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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    West Sussex

    Default A Fistful of Favourites

    Right - far too quiet on here, so time for another 'list' thread. As always, only answer the ones you want to, but please tell us why !!

    1. Favourite Villain ?
    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)
    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?
    5. Favourite TV story writer
    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )
    7. Favourite director
    8. Favourite composer
    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)
    10. Favourite first story for a companion
    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion
    12. Favourite story for costumes
    13. Favourite DVD commentary
    14. Favourite scene in a story
    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'
    16. Favourite guest at a convention
    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to

    Time to ponder !
    Bazinga !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Yay, a list!!

    1. Favourite Villain ?
    The Master (Ainley version). A bit like people having 'their' Doctor that they grew up with, for me chuckling Mr Ainley is THE definitive version. His turns in, particularly, Logopolis and Survival are just superb.

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)
    It has to be the Brigadier doesn't it? Splendid chap, all of him. Erm, that probably didn't come out quite right...

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    Charles Dickens in TUD. OK, there are hundreds of possibilities and he was just the first that came to mind, but I think Simon Callow puts in such a lovably real performance, and the character development from weary, disillusioned old man to revitalised bon viveur is very touching. Plus that carriage scene remains one of my all-time faves.

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?
    Oh it has to be Michael Sheard doesn't it. He makes his doctor in The Mind of Evil very real (and is it just me, or does he fancy Jo?) and makes Mergrave in Castrovalva a delight (the scene with the map on the mirror, again one of my all-time faves). Plus it was a joy to see him pop up in Remembrance as well!!

    5. Favourite TV story writer
    Perhaps a trick question, it just has to be Bobbity Bob Holmes. For Talons and Ribos Operation alone he'd get my vote, but there are so many others to go with them. A class act!

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )
    Stephen Cole (book). Not a 'flashy' author, or a big name like Cornell or Parkin, yet in general I find his books (especially in the EDA range) tremendously satisfying. I usually come away from a Cornell convinced I'm a bit thick and have missed some depths in the text; I come away from a Cole having enjoyed it. Which is better?

    7. Favourite director
    I don't have any real opinion on this. (Don't hear that very often from me, do you?)

    8. Favourite composer
    Paddy Kingsland - the scores for Logopolis, Castrovalva, Mawdyn Undead, are amongst the very best the show has ever had. (Sorry Dudley!)

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)
    City of Death (Sorry Paddy).

    10. Favourite first story for a companion
    Logopolis. Although that may be as much to do with the companion as the story...

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion
    Earthshock. What a way to go!!

    12. Favourite story for costumes
    Which one does Tegan wear the tight leather mini skirt in?

    13. Favourite DVD commentary
    Resurrection of the Daleks - the comment about the gap between the death of actors and the death of extras, the business about Tegan's hair colour, and Davison's modest opinion that his only real advantage over his predecessors was that he could move faster. Marvellous! Plus it points out that Mark Strickson always looks back before moving out of shot, which once you know you can't help but notice all the time!!!

    14. Favourite scene in a story
    Again, there are hundreds of possibilities, but today I'm plumping for the mirror scene in Castrovalva - specifically, the creeping horror as Mergrave places his pharmacy on the map four times, and the hint of desperation almost as he tries to justify it ("It may be approached by many different routes"). A triumphant coming together of script, performance, and music.

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'
    Coming back in the shower. Oh, are we talking about Doctor Who? OK then, erm... does jettisoning 25% of the architecture to avoid the hydrogen inrush count? OK, it takes about ten minutes, so it's not a simple thirty second "One bound and he was free" escape, but it's jolly entertaining. If you don't know why it's entertaining, then get K9 to explain it to you - good luck!

    16. Favourite guest at a convention
    Pass. Although I'm sure there was a frisson at the appearance of Tom in 1983.

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW
    Christopher Lee's uncreditted appearance as one of the Time Lord extras in the Deadly Assassin.

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to
    The Visitation - a return appearance for the Terileptils could have been awesome.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    1. Favourite Villain ?
    Like Andrew, I'm going to go for Ainley's master. His reappearances always delighted me when I was younger and now I love the way he's absoultely barking mad and says the laugh rather than laughs (ie Hahahaha!).

