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  1. #201
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Puts a new slant on Savile's claims that he knew people who could solve problems...

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Airstrip One


    Esther Rantzen: My shock over my MP lover's links to Elm House paedophile ring

    Esther Rantzen has spoken of her revulsion after learning that a former lover has been linked to the child abuse scandal threatening to engulf Westminster.

    The broadcaster and Childline founder had an affair with politician Sir Nicholas Fairbairn after they met at a BBC studio in 1966.

    But Ms Rantzen has now distanced herself from the late Conservative MP and Solicitor General for Scotland – who died in 1995, aged 61.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  3. #203


    Breaking news and can't find online details, but 6 Music News just said Lee Travis guilty of one of the charges.

    Former Radio 1 presenter Dave Lee Travis has been found guilty of one count of indecent assault.

    The ex-Top Of The Pops presenter was cleared of another count of indecent assault and the jury was undecided on a count of sexual assault.

    On Monday, the judge at Southwark Crown Court told the 12 jurors he would accept a majority verdict of 10-2.

    More follows...

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle area


    I shall henceforth only eat clean shaven cornflakes as a mark of my disgust.

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    So after a trial costing £100k and having been found guilty, the Judge has said of DLT's assault " "It was an intentional and unpleasant sexual assault." and given him.... a three month suspended sentence!

    What was the point of spending all that money bringing him to trial, if even if found guilty he was not given any punishment?

    It's a simple enough question.


  6. #206
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    If he'd been either jailed for something, or found not guilty on all charges, one would feel that it hadn't all been a complete waste of time.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I bet he could, if he felt like laughing at everyone, step out the court and grab some random woman's boobs. He'd still then only get 3 months, which would be halved for good behaviour, and probably cancelled altogether given time spent already in custody.

    So it's probably worth his while actually doing that.


  8. #208


    Well... So much for "Pick Of The Pops" this Saturday then.

    Radio DJ Tony Blackburn has been sacked by the BBC after a new report linked him to a Jimmy Savile sex probe.

    The Dame Janet Smith review report, looked into Savile’s time as a sexual predator at the corporation, criticises the BBC for covering up 1971 claims a girl of 15 was “seduced” by a DJ referred to as ‘A7’ in drafts of the report.

    The Mirror can today name ‘A7’ as Tony Blackburn and as a result of the report’s allegations, he has been axed by the BBC.

    But Blackburn insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing and he is “devastated” by his sacking.

    The 73-year-old, who currently broadcasts a popular Saturday show on Radio 2 that attracts millions, has been accused in Dame Janet Smith’s report of not being properly questioned over allegations of seducing 15-year-old Clair McAlpine.

    Top of the Pops dancer Clair killed herself weeks after the alleged sexual encounter .

    The teenager wrote about the sordid incident in an intimate diary her mum Vera found in February 1971.

    Extracts from the leaked draft of the Savile Review reveal Mrs McAlpine made a formal complaint to the Beeb but it was brushed aside.

    She rang the BBC saying one of their stars had seduced her underage daughter and demanding to speak to the chairman but was told this was impossible.

    Just a month later Clair died after taking an overdose of sleeping pills at home in Watford, Herts.

    Dame Janet’s report says BBC managers and police investigating the allegation paid mere lip service to it.

    They took the DJ’s denial at face value - even though it did not match his agent’s account of events - together with his claim that Clair lived in a “fantasy world”.

    In an extraordinary statement, Tony Blackburn said: “This week, two days before the publication of the Dame Janet Smith Report, the BBC informed me that all relationships I had with them were being terminated with immediate effect.

    "I am told that the decision was taken, personally, by the Director General. Quite naturally, I am devastated.

    “The reasons for the BBC taking this decision are that my evidence to Dame Janet Smith shows, I believe, that a cover up took place - one that I had no knowledge of. This goes against what the BBC believe.

    “In 1971 allegations were made by the mother of a 15-year-old girl whose diary apparently contained suggestions that she had been seduced by celebrities including me.

    "I am told that the mother told the BBC, a few weeks after her initial complaint, that her daughter had withdrawn the allegation against me.

    "I have never seen the diary and neither has anyone at the BBC or the Dame Janet Review.

    "That same year this seemingly troubled teenager, tragically took her own life.

