View Poll Results: Rate The Hand of Fear

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  • 10/10 - Eldrad Lives!

    0 0%
  • 9/10 - Eldrad Must Live

    1 6.25%
  • 8/10 - It's very nice

    4 25.00%
  • 7/10 - You’re a good girl, Sarah.

    6 37.50%
  • 6/10 - Don’t you forget me.

    3 18.75%
  • 5/10 - Hey, hey you, he blew it!

    1 6.25%
  • 4/10 - Gallifrey? No, I've not heard of it. Perhaps it's in Ireland.

    0 0%
  • 3/10 - I must be mad!

    0 0%
  • 2/10 - Well, I quite liked her, but I couldn't stand him!

    1 6.25%
  • 1/10 - That's not as 'armless as it looks!

    0 0%
Results 1 to 13 of 13
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Atlanta, GA

    Default Rate and Discuss: The Hand of Fear

    And so, we move onto the second story of Season 14... The Hand of Fear!

    What do you make of this classic story, which sees the departure of a much-loved companion?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    It was years before I finally got to watch this, to the extent that even the Target book was a bit of a distant memory - so I was really expecting what I'd often read in interviews or articles that, as regards SJS, it was 'a normal adventure and then at the end she leaves' rather than an adventure all about Sarah leaving.

    In reality though, I think it's a perfect final story for Sarah. Because primarily what it's about is two friends, the Doctor and Sarah. Much of the first half of the story is about the Doctor looking after his friend Sarah - not thwarting an alien invasion, not investigating some villain's lair, just rescuing her and taking her to hospital and worrying and following her. Even when Sarah's freed from Eldrad's grip, there are little moments, such as when they both end up walking back into the complex. And the latter part of the story is about just the two regulars taking Eldrad back to Kastria.

    So the story itself is a little weird, and some of it is a little dodgy (hello shouty Eldrad, and scarf-tripping scene) but the heart of it is actually very touching and lovely, and the au revoir scene between the two regulars is spot on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Loved it and the scene where Sarah leaves the Tardis was so touching. 9/10
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Exeter, UK


    Easily the least impressive story of a very impressive season. Which is also by way of a compliment!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Rather like the previous story - not very much happens of any interest. Then you get Stephen Thorne shouting a lot, and a rather blase leaving scene for Sarah. Female Eldrad's pretty hot, but that's about it on the plus side.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Walthamstow, London


    Liked the settings, not so much the quarry, but certainly the nuclear power station.

    The Sladen portrayal of an individual under Eldrads' control was very good with an appropriate level of weirdness about it all. Didn't like the see-through Andy Pandy suit though.

    I liked the two elements of the tale-Eldrads world topping and tailing the story worked quite well I thought, and the extreme contrast between that and the power station was good.

    I liked the feminine portrayal of Eldrad, being very well put over. But the male version was, well, lacking.

    All in all, quite a good one.

    And Sarah leaving? Well it comes to us all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Like many of Baker&Martin stories, this one is by turns great and silly and borning and dull. Somehow for me it doesn't quite gel, especially when it turns into a reprise of the end of Pyramids of Mars/ Death to the Daleks in pt 4 with the city of traps. It feels like they're just filling up time, though the twist with Rokon (ROKON!!!!!) being dead was good, leaving Eldrad with nothing.

    But this is the nub of the problem, we lurch from one plotline to another with barely anything linking them.

    Still, I think female Eldrad was great and the last scene is very good indeed and the warmth between Tom and Lis is very evident and lovely.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Walsall, West Midlands, UK


    Another story which had quite a profound effect the first time I saw this it in2002. I can clearly remember the final freeze frame shot of Sarah Jane and realising in that moment that I'd become a Doctor Who fan.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    5/10 for me - definitely a catalogue of hits and misses, sometimes even in the same scene. The stuff at the hospital is great, as is the location stuff; the stuff on Kastria and on set in the power station is pretty grim. The regulars are having a good time, but Glyn Houston is having a mare - until his great scene where he phones home. The dashing in and out of the reactor is fairly dull, and the resolution of Eldrad is farcical.

    Some nice ideas, but don't use it as a revision programme on how nuclear reactor works
    Bazinga !

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Or The Claws Of Axos, for that matter. If you think RTD's grip on science was ropey, give a Bob 'n' Dave story a go!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    I certainly wouldn't follow their advice if there was about to be a major nuclear explosion in the vicinity!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    gave it 8/10, simply because of Sarah and the Doctor's wonderfull goodbye scene - which for me is one of the best companions good byes ever - . Take that away and it's pretty much an average 4th Doctor story.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    A really enjoyable story for the most part, particularly the first couple of episodes and Sarahs farewell scene. Sadly it's simply not a strong enough story to be a classic, let down by the scenes with Stephen Thorne. Despite this, it's a story I'm really fond of. 7/10.

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