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)
    Jackie. Every appearance was a delight!

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    Professor Emelia Rumford. She's just awesome. I love the way she throws herself into the beweildering adventure with a tally ho spirit. Her relationship with K9 is an absolute delight.

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?

    Cyril "nervous scientist" Shaps. Of course it could be argued that he gave the same performance every time he turned up, but who cares when it's such a lovely performance? I was delighted when he reprised the nervous scienmtist role in RTD's Dark Season too.

    5. Favourite TV story writer
    Controversially, I'm going to go for Christopher Hamilton Bidmead as I adore all three of his TV scripts.

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )

    Well I love Gareth Roberts' books. I enjoyed all of Joe Lidsters BFs and Steve parkhouse is obviously the best DW comic strip writer.

    7. Favourite director

    Euros Lynn.

    8. Favourite composer
    Peter Howell. Or do i mean Paddy Kingsland. There's not much between them really.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)

    Dudley Simpson's City of Death. The only Doctor Who incidental music I've hummed in the queue at Sainsburys.

    10. Favourite first story for a companion

    Rose, for many, many reasons. including Rose herself.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion

    The Green Death. Jo gets a good send off in a good story.

    12. Favourite story for costumes

    The Leisure Hive. You can't beat the sailor suit, the reveal of the burgundy Tom, the oppulnt sunny Argolins and the Foamasi.

    13. Favourite DVD commentary

    I'm going to go for Frontier in Space. Mostly beacuse of the great barry letts and terrance Dicks stuff on it, the moment where they bring up Moonbase 3 and beacuse it was touching to hear from Barry after he'd sadly died.

    14. Favourite scene in a story
    The bit in Logopolis where the Doctor comes out of the TARDIS and spots The Watcher for the first time. Absolutely magical.

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'

    "Go to your Room!"

    16. Favourite guest at a convention

    Tom Baker and his barking mad stories.

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW

    Bonnie Langford was asked to screma in the same key as the scream into the end credits.

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to

    Return to The Leisure Hive? No! Enlightenment. The Eternals and their games deserved a second outing.

    Si xx
    Last edited by SiHart; 4th Aug 2010 at 12:04 PM.

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    "Go to your Room!"
    Oh yes, good choice Si!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    I think that was an astonishingly brilliant and very intelligent resolution to the cliffhanger. of course it's absolutely obvious the moment after you've seen it, but until then, I doubt anyone other than Mr Moffat had thought of that as a way out.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Agreed - it's not only funny, and very Doctor Who, it's also relevant to the plot, in that the 'gasmask monsters' are all children. Drat that Moff, he's too clever by half!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newtown, Australia


    Classic series: Well, today, it's...

    1. Favourite Villain?
    Count Grendel of Gracht. A surprisingly deep pantomimic villain, with just a tinge of romantic tragedy about him.

    2. Favourite Recurring character?
    Professor Travers. "It's more than likely that we won't be able to defeat this menace. And that London, in fact the whole of England, might be completely wiped out. There. Did you get that?""

    3. Favourite supporting character?
    Professor Amelia Rumford. "In the name of science, I believe it's our duty to capture that creature!"

    4. Favourite recurring actor/actress?
    Phillip Madoc. Continuously brilliant.

    5. Favourite TV story writer?
    Chris Boucher. I particularly like the way in which he explores themes of identity and the manipulation on the idea of self.

    6. Favourite audio/book/comic strip writer?
    Ian Marter. His description of action is excellent.

    7. Favourite director?
    Lovett Bickford. The Leisure Hive is gorgeous.

    8. Favourite composer?
    Peter Howell. Mainly for his rearrangement of the theme and Season 18 scores.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)?
    The Ambassadors of Death. That haunting drum beat...

    10. Favourite first story for a companion?
    The Rescue. Vicki's just brilliant, and her spikiness with Barbara to start off with is, if I'm honest, much better than Ace's similar arguing with Mel 20-odd years later.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion?
    Warriors' Gate. Like The Green Death or The Dalek Invasion of Earth, the departure is seeded through the whole story. However, it's a joyous departure. Well, in a way, it's seeded from The Horns of Nimon onwards...

