Results 326 to 350 of 1095
  1. #326
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    Nov 2006


    I'm a fan of it as well, I'd give it a 7.5 / 10 though because I thought it lost it's way a bit towards the end once the army fella's turned up.

    A sequel's on it's way - - but as Danny Boyle's only the executive producer and it doesn't star any of the original cast, I'm not too optimistic about it.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  2. #327


    I thought 28 Days Later was great up until the point where the army guys turn up, which I thought was a really disappointing way to end the film.

    Was going to watch Ginger Snaps last night, until I realised that I don't still have the DVD after all! So I stuck Alien in instead. God it's soooooooooo sloooooooooooow! It all looks very nice and expensive but there are long periods where absolutely nothing happens! I did jump once, where Dallas finds the alien in the air ducts, and it does pick up somewhat from this point. I'd give it 6/10.

  3. #328
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew T View Post
    Was going to watch Ginger Snaps last night, until I realised that I don't still have the DVD after all! So I stuck Alien in instead.
    I've just been looking into buying 'Ginger Snaps', & i've just found it for 2.99 at HMVUK.


  4. #329


    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    I've just been looking into buying 'Ginger Snaps', & i've just found it for 2.99 at HMVUK.

    Just bought it! Off to watch Aliens now. I'm endevouring to watch all my films as they stand on the shelf, i.e. in alphabetical order. Don't ask why!

  5. #330
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew T View Post
    So I stuck Alien in instead. God it's soooooooooo sloooooooooooow! It all looks very nice and expensive but there are long periods where absolutely nothing happens! I did jump once, where Dallas finds the alien in the air ducts, and it does pick up somewhat from this point. I'd give it 6/10.
    I love Alien. I last watched this a year or two back, and agree that it can be a bit slow to start with. but I feel that this helps you get to know and understand the characters a bit better, and also helps build up the atmosphere and slowly cranks up the tension for later in the film. This is the best one in the series, I'd rate it a 9/10. I've got the Director's Cut of this as well, I'll watch this version next time but I haven't seen it yet...apparently it's pretty good as well.

    A few early thoughts on the tv version of The Shining, now. I've only watched episode 1 so far, so I'll try to keep it spoiler-free, but rather just offer a few initial impressions. The plot obviously doesn't vary much from that of the film, but it's more in the fine details and background to the story that we see the immediate differences. The previous caretaker apparently only killed himself (a year earlier) rather than his wife and family as well as himself (ten years earlier); Jack's typewriter is in an ordinary small room, rather than that huge empty room seen in the film; and Danny's visions, while maybe not as memorable as Kubrick's elevator covered in blood, make more sense in the context of the story. One of them made me jump, just a little, maybe not much but still more than I did in the entire film version. Obviously, the biggest difference is the portrayal of Jack...whereas Jack Nicholson's version was a rather quirky character, someone who you felt right from the start of the film was an unstable character. this Jack on the other hand seems much more easy going and likeable, more like your next door neighbour or a friend who'd maybe be good company to enjoy a pint with. Only he's not perfect, we see a darker side of this recovering alcoholic's personality in flashback. But with this Jack being so likeable, it's going to be interesting watching his descent into madness as the story progresses.

    I'm really enjoying this, and the atmosphere is building up just nicely...I couldn't really have asked for much more in this opening episode.

  6. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacNimon View Post
    I love Alien. I last watched this a year or two back, and agree that it can be a bit slow to start with. but I feel that this helps you get to know and understand the characters a bit better, and also helps build up the atmosphere and slowly cranks up the tension for later in the film. This is the best one in the series, I'd rate it a 9/10. I've got the Director's Cut of this as well, I'll watch this version next time but I haven't seen it yet...apparently it's pretty good as well.
    I bought the nine disk set when Play had it for 17.99. It has the theatrical versions & the directors cuts. There's quite a difference in the 2nd & 3rd films.
    I too would probably rate the first one 9/10.

