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  1. #201
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    I love the direction the show is being taken in. It's a breath of fresh air. I'm sure if the internet existed in the seventies, people would be arguing over the way Graham Williams style differed from Philip Hinchcliffe.
    Last edited by Darren; 27th Apr 2011 at 9:35 PM.

  2. #202
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    People are still arguing about that one Darren!

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiHart View Post
    I think what this argument is boiling down to is that you don't ;like the direction he's taking the show in, and want him to leave.
    Yes. The more the show goes on, the more frustrated I get with it. Especially now that I'm revisiting some episodes from Tennant's run I only watched when they aired.

    I like character driven stories. The only bright light in this series has been young Amelia and River Song because they are both very charismatic and well developed characters (in terms of being able to define them)

    I also find it annoying when people say, "Oh, well for a Timelord he didn't do much time traveling" (regarding RTD's run) and they prefer Moffat's run cos he's actually doing something with time.

    And everything I've disliked about Moffat's run can be summed up in the red nose day special, including the whole "time" messing business. I'm not impressed and I'm not interested.

    I just felt RTD's universe was better established and developed.

    And just because I want him to leave doesn't make my argument any less valid- I recall more than a few people on here saying the same thing for RTD.

    I'd also like to know where you got your ratings figures from, cos my source shows Moffat's series 5 starting at a 10 and then leveling out at a 6. Not even Tennant's first season stayed at a 6 for long- it began at about a 10 and held 8's and 9's for most of the duration.

    Just sayin'

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zbigniev Hamson View Post
    So, in essence, you're taking some piece of personal speculation about something that might be written in the future, as evidence towards another piece of personal speculation also being true?
    Duh. What's the point of a message board then?

    Back to Si: Also, though the Christmas Special (which was CRAP) pulled in a lot of ratings, it could be a reflection as to why this series premiere didn't do so well (I bolded and italicized it with reason before you start) Loads of people watch, were board to tears- premiere day comes along, a lovely day, hmmm, well I didn't like that Christmas special so I'll just go enjoy this weather then.

    There were too many things wrong with series 5, and I only hope Moffat's learned his lesson and gives us something worth our time this season.

  5. #205
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    I really liked series 5, so what do I know. All this is just your opinion, it's no more fact that anything I've said. You're projecting your feelings about the show into everyone else. Steve didn't like the Christmas Special but he still watched and I know plenty of people, mostly kids I talk to at work who loved both the Christmas Special and last week's episode. Whatever opinion anyone holds, you'll always find someone or a group of people who'll back you up.

    Personally I didn't think much of the Comic relief special either- mostly because I didn't find it funny, but plenty of people did.

    As for the ratings:

    1. Partners in Crime 9.1 - The Eleventh Hour 10.08 +0.98

    2. Fires of Pompeii 9.0 - The Beast Below 8.4 -0.6

    3. Planet of the Ood 7.5 - Victory of the Daleks 8.2 +0.7

    4. Sontaran Stratagem 7.06 - The Time of Angels 8.6 +1.54

    5. The Poison Sky 6.53 - Flesh and Stone 8.5 +1.97

    6. Doctor's Daughter 7.33 - The Vampires of Venice 7.7 +0.37

    7. Unicorn and Wasp 8.41 - Amy’s Choice 7.5 -0.91

    8. Silence in the Library 6.27 - The Hungry Earth 6.5 +0.23

    9. Forest of the Dead 7.84 - Cold Blood 7.5 -0.34

    10. Midnight 8.05 - Vincent and the Doctor 6.8 -1.25

    11. Turn Left 8.09 - The Lodger 6.44 -1.65

    12: The Stolen Earth 7.4 - The Pandorica Opens 7.57 +0.17

    12: Journey's End 10.57 - The Big Bang 6.12 -4.45

    So, really until Journey's End, there's not a great deal in it. Let's not forget Journey's End had a huge boost after the cliffhanger and the constant press speculation and loads of trailers.

  6. #206
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    The Next Doctor ...?

    This is going to be moderately spoilerific (mainly point three), so skip this post if you don't want to know something major (that you've probably already worked out for yourself anyway).

    Fact One. Steven Moffat, on Graham Norton's Radio 2 show last weekend, when asked if he would be casting Benedict Cumberbatch as Omega: "I won't be casting Benedict Cumberbatch as Omega, no." So who will Steven Moffat be casting Benedict Cumberbatch as ...?

    Fact Two. When questioned by Digital Spy on whether, having worked with Steven Moffat already, he'd like to do an episode of Doctor Who, Benedict Cumberbatch: "Not an episode, no." You wouldn't like to do Doctor Who? "Not an episode, no." Oh, would you like to be Doctor Who? "Maybe." (Massive twinkle in eye.)

    Fact Three. When asked by DWM how long they'd be staying with the programme, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill suggested they'd all like to stay the same length of time and leave together. It must be noted that they're all three young actors with potentially glittering careers right in front of them, right now. Oh, and Fact Three/A ... Karen and Arthur are leaving at the end of this current series.