    12. Favourite story for costumes?
    Inferno. The RSF are chilling amalgams of Nazi and British military uniforms, and the white suits are marvellous. 'Our' universe is just fab, with Petra's print, Sutton's scarf, and Sir Keith Gold as MI 5 1/2's Mother.

    13. Favourite DVD commentary?
    The Two Doctors, if only by virtue of Jacqueline Pearce bringing the whole thing to a crashing halt in Part Three as Colin Baker explains the plot to her.

    14. Favourite scene in a story?
    The daisiest daisy speech in The Time Monster.

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'?
    The Box of Jhana contains nothing more than a doll- or does it?

    16. Favourite guest at a convention?
    Katy Manning. She may be bonkers, but she's open, friendly and discusses her life and experience with great honesty and humour.

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW?
    Pertwee's Doctor was originally to have worn a modern suit, and faced off against the Yeti for his debut, which would have seen Jamie become the Laird of his clan. Scuppered due to wrangling over the bloody Dominators!

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to?
    Ghostlight. To whom was Light reporting?

    Oooh, coconut macaroons!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Some great answers there!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    1. Favourite Villain ?
    Sutekh – for being resourceful each time his plans are frustrated, and for Gabriel Woolfe's malevolent voice
    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)
    T'would have been the Brigadier until the appearance and establishment of one Wilfred Mott – who still makes me wish for an Evelyn Smythe type companion
    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    Professor Litefoot – for summing up everything about Victorian England so effortlessly, and yet still being a character in his own right.
    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?
    I'd go Michael Sheard too – if only for the wonderful Laurence Scarmen
    5. Favourite TV story writer
    No great surprise from me – Bob Holmes gave us so much mythology, but could also write or rewrite a damned goodstory.
    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )
    Bob Shearman for audio – for 3 of the best BF has ever made; Justin Richards for books – because he writes the complicated plots I like, and whoever wrote Voyager.
    7. Favourite director
    Don't really pay attention to such things
    8. Favourite composer
    Dudley – because all of the scary moments from my childhood have his backing track
    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)
    Brain of Morbius - “ Doo, Doo,Doo, Doo-bap,bap,barap,barrap Baaar”
    10. Favourite first story for a companion
    Time Warrior – because it shows us everything we need to know about SJS without ruining the story.
    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion
    Green Death – because you know its going to happen all the way through the story, before the days of DWM telling you so.
    12. Favourite story for costumes
    Deadly Assassin – because its all so new and sparkly, and Tom wears one of his best outfits in it.
    13. Favourite DVD commentary
    Again, not enough to go by
    14. Favourite scene in a story
    Very tough – probably changes every story I watch, but for today – Ark in Space, where the Doctor links himself up to the Wirrrn mind. Bloody scary.
    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'
    Terror of the Zygons ep 2-3 – Harry blunders in and saves the Doctor completely by accident
    16. Favourite guest at a convention
    Not a lot of choice, but Messrs Benjamen and Baxter were excellent at the last Fantom films one I went to.
    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW
    That when Benton points to the map in Zygons for where the quarry is, he's pointing at the real map location of the real quarry (just down the road from where I live)
    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to
    Androids of Tara – although that would put a halt to the story I'm trying to write now.....
    Bazinga !

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by SiHart View Post
    5. Favourite TV story writer
    Controversially, I'm going to go for Christopher Hamilton Bidmead as I adore all three of his TV scripts.

    Si xx
    As does he, no doubt...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    I believe he thinks very highly of them Ant.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    That, Sir, is a huge understatement!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. Favourite Villain?

    I’d say Tobias Vaughn. Superbly played, and has an ability to show the full spectrum of emotions, which makes him very 3-dimensional. A pleasure to watch!

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)

    It has to be the Brig. Solid, reliable, amusingly narrow minded, and always blinks like mad whenever he fires a gun!

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)

    I rather like Professor Ruebish, actually!

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?

    Although his characters were largely rather dull and uninspiring, I’m going to choose Philip Madoc for his portrayal of Solon. And at 76 he still has a sexy voice!