  7. #332
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    I've just watched Ginger Snaps Back, the third in the Ginger Snaps trilogy, though technically the first as it's a prequel.

    Spoiler warning.

    This is fairly similar to the first film in that two sisters (named Brigette and Ginger as in the other two films, and played by the same actresses) have forged a deep bond, but this time the setting is completely different. In this film they're travelling together through North America in the year 1815, but alone as there parent's have gone missing. They come across a fort which is half-manned, and are reluctantly let in. Something's obviously wrong as everyone is on edge, and it's not long before the two sisters learn that they are under siege from...Well, no one's quite sure what these hideous creatures are that are attacking them at night...At first the girls think they might be safe behind the wooden walls of the fort, until they discover that not all the creatures are outside of it...

    Like the second film, it's played a lot straighter than the first film and whilst there's some black humour, it's more of a straight forward horror film. What makes it more interesting than the usual fare is the strength of the two leads, and a great cast who are actually characters rather than charicatures. The plot nicely unravels as well, leading to a bloody finale which once again is all rather satisfying.

    Spoilers End

    It's probably my least favourite of the trilogy as it's not quite as twisted as the first two, but I really did enjoy this a lot. It's beautifully shot, and like (nearly) all good werewolf films, they're careful to not show too much of the wolves, but just enough. I'm not convinced that a prequel was definitely needed - I'd love to have seen a sequel to the second film more than this, but well, it's an interesting addition to the series, and overall I'd give it 7/10.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  8. #333



    Now this is more like it!

    Much more my sort of film. The version I've got is the director's cut, which adds quite a lot of stuff back in - notably a sequence near the beginning set on the colony before the aliens destroy it, and a long sequence involving some automated defence systems.

    The titular aliens don't appear at all until well after the one hour mark, but unlike the first film I didn't find the film slow at all - in contrast to Alien's long, slow pans over empty sets, here we have set up and character building, and it's all enjoyable stuff with a likeable and believable set of characters. (Including The Greatest Show In The Galaxy's Ricco Ross )

    The tension mounts and never lets up once during the films 2 and a half hour runtime. The effects are astonishing - especially when you consider that this was 1986, and pre-CGI! I love the transformation of Ripley from frightened survivor to gung-ho heroine, and her emergance, in the loading suit, to face down the alien queen at the end, with her legendary line "Get away from her you BITCH!" is one of my favourite ever movie moments.

    One of my favourite ever films - a definite 10/10. Sigourney Weaver's bizarre granny perm being possibly the only fault.

    Alien 3 next. Haven't seen it in years but I do remember that I hated that they kill off the survivors from this film.

  9. #334
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    I loved Aliens the first time I saw it, I think I was only 13 or 14 and I'd never seen anything quite like it. I've seen it loads of times since, and always enjoyed it, though it must be about 7-8 years since I last saw it now, I might have to give it another go soon.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  10. #335


    A L I E N is 10/10 for me.

    The movie builds up the atmosphere nicely - I enjoy the discovering the alien ship sequences, the planet effects are excellent and foreboding feel is brilliant. After 28 years this film still looks as good as ever. The final half hour is one of the most exciting in any sci-fi movie. I'd declare it a science fiction classic up there with the originals of Planet of the Apes and The Time Machine as one of the icons of sc-fi

  11. #336


    The Beast Must Die (1974)

    Well the title appeals to me in that cheesy British Horror way but I regret to say Wayne was right in his assessment of this one.

    It's got a good cast but it just seemed dull as dishwater. The story is really cheesy and it has some fairly naff touches such as a "Werewolf break". The first 20 minutes seemed tedious with a chase across the grounds of a country mansion. I must confess to falling asleep in the middle of the movie too. I actually couldn't care who the Werewolf was...I just wanted them to get on with it...

    Thanks Wayne for letting me see this, much appreciated as ever but you are correct this one is not worthy of the Cushing. I'd have to rate it a miserable 2/10.

