jacket. it's just so nice!

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    oh blimey, i have no clue!

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    a couple of penny sweets from another boy at my school when I was about 8

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Steve Hogarth (singer, Marillion), David Tennant (actor, Doctor Who), Rob Halford (singer, Judas Priest), Peter Gabriel (singer), William Shatner (actor, Star Trek), Lauren Harris (singer), Laura Salmon (bassist, Area 54), Katy Manning (actress, Doctor Who), Rachel Stevens (singer), Jewel Staite (actress, Firefly)

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    change clothes with a girl, right in the middle of an RAF base. I didn't do it

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    bought? can't remember. received? Marillion and the Positive Light - Tales from the Engine Room

    10. How health-concious are you?


    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    finish off the book I'm reading!

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I'm getting together an Iron Maiden tribute band, called 'Brian Maiden'

    Ant x

    Watchers in the Fourth Dimension: A Doctor Who Podcast
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    Latest Episode: The WOTAN Clan, discussing The War Machines
    Available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Podbean
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  3. #3
    Pip Madeley Guest


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?
    Abigail, she's intelligent, funny and we have a laugh.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?
    Yep, I'm a regular at CDandDVDBargains, and I occasionally post at Roobarbs, OG, the RT forum the official Keane and Genesis forums, and Bar Italia (a Pulp forum).

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
    Well, not a lie, but I've kept someone from my family for a couple of years who I should really tell them about!

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?
    My nice Pierre Cardin coat. It's well cool.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?
    Go to the gym!

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?
    I accidentally stole a Fawlty Towers video (Basil the Rat) aged eleven. My hands were full, I stuck it in my pocket as I was browsing and forgot about it!

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)
    I can't think of a precise list, but I'd have comedians - I'd like to see the rivalry!

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    9. What was the last CD you bought?
    Spaced Out: The Best of William Shatner & Leonard Nimoy... excellent

    10. How health-concious are you?
    Nowhere near as much as I should be!

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.
    Few odd-jobs for the PS site...

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.
    Can't think of owt!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Massachusetts, USA


    Oh, haven't done one of these kind of things in ages...

    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    One of my clients, she's 103 years old and when I happened to visit her on Election Day, she told me about the first time she voted... in 1924!

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    OG is really it at this point.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    Hmmm, maybe to my parents about how late I stayed out and what I did when out at night as a teen.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    A great fitting pair of Levi's, because they fit so well.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    Our life could have been very different, but it still turned out great.

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    No, not really.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    People who are sexy, funny and smart. David Tennant tops the list.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    Yes and yes. Okay, it was wearing a long down coat with nothing underneath to the closest grocery store off-campus from the college dormitory we lived in at the time. It was December in Burlington, VT, so it was definitely a little drafty.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    A collection of holiday music.

    10. How health-concious are you?

    Very. My husband absolutely lives the Zone Diet, and much of it has 'rubbed off' on me.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    Some last minute details for the science fiction convention I'm working at next weekend.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    All my siblings and myself are lefthanded, and so is our mom.
    Arisia Corporate President
    Assistant DivHead - Events, Arisia 2011

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    My manager, because we get on very well and share a very dry sense of humour.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    Occasionally to a Cruising Forum (thats as in ships BTW and not any other type of cruising! ) in order to glean as much info about our main holiday this year

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I once told my former bandleader that I couldnt make band practice because my grandmother had been rushed to hospital and I had to visit her. Im still thoroughly ashamed about this as the reason I didnt want to attend is that all my friends were going to the pub to play pool and I wanted to go to!

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    My current pair of blue jeans as theyre so comfy!

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    Probably something rude and derogatory.

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    Some sweets from Woolworths when I was a kid. Thankfully I got caught and never did anything like it again!

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Nobody. That would mean Channel 4 could fill the time with a programme worth watching instead.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    Not that I can recall.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    An album by Air for me other halfs Christmas present.

    10. How health-conscious are you?

    Reasonably. I rarely eat anything truly unhealthy, but Ive never really done any exercise as such. I started to put that right last night by going swimming, something which I intend to do at least twice a weeks from now on.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    Prime the paintwork in the hall at home.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I was nicknamed Kermit when I went to college as I had a bright green jumper which I used to wear a lot.

