It's typical isn't it? Before I left the UK, I have to admit I'd seen several of the children from my street in Farnbrough grow up, and their attitude to life was a bit that "living on welfare" was a life choice. It did seem somewhat that the people on benefit had life easier than those who were working and trying to support themselves.

It'd probably be fair to say that something did need to be done about that. But of course the typical Conservative way seems be to take a bulldozer to a nut. Because some people might, lets make all suffer just to be sure, and to please the ones with the blue rinses in party HQ.

What I find quite sickening is though how very samey all the parties are seeming now - none seem to really care for the average person on the street, no one champions the vulnerable, whether Nu Labour or Conservative the last few years has seemed mainly about courting Corperations and the very rich