    What amazed me was the docu on the DVD talking up the film - I was thinking did I watch the same thing...

    Anyway I've got much higher hopes for "Horror Express" made a year earlier

  12. #337


    I love Horror Express.

    Alien 3

    This was much better than I remembered. Like David Fincher's next movie Se7en, this is a relentlessly grim and depressing film, but I found it moved along at a better pace than the first film, helped by a strong cast of familiar British actors including Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Pete Postlethwaite and Casualty star Clive Mantle!

    On the downside the creature effects are dreadful, with very obvious composite lines round it on several occasions. Something that wasn't a problem even in the first film!

    There also wasn't a single moment where I jumped or felt scared.

    But, it was more entertaining than the first film so despite it's flaws it's a 6/10 again.

  13. #338
    Wayne Guest


    I have to agree with Ralph re. Alien. IMO, it's far superior to any of the sequels. It's a masterclass in tension & suspense!
    That said, all the sequels are ok especially the 4th one, which i rather like.
    I'm not a huge fan of Aliens. It's still watchable, but it's leans too much into 'action movie' territory for me. I'm surprised Arnie doesn't turn up in it with one of those ridiculously huge guns, to deliver really corny lines like 'Get away from her you bitch'.
    Alien 3 is probably the weakest. It tries to capture to atmosphere & tension of the first movie, yet somehow fails, despite having a few good scenes here & there. I still find it watchable, though.
    This is how i'd rank them:

    Alien - 9.5/10
    Alien 4: The Ressurection - 8/10
    Aliens - 7/10
    Alien 3 - 6.5/10
    Last edited by Wayne; 21st Apr 2007 at 10:52 AM.

  14. #339


    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    Alien - 9.5/10

    Meantime I have a copy of a 1976 BBCtv adaption of "The Signalman", a Charles Dickens classic to check out shortly

  15. #340


    Alien Resurrection

    Much better! I never understood the criticism of this one. It's exciting and entertaining, and the special effects are once again flawless, thanks to the advent of CGI I presume.

    There's a fantastic, thrilling underwater set piece, the aliens look great swimming after our heroes.

    The human/alien hybrid at the end is repulsive, and it's death even moreso.

    No Dr Who stars this time but I did spot CSI's Gary Dourden, and that it was written by Joss Whedon!


  16. #341
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    I quite liked Resurrection too, I only saw it recently and I'd certainly rate it about Alien 3 anyway. I'm quite a big fan of the director, but apparently Whedon wasn't happy with the way the film worked out, and that the final script was partially rewritten without him. Still, it's got a lot to like about it, and unlike 3, actually does something new with the series of films.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  17. #342
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    I too am a fan of Alien Resurrection & saw it recently on TV.
    I'd rate the four as:-
    Alien - 9/10
    Alien Resurrection - 8.5/10
    Aliens - 8/10
    Alien 3 - 6.5/10

  18. #343
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    The Skeleton Key

    I had no idea what to expect from this film, not having heard of it before Wayne rated it so highly, and it was quite nice not really knowing for once what type of movie it was going to be...

    Yar, Thar Be Big Spoilers Below

    And to be honest I still wasn't sure where it was heading about half way through. But I was already really intrigued, as it's got a great set up - Kate Hudson is hired to look after Gene Rowlands husband, John Hurt, in a spooky house in New Orleans. Hurt's supposed to have had a stroke, but Hudson really isn't sure about this. As the film goes on it became pretty clear that Gena Rowland's character was going to be the big bad, but how it was revealed, and played out, was superbly done, and the ending was absolutely just fantastic!

    I think a film like this sinks or swims on the strength of it's performances, and thankfully all the cast are incredibly strong. I'd not had too much time for Hudson before, but she acts her little socks off in it, whilst Gena Rowland's is excellent, as is John Hurt who barely has a line in the film but manages to communicate his feeling's brilliantly. Infact his casting misdirected me a little, as I thought there's no way he'd do a role like this without their being a big twist for him at the end, and the fact that there wasn't really added to my enjoyment of the film. The moment near the end of the film where they're in the ambulance is absolutely fantastic too...