  6. #6
    Wayne Guest


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    See my Top 10 barmaids of Nottingham.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    Only very occasionally on a Jazz forum.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I got it off a bloke in the pub, officer.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    My collection of many Hawkwind T-Shirts. Sometimes i even wear them. (No, no all at the same time.)

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    Keep up the good work son!

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    Not on an open forum thank you.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Sorry i don't know 10 gorgeous lesbian celebrities.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    Can't think of anything offhand, but i wouldn't try it on me when i'm pissed if i were you.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    I ordered a CD by Angelo Debarre (gypsy/jazz guitarist) from Amazon just yesterday. :wayne

    10. How health-concious are you?

    More so than i have been for a long time, but i'm not obssessive about it. That would be unhealthy!

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    erm.....lose a couple more pounds in weight!

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    You always ask this. I'm running out things you didn't know about me!
    erm..... Ok, i snuck off to an Anti-Nazi League rally in London when i was only 15 in the back a tranny van with some older guys i kinda hung out with.
    It was a Saturday & i told my Mum & Dad i'd been invited to a mates for the day, who lived about 4 miles away & weren't on the phone. (It was 1978. Some people wern't in those days) They still don't know to this day. Never had a reason to tell 'em, i guess.
    Last edited by Wayne; 5th Jan 2007 at 1:13 PM.

  7. #7


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    Chufftie, becuase he is the chufftie.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?


    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I once told someone that i didn't hate them.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    My Pashmina because its so softy and lovely.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?


    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?


    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Ian Paisley
    Gerry Adams
    Harry Hill
    Tommy Sheridan
    Colin Fox
    Su Pollard
    Jade Goody
    Margret Beckett
    Avril Lavigne
    Amy Lee

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    Nothing much really. They Dared me to jump off a cliff once, it was only 20feet or so and onto a very soft beach- and i did it.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    Thunder- Live in Nottingham Rock City December 22nd 2005

    10. How health-concious are you?

    A little bit at times.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    Reading a Doctor Who book, not read one in years.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I own a 'British Virgin Islands' Flag.
    Last edited by Raston; 5th Jan 2007 at 1:08 PM. Reason: Attacked by a chair.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    It's very difficult to choose because they're all great fun to be with. My favourite though is Carol because she's just one of the loveliest people you'll ever meet.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    I post on a Blakes 7 forum occasionally.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I told a potential partner that I was seeing someone just to get rid of him.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    My black jumper. It's comfy and worn and lovely.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    "Oh my!"

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    I never paid for a DWM for the three years I worked for Forbuoys. I'd just claim it was returned to the wholsalers and demand the credit.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Tom Baker, William Shatner, Paul Darrow, Miriam Margoyles, Shirley Bassey, , Harry Hill, Riz Latif, Carol Kirkwood (BBC Weather girl), Declan Curry and Anne Charleston.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    My friend Lewis once dared me to go and ask a random man in a bar if I could buy him a drink. I did. He didn't want one.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    The last CD I bought was Beatles for Sale in the Borders sale, appropriately.

    10. How health-concious are you?

    Fairly. More so now I realise my immune system is rubbish at the moment.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    I hope to go to the panto tomorrow- to see Sylvester McCoy in Aladdin.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    My nickname at secondary school was "Monk".

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It seems somehow quite vain to answer my own questions, but what the heck. Someone might be interested!

    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    They're quite a good group really. I like my boss Eugene, and there is a woman with a very dry wit called Kim who sits next to me. She makes me laugh. We wind her up by paying her a huge compliment every morning. "Is that a new outfit?" etc. You have to be there.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    I give the RT forum a daily pound, though it's often very dull stuff about 525 Line interfacing and things. And I also occasionally check the Straight Talk forum at HaRpi no longer posts at "Famous Males" forum after HaRpi got told not to by the Administrator for being too rude.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    Biggest as in most significant? The question isn't clear, shoot the question master! I try not to lie at all actually but I suppose recently I was backed into telling someone at work I lived alone, so I lied to save complicated questions. Though they know I'm going to Dolly Parton, Kylie and Jason concerts next year, so you'd think they could work the rest out.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    The shirt I'm wearing! It's blue and checked and everyone else probably thinks it looks hideous. But it's my favourite shirt.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    "You're enormous."