    Fact Four. The next run of Sherlock will include The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes' most famous story), and The Final Solution (Sherlock Holmes' big showdown with Moriarty). In other words, if Sherlock were to continue, the only way would be down. (In fact, as soon as I heard which stories were being made this year, it did strike me that there might very well not be a third series, the two "big hitters" apparently both being "used up" this year.) So Benedict Cumberbatch looks like he might be free to pursue other major roles later in the annum ...

    Conclusions, anyone?

  7. #207


    Quote Originally Posted by J.R. Southall View Post

    Conclusions, anyone?
    Stephen Moffat will still be in charge. Learn to love it J.R.!

    (Damn, so they aren't doing "The Dying Detective" in Sherlock?)

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dino View Post
    Stephen Moffat will still be in charge. Learn to love it J.R.!

    (Damn, so they aren't doing "The Dying Detective" in Sherlock?)
    Oh, I'm not disputing Steven Moffat still being in charge. I'm just wondering if the fiftieth anniversary "Three Doctors" will be David Tennant and Matt Smith alongside the incumbent Benedict Cumberbatch ...

  9. #209
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    Fact Three/A ... Karen and Arthur are leaving at the end of this current series.
    Is that absolute fact?

    Benedict Cumberpatch has alredy said he's not interested in playing the Doctor because of all the extras -toys, prom appearances etc. I think he's a bit of a luvvie.

  10. #210


    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingBeastie View Post
    Duh. What's the point of a message board then?
    To abandon all semblance of logical argument it seems

  11. #211
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    Who needs logic when you're a Doctor Who fan?

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.R. Southall View Post
    The Next Doctor ...?

    Fact One. Steven Moffat, on Graham Norton's Radio 2 show last weekend, when asked if he would be casting Benedict Cumberbatch as Omega: "I won't be casting Benedict Cumberbatch as Omega, no." So who will Steven Moffat be casting Benedict Cumberbatch as ...?

    Fact Two. When questioned by Digital Spy on whether, having worked with Steven Moffat already, he'd like to do an episode of Doctor Who, Benedict Cumberbatch: "Not an episode, no." You wouldn't like to do Doctor Who? "Not an episode, no." Oh, would you like to be Doctor Who? "Maybe." (Massive twinkle in eye.)
    I don't want that guy anywhere near Who. Nothing personal, but as Moffat himself said at the New York premiere, "Matt and Ben are nothing but cheekbones and hair", which he meant endearingly, for sure. But, let's face it- they look the same, and have that same sort of old soul swagger. I, and I'm sure many also, appreciate the fact that every time there's a regeneration the new doctor is completely different from the previous one.

    Also, I'm sick and flippin tired of young doctors (mind you, as a young female viewer who appreciated Tennant's run more for his looks than for his doctor) my favorite doctors are still Two and Nine, and I'd like to see a seasoned actor play the role again.

    Quote Originally Posted by J.R. Southall View Post
    Fact Three. When asked by DWM how long they'd be staying with the programme, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill suggested they'd all like to stay the same length of time and leave together. It must be noted that they're all three young actors with potentially glittering careers right in front of them, right now. Oh, and Fact Three/A ... Karen and Arthur are leaving at the end of this current series.

    That's definitely a fact. One I like. A lot.

    Granted, I love Matt Smith as The Doctor- its just the writing that's shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by J.R. Southall View Post
    Fact Four. The next run of Sherlock will include The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes' most famous story), and The Final Solution (Sherlock Holmes' big showdown with Moriarty). In other words, if Sherlock were to continue, the only way would be down. (In fact, as soon as I heard which stories were being made this year, it did strike me that there might very well not be a third series, the two "big hitters" apparently both being "used up" this year.) So Benedict Cumberbatch looks like he might be free to pursue other major roles later in the annum ...

    Conclusions, anyone?

    I think he might move on to movies. Look at Robert Sheehan of Misfits- we're all devastated he's leaving, because he really stuck out as a lead actor and knew he didn't want to be tied down and struck while the iron was hot.

    I'm more worried that now that Sherlock is ending, that perhaps it's true Moffat will be sticking around for longer... ugh...

  13. #213
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    It hasn't actually been confirmed Sherlock will finish after this series. If it's popular it will continue I'm sure.

    Rumour has it that Moffat has signed fro five years anyway...

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiHart View Post
    It hasn't actually been confirmed Sherlock will finish after this series. If it's popular it will continue I'm sure.

    Rumour has it that Moffat has signed fro five years anyway...
    However ... Martin Freeman is down under filming The Hobbit (as is that fellow from Being Human, who had to leave at the end of the last series because he was off to film The Hobbit for the next twelve months or however long), so there definitely won't be a third series of Sherlock next year. It remains to be seen whether they'll come back to it after that ...

  15. #215
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    Regarding Karen and Arthur (more properly big spoilers potentially coming...)

