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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

    Default "Special" Effects!

    What are your favourite special effects in Season 11? And which do you think were a bit of a failure?

    With four years' experience of CSO under their belts, the production team were certainly quite confident in their abilities. But were they over-stretched in this season?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    For the most part the Dinosausr are rubbish- at least when they're CSOed into videotaped scenes- they look wonky and floaty then. The filmed versions aren't too bad for the most part.

    I love the effect of the melting Exxilon city. It's simple and effective. As are the effects where the city is CSOed in the background of the shots. It works well enough for me not to have noticed it for many years- the best kind of special effect!

    The Spiders are excellent!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    The worst effect has to be the superimposed 'paused picture' sky on Metebelis III. You can even see bits of dirt on the sky in some shots!!!

    The regeneration is disappointingly simple too.

    I do like the melting walls of the Exillon city, although the shot of the entire city melting is let down by the pillers and things falling over a little too quickly.
    I quite like the "Fight it Bellal" effect (even though you can see that the Doctor is looking into a mirror at the time).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    I quite like the "Fight it Bellal" effect
    Part of what I love about this effect is that you can see a bit of Pertwee's hair, revealing the mirror shot! Perhaps there was a mirrored surface in the room? As indicated by my current avatar, Pertwee frequently came under multi-coloured psychic attack in Season 11. My personal favourite is the glittery version from Monster of Peladon when Eckersley is trying to kill him.

    I also love the Exxilon city burning. It goes superbly well with the music and the sound effects. An example of everything coming together to create an impressive effect, in my opinion!

    I would also cite the roots from the same story as good effects. I love the scene with the snake-like root attacking the Daleks in the quarry. Best of all, it blows a Dalek up which then rolls into the water and explodes in a huge fireball!*

    *memories may be innacurate even though we watched this last week.

  5. #5


    I think that the doorway of the Dalek ship CSOd onto the model works very well. Not very showy, but the fact that I never noticed it wasn't a real set until the "30 Years" studio clips showed the shot being lined up means they must have done a good job. Or I'm blind.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    I didn't notice that one until 30 Years in the TARDIS either. Michael E Briant was on a bit of a roll with CSO while making Death to the Daleks- certainly in comparison with his CSO work on The Green Death the previous year.

  7. #7


    And I also like the exploding castle in The Time Warrior. Not so much a special effect, more a camera held too close to the blast and destroyed.
    Or was that The Hand Of Fear where that happened?

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