    5. Favourite TV story writer

    It’s got to be Robert Holmes. Though there are some other superb writers who worked on the series (and the New Series in particular), he wins for consistently high quality across his prolific output.

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )

    Not really into these genres very much, but let’s say Terrance Dicks for all his Targets!

    7. Favourite director

    I’d probably go for Douglas Camfield, but I also think rather highly of David Maloney.

    8. Favourite composer

    Siddly Dumpson.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)

    I love the score for City of Death, but I think Genesis is brilliant for it’s bleakness.

    10. Favourite first story for a companion

    The Time Warrior. It happens to be one of my favourite stories, but Lis Sladen also happens to be rather brilliant in it, particularly when she first enters the castle and encounters Irongron and his men.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion


    12. Favourite story for costumes

    I rather like The Keeper of Traken for costumes.

    13. Favourite DVD commentary

    There’s so many, I can’t recall one outstanding example! I particularly enjoy the Davison and Letts/Dicks ones, though.

    14. Favourite scene in a story

    “Thank you Doctor! A nice neat little package for us to dispose of!”

    Cliffhanger to Episode 8 of The War Games

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'

    Waking up in the shower to find it was all a dream…

    16. Favourite guest at a convention

    Peter Howell was fascinating – I could have listened to him all day!

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW

    The 1980’s TARDIS prop smelt of wee inside.

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to

    The Big Bang

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newtown, Australia


    New series: Well, today, it's...

    1. Favourite Villain?
    The Dream Lord seems to be the closest we're going to get to the Valeyard...

    2. Favourite Recurring character?
    Harriet Jones. "When they fart - if you'll pardon the word - it doesn't just smell like a fart - if you'll pardon the word."

    3. Favourite supporting character?
    Vincent Van Gogh. Hands down.

    4. Favourite recurring actor/actress?
    Nicholas Briggs. Despite the fact he is often in the same role (monster voice), he does bring a variety of characters to the different races, as well as within each race.

    5. Favourite TV story writer?
    Steven Moffatt. Cliche, but true.

    6. Favourite audio/book/comic strip writer?
    From the few I've read, Stephen Cole. There's a bit of Uncle Tewwy about him.

    7. Favourite director?
    For talent, Euros Lyn. For hawtness, Ashley Way.

    8. Favourite composer?
    Not much choice here, but I'd probably choose Murray Gold anyway!

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)?
    Turn Left, especially A Dazzling End.

    10. Favourite first story for a companion?
    The Runaway Bride. Every time you think you've got Donna pegged, she surprises you. She shows cunning at the reception, real emotion when she tells Lance she loves him, and great wisdom in the last scene.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion?
    Last of the Time Lords. Although Martha's feelings for the Doctor were poorly developed in the first half of the season, her dedication to him saves the world- and her strength to walk away saved herself.

    12. Favourite story for costumes?
    The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords. Solid colour schemes, and great use of costuming to represent different cultures.

    13. Favourite DVD commentary?
    The End of Time commentaries are very good.

    14. Favourite scene in a story?
    "Is 'Alright' Time Lord code for 'Not really very alright at all'?"
    "Because I'm alright too."

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'?
    Last of the Time Lords. It takes the whole episode, and yes, it DOES make sense.

    16. Favourite guest at a convention?
    Rob Shearman. "Now, the extra who leaked the return of the Daleks is actually in this scene. It wouldn't do to tell you who *coughthatonebastardcough* - it just wouldn't do at all."

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW?
    Mickey was originally not to have appeared beyond World War Three. However, Christopher Eccleston apparently told RTD that Noel Clarke had a great deal of untapped talent, and should be kept on. Boom Town was being written after the original Paul Abbott Pompeii script was dropped, so Noel was written in to the last three episodes.

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to?
    The Satan Pit- bring back Ida Scott!

    Oooh, coconut macaroons!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    1. Favourite Villain?

    It took me a fair few minutes to puzle this one out, but I reckon it comes down to a tie between Delgado's Master and Sutekh. They're both totally evil and immoral, but despite everything manage to retain a sense of humour about it all, better than anybody else did.

    2. Favourite Recurring character?

    Jeremy Fitzoliver. Because I can relate to him.