    I know I like to be flattered you see.

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    I recall an odd thieving phase when I was 7 or 8 that relieved Marc Driscoll of some of his toy cars. It always felt wrong though. Every time I'd see them in my collection I'd know they wern't really mine.

    Later on, my best mate started nicking until he got caught. I was the 'watch' while he was in there (it's not just now that I'm **** at stuff I do) and stood there while the shop man ripped into him. I often think back to that now and realise that technically the shop man was totally out of order as neither of us had actually left the premises with anything! But I'm probably on dubious moral ground with that supposition.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Su Pollard, LaToya Jackson, Dolly, Tom Baker, Aaron Carter & Jesse McCartney (forced to share a shower), Lynne Faulds-Wood, Michael Jackson, Bob Carolgees and Vernie Bennett. Something for everyone there.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    No, people are dull they never dare me to do anything! I'd do anything!

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    I got the new "Take That" CD for Christmas, but the last one I bought was probably Rod Stewart "Still the Same".

    10. How health-concious are you?

    I don't do so bad, I manage to eat a few bits of fruit each day.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    Seeing Kylie.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I used to do Karate and dancing classes.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Isle of Wight


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    It's very hard to choose as I get on well with a lot of them, but I suppose I'd say Janine who is very very sweet

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    DWAD (Dr Who Audio Dramas) occasoinally, as well as the occasional OG and Ian Levine forum posts.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I really couldn't remember. Most lies I tell are white lies.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    Adidas trainers, and at present I haven't got any. Adidas are really comfortable.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    Who the hell are you?

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    Yes, many times when I was in my early teens.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Suzanne Vega, Peter Davison, Tom Baker, Shakira, Tony Blair, Terry Pratchet, Ben Elton, Eddie Izzard, Eddie Murphy and Irvine Welsh

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    Yes, I was dared to free climb a cliff face and did it.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    The Greatest Hits of ELO

    10. How health-concious are you?

    I'm on a diet, so far more than I was. I'm also a semi-hypochondriac so even more so there. I also smoke, so I'm definitely not there.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    A lie in.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I can lick my nose with my tongue.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?
    Trina, who works two days in the office. She makes me laugh, and likes Doctor Who!!

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?
    I occasionally dip my toe into the Restoration Team forum. I've posted once on the Ian Levine forum, and that's it!

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
    I have to admit that I've told lots of small ones, but no really huge ones as far as I know. I did say "no" once when I should perhaps have said "yes" but there you go.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?
    Do slippers count? If not, the socks I got for Christmas. As to why, the slipper is just such a comforting thing; and I like getting socks with pictures on - I got a set of three, with EAT, DRINK, and BE MERRY on them (one of the three clauses on each of the pairs of socks).

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?
    For God's sake, do something with your hair!

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?
    Yes. I'll admit to walking out of a newsagents with a Whizzer & Chips when I was about seven - I had the money for it in my hand, but spent so long deciding which comic to buy that I just totally forgot to pay for it. I was on the way to school, so I gave the 10p away to somebody, so that I didn't have the money left. To make it worse, I had to walk past the newsagents on the way home, and I was convinced there would be wanted posters with my face on them on the lamposts. I'm going slightly even now thinking about it.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)
    Oh I don't know - what about Russell T Davies, Terrance Dicks, Eric Saward, Barry Letts, Verity Lambert, Julie Gardner, Billie Piper, Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Elisabeth Sladen. BUT, having felt so sad this week that Dirk Benedict is in the house now, I hope none of the above ever end up in it! Yeuch!

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?
    At the risk of revealing just how boring and staid I am now, and always have been... No.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?
    Does the free "The Feast of the Drowned" in the Radio Times count? If not, then, High School Musical's soundtrack, which I got for Little Miss.

