I was reading in the Yay/ Arghh thread about the incident that has happened recently at Kenny's Daughter's school, where a gun, all be it an airgun was fired at the kids because someone thought it was "fun".

Guns have been on my mind recently. On holiday, when were joined up with the stg do group in Las Vegas, one of the things that came up as something to do was go and fire guns at a range. Everyone seemed rather excited about doing this, except me.

It was incredibly odd experience. The whole thing was made out to be something glamourous- from choosing which guns you wanted to fire, how many shots you'd go for, right down to choosing a target, which included photos of me holding up women with guns.

I couldn't do it. I had one of the strongest reactions I've had against anything that afternoon. I didn't want to handle a gun, let alone fire one and as the group went off to take part, I found myself watching the queue of people waiting. There were parents taking their pre-teen kids to fire guns, women, lots of men... I just found it incredibly depressing and quite sick that people were taking children in to do this for fun.

So, how do you feel about this? Could you fire a gun? Are you pro or anti?

Si xx