    3. Favourite supporting character?


    4. Favourite recurring actor/actress?

    Got to hand it to the Brig/Bret Vyon/Evil Brig/The TARDIS.

    5. Favourite TV story writer

    RTD. He had a unique flair for the "enjoyable romp". The series openers were always my favourite because of him.

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )

    Craig Hinton. He could work in shed-loads of pointless continuity references, yet still produce a cracking good story at the end of it! Cases in point: The Quantum Archangel, Synthespians, I haven't read The Crystal Bucephalus but I bet it's brilliant! If only he was still with us we could have had astoundingly good New Series novels...

    7. Favourite director

    Graeme Harper. Caves was a masterpiece, ROTC/AOS was a superb comeback, in fact everything he did for the New Series, I adore.

    8. Favourite composer

    The gold goes to Gold.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)

    It's a toss-up between The Mysterious ~Planet (for the Trial Theme) and the whole of Series Three (for All the Strange, Strange Creatures).

    10. Favourite first story for a companion

    Planet of Fire. Yes, you heard me right.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion

    Planet of Fire. No, just kidding, The War Games. An epic tale that still holds up to this day, and the finale even now still brings me to tears.

    12. Favourite story for costumes

    Either Carnival of Monsters or The Krotons. I'm sure you can guess why.

    13. Favourite DVD commentary

    Hmm...well, I've only ever listened to a few the whole way through, so I'll plump for Castrovalva.

    14. Favourite scene in a story

    Top five: One Day I Shall Come Back, But They Chronicle Right Up to the Present Day, Yes I Would Do It, I Walk in Eternity and I Rather Hoped We'd Catch Little Titch.

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'

    Having it never happen in the first place.

    16. Favourite guest at a convention

    Katy Manning, PanoptiCon '93. The bits on the Three Doctors DVD always make me laugh out loud.

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW

    My granny knows the woman that played Adelaide Brooke's daughter.

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to

    The Curse of Fatal Death. And given who's in charge now, I'm not ruling it out!
    For every fail, there is an equal and opposite win.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Downstairs by the PC


    But They Chronicle Right Up to the Present Day
    What a great choice!

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    I love these lists, I haven't done one in absolutely ages! I just wish I had time time to type out all those answer right now, but it'll have to be a few questions at a time and I'll post my answers in a few days.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    1. Favourite Villain ?
    Delgado’s Master. Easy!

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)

    Again, easy! It has to be the Brigadier, hasn’t it?

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    The first that springs to mind is Duggan, from City Of Death

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles)?
    I’m struggling with this one…

    5. Favourite TV story writer
    It’s a hard choice but at the moment I think I’d be tempted to go for someone like Bob Baker or Dave Martin. Of course they could never be credited with writing much in the way of classics, but more often than not their stories were fun and enjoyable to watch.

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )

    Rob Shearman for audio, Justin Richards for the books (there are a number I‘d consider but he‘s been the most consistant), and Steve Parkhouse (that was who wrote The Tides Of Time, wasn’t it? And perhaps Voyager)

    7. Favourite director

    I’m not an expert on directors, I don’t pay much attention to them to be honest

    8. Favourite composer
    Dudley Simpson

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)

    City Of Death

    10. Favourite first story for a companion

    The Time Warrior

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion

    The Green Death

    12. Favourite story for costumes

    Talons Of Weng Chiang

    13. Favourite DVD commentary

    Haven’t listened to any

    14. Favourite scene in a story

    Susan’s departure in DIOE

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'

    It doesn’t matter, as long as he doesn’t hang off a cliff with an umbrella as in Dragonfire again

    16. Favourite guest at a convention

    Never been to one

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW

    That Christopher Eccleston was the first actor to play the Doctor who was actually born after An Unearthly Child was broadcast

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to

    Pyramids Of Mars

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. Favourite Villain ?
    Ainley's Master (for all the reasons that the other Andrew C suggested)

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.) - The Brig and co.

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    Henry Gordon Jago - just brilliant!!!

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles)?
    I quite like Tony Selby but I think it really has to be Philip Madoc as he's just very convincing and really plays it for real.

