it's good to have strong opinions about things but if this was a conversation down a pub there'd be a lot of angry shouting and regret afterwards. We're not the CofE you know
For anyone concerned, Jason and I shared a drink last night and there was no angry shouting or regret! Because he is, of course, a friend and lovely and charming and these debates arn't taken half as seriously as perhaps they appear. So no need to worry anyone!

Actually the problem I have, which is why I probably shouldn't enter into these things, is I feel I always manage to totally misrepresent myself. As I think I tried to explain on another thread (does anyone remember?) you try and defend A by pointing out that B is just as bad, and before you know where you are people are saying WHY DO YOU HATE B? I love Season 17! Yet suddenly people think I don't like it! Things just seem to get twisted round! I don't think I can explain myself very well.