    10. How health-concious are you?
    Not very. More perhaps over the last couple of years, but not to extremes by any means. We still have fatty foods, don't get enough fruit, and the like, but I don't (at present) tend to put on weight, and am rarely ill, so there!

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.
    Honestly? I'm hoping to trim down my Big Finish story submission so that it's below the 2500 word mark rather than its current 3800! Plus, more pragmatically, some washing, ironing, cooking, etc.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.
    I'm a secret Lemonade drinker.

  12. #12
    Trudi G Guest


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?
    Don't work at the moment!

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?
    Sometimes on The Mighty Boosh forum, where i'm a moderator.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
    I don't lie - i'm too good!

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?
    I've got way too many clothes to have any favourites!

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?
    Nice boots!

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?
    I used to be a bit of a petty shop thief in my teens....

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)
    Er.....some comedians i like, i guess...

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?
    Probably when i was drunk, and probably yes!

    9. What was the last CD you bought?
    I'm not sure about that one - i don't buy alot of CD's, i think it might've been the War Of The Worlds Cd i bought last year.

    10. How health-concious are you?

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.
    I'm not sure about this weekend, i might be up the hospital with my niece, while she's giving birth!

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.
    I can yodel (sort of!)

  13. #13
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Trudi G View Post
    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.
    I can yodel (sort of!)
    Even I didn't know that!

  14. #14
    Trudi G Guest


    I'm like an onion, i have layers.

  15. #15
    Pip Madeley Guest


    And you're great with a steak.

  16. #16
    Trudi G Guest


    I'm like a fine red wine............and an onion..........

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    if you are Darren in which case you may be cryptic in order to remain an enigma.

    Here we go!

    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    - Theresa, because she's lovely and we kiss.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    - I lurk at Digital Spy.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    - I don't think I've ever told any big lies.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    - My creased jeans because they look cool. Probably. Or my duffle coat. Maybe

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    - "Get yourself a life you sad *******!"

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    - Don't be silly.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    - BB is dog poo.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    - No & no

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    - Doctor Who music (Murray Gold). It hasn't arrived yet.

    10. How health-concious are you?

    - In terms of excercise I'm very lazy. But I don't smoke and only really drink at Christmas.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    - Ermmm... nothing springs to mind.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    - Anything you don't already know about me, you're not meant to know.

    I am an enigma you know.

  18. #18
    Dave Lewis Guest


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    Amy Fee, because I think she's beautiful.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    No - Ernest R Soul occasionally visits OG and the Ian Levine forum, but I never do. I used to post on the NME forum years ago, and a Manics one, but they long since fell by the wayside.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I know what it is, but I'm not telling.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    Possibly one of my scarves, or my blue denim jacket.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    If it was me as I am now, we'd probably have a chat about how generally awful everything is. But if it was me from the past, I'd try and pervert the course of history so I didn't make any of the dreadful mistakes that have left me up **** creek.

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    Several things - but again, I'm saying nothing.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Linford Christie
    Frank Bruno
    Rustie Lee
    Lenny Henry
    Halle Berry
    Didier Drogba
    David Blaine
    Noel Clarke
    Beyonce Knowles

    ... and Prince Philip

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    I don't think I've ever needed a dare to do something outrageous. Just a truckload of booze.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    I didn't actually buy it, I was given it as a Christmas present - the Everything Must Go Delux Anniversary Edition.

    10. How health-concious are you?

    Not one iota.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    A minimum of one orgasm.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I live in your shoe.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?
    AT the moment, it has to be one of our admin assistants called Dinah. She is the one who made me feel welcome when I started there almost five years ago, and she is still the most friendliest now. The others are an established group and I have found it difficult to get "accepted".

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?
    Brilliant, a chance to plug my own forum. I post mainly on The Final Frontier where I am joint administrator with Thasc. It is a general Sci-fi forum and we pride ourselves on our friendliness. New members are always welcome!