    5. Favourite TV story writer
    New Series: Steven Moffat - I think he's very clever but also doesn't get so clever as to alienate the audience.
    Classic Series - either Bob Holmes or Tewance - both very talented. They both wrote entertaining stories many of which work on multiple levels. I also like Christopher H Bidmeed's stories (even if he is rather smug on DVD commentaries)!!!

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )
    Am I allowed to pick a PS Audio? - Ok some BF audio's then: I like the 'Spectre of Lanyon Moor', Genocide Machine and Land of Death (these titles are from memory so apologies if I've remembered them incorrectly). I'm also rather fond of the Genesis of the Daleks audio. Books: I rather liked 'Heart of TARDIS'.

    7. Favourite director
    Graeme Harper - great 'action' director.

    8. Favourite composer
    Paddy Kingsland - apart from the nostalgic element I like his music because it's pretty simple but extremely effective. I'm also really like Peter Howell and Mark Ayres.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)
    Logopolis/Castrovalva are my very favourites. I also like Leisure Hive, City of Death, Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Survival, Dragonfire, Father's Day and Ghostlight.

    10. Favourite first story for a companion
    An Unearthly Child - more for Ian and Barbara as Susan is kind of already established in terms of the story (even if not for the viewers)

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion
    The Green Death/Dalek Invasion of Earth

    12. Favourite story for costumes
    Creature from the Pit - sorry that's just me thinking of Lalla!!! - I've always thought the Lakertians (spelling) looked rather good. Everyone's costume looks great in the 5 Doctors!!!

    13. Favourite DVD commentary
    Any of the Peter Davison ones - very entertaining & very funny !!!

    14. Favourite scene in a story
    There are so many - I quite like the "You did it yourselves!" scene in Day of the Daleks.

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'
    I'm not too sure with this one - I suppose anything that isn't too silly.

    16. Favourite guest at a convention
    Jon Pertwee was always very entertaining. Nick Courtney for sharing a bottle of wine with Ant Cox!!!

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW
    Ok, now this is very anoraky - it's not a bit of trivia that I've read somewhere but something I've noticed - did I mention it's very anoraky? The TARDIS hum used in Pyramids of Mars when the TARDIS is stationary is the the in-flight hum used throughout the 1980's............I'll get my coat!!!

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to
    The Five Doctors!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    1. Favourite Villain ?
    It has to be Margaret Slitheen - never has the line from camp to sinister been danced around so beautifully.

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)
    I thought Jacqui Tyler was hard to beat, but perhaps Sylvia Noble is the winner here.

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)
    Has to be Vincent Van Gogh.

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?
    Julian Glover. He's the first one that springs to mind and he was paticularly brilliant in both his stories!

    5. Favourite TV story writer
    Can I be boring and say Robert Holmes? I can? Thanks.

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )
    Steve Parkhouse - writer of the Doctor Who: Voyager comic strip.

    7. Favourite director
    I thought Adam Smith's work this year has been some of the best the series has ever had!

    8. Favourite composer
    Dudley Simpson.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)
    Frankly, I could take any story from Season 18. Logopolis? Full Circle, maybe?

    10. Favourite first story for a companion
    Rose - an explosion of energy and excitement, running on incredible pace.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion
    The War Machines. Actually, if it's 'Favourite story in which a companion leaves' it's Terror of The Zygons.

    12. Favourite story for costumes
    Castrovalva for the hats; more recently there were some outstanding outfits in Vampires of Venice.

    13. Favourite DVD commentary
    The Green Death - Sob!

    14. Favourite scene in a story
    Now you're asking! Let's go for the War Memorial scene at the end of Family of Blood - Sob!

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'
    Making all the episodes 45 minutes long and self contained. Although 'Go to your room' from The Doctor Dances was quite brilliant.

    16. Favourite guest at a convention
    Anneke Wills, possibly.

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW
    At the recording of Dimensions In Time, John-Nathan Turner managed to get a reluctant Tom Baker into costume by staging a meeting and then leaving Tom in a room with his Season 18 Outfit.