    I hear that at the end of Toby Whithouse's The God Complex (ep. 10) the Doctor drops them off for their "couple of months" wait. God alone knows how that ties in with what we've seen already. Melanie Bush anyone ...? And then at the end of Thriteen, they leave properly, to have their baby.

    Of course, that's unconfirmed (the first part very unconfirmed), but the source I got it from is usually fairly reliable.

  16. #216


    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingBeastie View Post
    Granted, I love Matt Smith as The Doctor- its just the writing that's shit.
    I don't think even I was as negative about the RTD 'era' as you are about this one. Calm down dear

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zbigniev Hamson View Post
    I don't think even I was as negative about the RTD 'era' as you are about this one. Calm down dear
    Because I'm very disappointed. From his stories during RTD's era and Coupling I thought Moffat had a bright future ahead of him.

    Instead, all we've gotten were two great episodes with "Eleventh Hour" and "The Lodger" and a whole lot of trite nonsense calling themselves "episodes".

    I'd even excuse the episodes if we had great characters, but he failed on that front too. He's more interested in time mechanics and plot than giving us characters to care about. He's retarded The Doctor (meaning he's dumbed him down) to the point where Smith never actually does anything to further the plot- he either passively reacts or the companion or someone else saves the day.

    I mean, the companion is supposed to help out- not necessarily save the day all on their own. The Doctor is supposed to be clever and a step ahead of everyone in the story and the audience- and this is not being done, thus rendering The Doctor to look like an idiot and bore the audience cos we already know what's going to happen.

    15min into Amy's Choice I knew both worlds were dreams. And they were.

    And what was the point of the episode? Was anything gained or learned? Did anyone care?

    What about theme? Does this new series even have a theme that carries through? It started off well enough with Amy being let down by her hero when she was young and giving up on fairytales. But then The Doctor came back and her sense of childhood was renewed- has anything happened since?


    With Nine and Ten there was this pathos, this loneliness they suffered because they were the last of their kind. And notice, even at the end of End of Time, whether you agreed to a pairing made or not, the point was to illustrate how everyone The Doctor traveled with had someone. And he died and regenerated alone.

    I just feel RTD better established a connection with his audience, wrote such wonderful rich characters we could feel for and empathize with- or even just care about! Like even the bride in Age of Steel who had been turned into a Cyberman, she was given something, a story- and it was heartbreaking.

    Nothing to cry a river over, but- ugh, it just- it had emotion! It had life!

    Moffat's stories- yes they look all nice and sparkly in HD and have weird creatures and it's not camp or cheesy- but his stories are flat. Boring. Bloodless (in both senses of the word)

    And... ugh... I really hope that contract rumor is just a rumor.

  18. #218


    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingBeastie View Post
    Instead, all we've gotten were two great episodes with "Eleventh Hour" and "The Lodger" and a whole lot of trite nonsense calling themselves "episodes".
    The fact that you would even count The Lodger as a great episode illustrates how... differently we see things

    It's always good to hear other people's opinions of course, as long as you remember that they are just your opinions, and others amongst us saw series 5 as a very welcome breath of fresh air after 4.5 years of pretty much pap (and yet still don't think The Lodger was particularly good).

  19. #219
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    I really don't see how this series can be a breath of fresh air. It's pretty stale to me.

    But you're right- opinion is opinion.

    It still doesn't change the fact that Moffat is recycling the same elements he's been using for the past 6 years and his stories are more integral to plot twisting than characters.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingBeastie View Post
    It still doesn't change the fact that Moffat is recycling the same elements he's been using for the past 6 years and his stories are more integral to plot twisting than characters.
    Quoted for truth.

    Ant x

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  21. #221
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    There have been very few stories in the last 12 months that have been about anything other than the four regulars. Most of the guest turns (with only one or two exceptions) have been little more than cameos, and only really A Christmas Carol (of the Moffat-scripted stories) has really seriously addressed any other characters at all, outside of those who travel in the TARDIS.

  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.R. Southall View Post
    There have been very few stories in the last 12 months that have been about anything other than the four regulars. Most of the guest turns (with only one or two exceptions) have been little more than cameos, and only really A Christmas Carol (of the Moffat-scripted stories) has really seriously addressed any other characters at all, outside of those who travel in the TARDIS.
    Also quoted for truth.

    Apart from the main characters, everyone else involved in the stories are flat, static archetypes. And next week's episode is bound to be no exception.

  23. #223


    You're not going to start kicking your foot through your TV set and inviting the local paper round to photograph the evidence are you?

  24. #224
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    Incidentally (and this might surprise, annoy or delight some of you; others will probably be completely underplussed) I'm now the Doctor Who reviewer for the online Starburst revival. So if you'd like a laugh once a month reading me as I try and balance positivity and negativity about the new series, then check out and follow the link. It's completely free, and there's bound to be a lot of other stuff in there you like too.

    Sorry about the apparent "ad" (I really hate myself cos it sounded that way), but I did think one or two of you might genuinely be interested to read it.

  25. #225
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    We don't know any of the answers yet. Perhaps we all need to keep watching before we declare Moffat useless?

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