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
    I'll have to think about that one, but I have never really gone down that road.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?
    My Homer Simpson Slippers that my Son bought me. They are really comfortable.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?
    "Lose some weight and get your teeth fixed you ugly bum"

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?
    Apart from the odd biscuit when I wasnt allowed one, I have never stolen anything. BUT, I received a police caution at the age of 11 because when we were walking home from school one day, the person I was with stole some Star Wars figures from the local BHS. I had a Star Wars annual in my bag that I owned and they thought I had nicked that. They didnt believe me.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)
    The Chuckle Brothers, Girls Aloud (that's 6) Billie Piper, Boy George, Robbie WIlliams and Liam Gallagher.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?
    No. I cant say I have ever been dared to do anything outrageous.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?
    Robbie Williams Rudebox...for my wife.

    10. How health-concious are you?
    I'm just about to go on a diet so we will be buying lots of low fat food and plenty of fruit and veg this weekend.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.
    The front and back gardens are in a desperate need of a good tidy up so weather allowing, thats my goal.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.
    About 6 years ago, I appeared in The Tweenies. I work for London Underground and was based at Canary Wharf when the BBC came to film an episode of the childrens show. I was in the background selling tickets from the ticket office window. I was my Daughters hero.
    Last edited by duncan; 5th Jan 2007 at 10:22 PM.
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    About 6 years ago, I appeared in The Tweenies
    Although I can't honestly say I remember that particular episode now, I almost certainly watched it at the time!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Curnow View Post
    Although I can't honestly say I remember that particular episode now, I almost certainly watched it at the time!!
    I have my own very special BBC copy that they sent me. It has the digital timer at the bottom of the screen.
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Fabarooney, as Milo would say!

  23. #23
    WhiteCrow Guest


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    Well not from my current place, but previously my team leader was a woman called Beverley. I was sorely tempted to run away with her. Just a good laugh, and someone who buys Doctor Who videos.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    Used to post a lot on (dont ask) and Outpost Gallifrey (they banned me, omg). I'm already making a name for myself here with the mods - hi guys!!!

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I don't tend to lie, although I instead tell the truth in a way that it sounds unbelievable! Which I suppose is kind of lying!

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    I love a nice suit.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    Nice beard.

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    Never. But then again some dumb cashier might have forgotten to charge me for something before now. I believe in hiding things in plain sight.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    A firing squad. We have too many celebs, time for a cull, it's natures way.

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    All the time. And you should never do because I'm just crazy enough to try it.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    The Best of ELO - I'm so down with the kids!

    10. How health-concious are you?

    I'm getting better. I eat 5 portions of fruit a day.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    Sex. Well here's hoping. Failing that maybe score some Dr Who stuff for my birthday.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I was a Morris dancer.

  24. #24


    1. Who is your favourite person in your place of work, and why?

    Gemma, because we have a laugh together. I go in early sometimes if I know she's on before me.

    2. Do you post to any other forums aside from PS, and if so which ones?

    Regularly on Moopy and ChC, occasionally on OG and Outpost Shada, and very rarely on The RT Forum.

    3. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

    I don't know that I ever have - I'm not a very good liar.

    4. What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

    Black T-Shirt. Slimming.

    5. If you met yourself, what would you say to you?

    Hi! Wow, you're so good looking.

    6. Have you ever stolen anything? When and what?

    Those who know know.

    7. What would be your ideal Celebrity Big Brother line-up (choose up to ten celebrities)

    Rustie Lee
    Su Pollard
    Prince Harry
    Val Lehman
    Tom Baker
    Carol Anne Ford
    John Barrowman
    Boy George
    Gary Lucy

    8. Has anyone ever dared you to do something outrageous, and did you do it?

    No, I'm very reserved in real life.

    9. What was the last CD you bought?

    Freemasons - Shakedown

    10. How health-concious are you?

    I try to go to the gym regularly.

    11. Name one thing you hope to achieve this weekend.

    To finally start my January diet.

    12. Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know already.

    I cut my own hair.

  25. #25
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteCrowUK View Post
    [B]Used to post a lot on (dont ask) and Outpost Gallifrey (they banned me, omg). I'm already making a name for myself here with the mods - hi guys!!!
    Who are you again?

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