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to
    The Daleks.
    No seriously! How great would that be, an abandoned city full of dead Daleks... slowly coming back to life!
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Ian Lethbridge-Stewart View Post
    I'm also really like Peter Howell and Mark Ayres.
    How modest!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Maybe he really likes comfy sweaters and fairlight synths.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Antony Cox View Post
    How modest!
    Oops! I know you won;t believe me but that was a genuine mistake!!!

    I meant to say "I" not "I'm"!!!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Big 'W'!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    1. Favourite Villain ?

    I'm going to say Taren Capel. There's something sinister about someone who was raised by robots, and although the actor doesn't entirely embrace this backstory (how does he fit in so well with the humans?) there's something great about his cold delivery and requests for bondage release. And he's the only Doctor Who villain that dresses up like one of the monsters for the story finale.

    2. Favourite Recurring character (excludes companions, but includes eg. UNIT crew, Jackie Tyler etc.)

    I've always been extraordinarily fond of Sergent Benton, by far the most "real" character in Classic Who. I love the scene in "The Time Monster" when he's just about to escape out the office on leave and the Brig steps in with a jolly "Oh no you're not! You're coming to the Wooten Institute!". He could have had anything planned! Though I bet it was a quiet night in with cold a beer and a "Murder She Wrote".

    3. Favourite supporting character (one offs please)

    It's a toss-up between two spurned women - Tasembeka and Madam Lamia. Both in love with crap men, both slaves to passion! Imagine if they'd teamed up against the evil menfolk of the Doctor Who Universe - it would half the Doctor's workload.

    4. Favourite recurring actor / actress (only those who came back to play different roles) ?

    Ronnie Leigh-Hunt is a favourite - the reason New Who doesn't often do Space Stations is because there's no RLH to take bluff charge of them anymore.

    5. Favourite TV story writer

    I think you probably have to be boring and go for Robert Holmes, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get excited when Gareth Roberts does one these days. Also hopefully by next year I'll be able to say Joe Lidster.

    6. Favourite audio / book / comic strip writer (or all 3 if you want )


    7. Favourite director

    Mr Harper! Old School Who only really has two types of director - the pedestrian, and Graeme Harper. And Lovett Bickford, for whom there is a different word entirely. I'd mention Timothy Combe, but it doesn't count if you have to spend a whole seasons budget to do it. New Who Directors are all so great, you can't tell the difference between them!

    8. Favourite composer

    Paddy Kingsland, for his wonderful "Mawdryn Undead" score.

    9. Favourite incidental music (which story)

    Er... "Mawdryn Undead".

    10. Favourite first story for a companion

    "An Unearthly Child", because you get, as Abba might say, two for the price of one. And it's a wonderful introduction to Ian and Barbara.

    11. Favourite leaving story for a companion

    "Army of Ghosts"! Even though she came back!

    12. Favourite story for costumes

    You'd have to pick a June Hudson, and I'm drawn towards "The Horns of Nimon" for her outrageous peak. Look at what she'd got Sorak decked out in! That's not a costume, it's an exhibition!

    13. Favourite DVD commentary

    I don't listen to many of them, but the Padders/Hines "Seeds of Death" one was fun.

    14. Favourite scene in a story

    What, ever? That's some ask! Okay, it's now well-quoted, but I'm going to say the moment in "The Ribos Operation" when Unstoffe tells Binro he was right. There's something about his delivery - the way he makes the effort to explain to this poor old neglected tramp that one day, far in the future, he'll be a hero - that just sends shivers down my spine.

    15. Favourite 'method of escaping a cliffhanger'

    "Dimensions in Time". Go Liz Shaw!

    16. Favourite guest at a convention

    It will always be Jon Pertwee, who put on a great show with his anecdotes and voices. I remember my Dad laughing at a panel once.

    17. Favourite bit of trivia or background info that you know about DW

    I'm related to "Stones of Blood" director Gerald Blake!

    18. Story you always wished they'd make a sequel to

    "The Stones of Blood". It's not too late for Vivean Fay to escape that lump of rock and gain revenge on the Doctor for disrupting her lovely life in Boscowan with Amelia and sausage sandwiches. Also she's the only villain that could be defeated by the deft squeeze of a lemon - now THAT would be the greatest escape from a cliffhanger ever.


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