
Back in March, my wife and I decided that it would be a good idea for us to watch our way through the entirety of Doctor Who. In order. I have seen/heard every single one of these stories before, while Whitney has only seen/heard some of them.

So, we set down three basic rules, which were as follows:

1. No skipping forward. With some exceptions - we may watch any new stories on tv, for the duration of that season and up to a month after it has ended.
2. Repeats. If we really want to, we can re-watch stories, the only proviso being that we have already watched them in our marathon.
3. We end when we get to wherever Doctor Who is when we finish. When we started, that would've been A Christmas Carol. At the time of writing, that is A Good Man Goes to War. Who knows where it'll be when we finish!

We didn't set down any time constraints on how quickly we were going to watch through these, so it was really as we felt like it. At the time of writing, we are halfway through Season 2, having just finished The Web Planet

Later today, I will post what we both thought of Season 1, and will periodically resurrect this thread every time we finish another season. Please feel free to join in and post your opinions with us

Note: I will be writing what we thought up, but will refer to both of us in the third person.