    It's really well directed by Brit director Iain Softley, (responsible for Backbeat and K-Pax), with a lot of nice camera work and beautifully lit scenes, and I loved the soundtrack as well, it perfectly fit the film.

    Spoilers end.

    I really liked this a lot, I'd give it 8.5/10, and definitely recommend it, especially to those who like their horror at a slightly more sedate, if still really intriguing, pace. So thanks again to Wayne for lending me another great film!
    Last edited by Alex; 23rd Apr 2007 at 12:12 AM.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  19. #344


    The Exorcism of Emily Rose

    When a movie is based on true events it always gives it an extra edge. At first though I though hmmm a courtroom drama - sometimes I have to feel in the mood for one of these solictor sparring off each other type films.

    This is well told and the leads do give good performances.

    It's nowhere near as scary as "The Descent" where I was on the edge of my seat but this as Wayne said earlier is more a mainstream movie than horror.

    After watching it I was hoping I wouldn't wake up at 3.00am, fortunately I slept on....

    Certainly a movie to see and quite thought provoking even if I personally still find such events hard to believe though from all accounts it did happen.

    I'd give it 7/10. While it is an intelligent well thought out film I base my score on pure entertainment value

  20. #345


    Alien vs Predator

    Dunno why this got slated so much - it's an above average action thriller with some jaw dropping special effects!

    As in all the best horrors, the lead character is a strong female, here it's Sanna Lathan, who appears to have been in nothing else of note, ever.

    Some of the CGI is amazing - there's a flashback to Egyptian times, with Predators stood atop a pyramid fighting off thousands of aliens, and the alien queen charging across the antarctic ice at the end is pretty amazing too.

    If it has a fault it's that it's a totally bloodless affair - being restricted to a PG-13 certificate in the US.

    Second best of the series! 8/10.

    American Beauty is next on the shelf, then I've got 3 American Pie movies before my next horror - The Amityville Horror remake.

  21. #346
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew T View Post
    Alien vs Predator
    I've still never seen this, but you're the only person i know that's seen it that has a good word for it!
    I've got a bit of catching up to do on this thread, & i've just got back from a visit to my folks to find 'Ginger Snaps' on my doormat, so that might zoom up the queue in front of those i've seen before, or versions of, before.

  22. #347


    Horror Express (1972)

    Chris Lee discovers something deep in the ice in Siberia, a 200 million year old man, crates him up to return him to dear old blighty and gets aboard a train. Peter Cushing is also on board the train as a medical Doctor. Naturally enough the thing defrosts and then has a special eye which absorbs people's brains rendering their brain effectively boiled and their eyes turned white. The creature turns out to be a visitor from another world who was left stranded on earth and who enters a host body to survive.

    Telly Savalas, a Cossack, hijacks the train with his buddies and beats up the passengers who don't obey his instructions. Peter gets pushed and delivers my favourite line of the movie as he tells off Savalas' henchmen "We're British you know!" Savalas' men then encounter the creature and mayhem aboard the train ensues.

    It's a bit of hokum for sure but I found it sufficiently entertaining to be worth a watch. It is quite memorable if nothing else. I'd give it 6/10

  23. #348
    Wayne Guest


    3.5/10 from me.

  24. #349


    Well I'd certainly give it that for the ending...

  25. #350


    The Skeleton Key

    I agree with the Misery connection Wayne suggested - I did feel there was elements of that here. Good performances all round and as the ending unfolded I was taken by surprise and as everyone else has said it all falls into place. In terms of scariness no more so than Horror Express however it seemed more of a mainstream thriller to me and in this it works very well so I'd give it 8/10

    Thanks to the Waynster and Matt for sharing.
    Last edited by Ralph; 25th Apr 2007 at 8:54 AM. Reason: because there was no spoilers!

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