    “Dame Janet’s report makes no suggestion that I was guilty 45 years ago of any misconduct whatsoever with this girl.

    PADame Janet SmithDame Janet Smith has published a report about the BBC and child abuse
    "Nor did a Coroner’s inquest into her death or a subsequent police inquiry.

    "The BBC have made clear that they are not terminating my relationship with them because of any misconduct.

    "They are destroying my career and reputation because my version of events does not tally with theirs.

    GettyTony Blackburn adjusting his headphones at the opening of BBC Radio's pop music station, Radio 1 on 4th October 1967Tony Blackburn has said he will fight to save his reputation
    “I was not guilty of any inappropriate conduct; my lawyers will take immediate action against anyone suggesting that I was.

    “According to BBC records seen by Dame Janet, I was allegedly interviewed about the girls’ diary before her death in 1971 by a very senior figure at the BBC, Bill Cotton Jr.

    TMSTony Blackburn at the ICCTony Blackburn has claimed he is innocent of all the claims made about him
    "I was also, supposedly, interviewed by Brian Neill QC as part of his report in to the Payola scandal at the BBC.

    “I have repeatedly told Dame Janet and the BBC I was never interviewed by either man in this context and the BBC records are either very vague or have, conveniently, disappeared.

    "Regardless of these facts, the BBC is axing me after five decades of broadcasting.

    "Sadly what is happening to me now seems to be entirely in keeping with the past BBC culture of whitewash and cover-up.

    “In 1967, I proudly opened Radio 1 for the BBC.

    "Over the past 49 years I have enjoyed my time working for them immensely and I am grateful to my millions of listeners for their continued support over the decades.

    “Sadly, despite being aware of my evidence for many months, if not years, the BBC have decided to make me a scapegoat and have taken away any future opportunity I have to broadcast for them.

    “Naturally, I am now left with no choice but to take legal action against the BBC.

    "They have taken away a career I love and I will not allow them to destroy my reputation.”

    Dame Janet’s review found no attempt was made by the BBC to interview either Clair or Mrs McAlpine.

    It does confirm the DJ was interviewed twice by BBC executives and by an independent barrister.

    Dame Janet also said it was “hard to fathom” why the BBC had lost or destroyed call logs from the time.

    Speaking at the front door of their multi-million pound detached mock-Tudor property, Mr Blackburn’s wife of 24 years Debbie Blackburn said the couple would not be speaking aside from the statement.

    She said: “We are not going to enter into any conversation of any type. There is no comment to be made.”

    Dame Janet, 75, review in Savile has taken four years and will reveal he abused 45 victims, included several rapes on BBC premises before he died in 2011.

    After some of the report was leaked in January, BBC Director-general Tony Hall said: “Firstly, my thoughts and all our thoughts are with the victims of Jimmy Savile and their families. What happened was a dark chapter in the history of the BBC.

    “Dame Janet Smith’s report will be invaluable in helping us understand what happened and to help ensure that we do everything possible to avoid it happening again.”

    I feel he might be a scapegoat.

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Bloody hell. There's one that seemed really unlikely.

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I think he's a scapegoat too. I've read about this and the "evidence" seems very flimsy.

  11. #211
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    The BBC are trying their best to distance themselves from any of these cases. But imagine if they had kept Blackburn on when it was revealed that he had been (?) under investigation.

    The BBC is damned whatever it does.

    I think they could have treated Tony Blackburn better. But imagine typing that sentence again with the words "Rolf Harris" or "Jimmy Saville" in place. There is such a taint and such a public horror associated with these people.

    So! A really complicated situation with no easy answers. Everyone is a villain. And so are we if we pass judgement.
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  12. #212
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    That explains the comments by some on the BBC Radio Berkshire broadcasters this morning.

    There was quite a bit of shock in their voices as these revelations, about their fellow broadcaster, came out.
    Assume you're going to Win
    Always have an Edge

  13. #213
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    They should never have sacked him. Suspended yes, but until the Police arrest or at least interview Tony Blackburn then I too feel he's being used as a scapegoat. I totally support his legal action.

  14. #214
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    A tough one to call. We'd have said Saville, Harris and Hall were all beyond reproach ten years ago; having said that, after a barrister and his bosses questioned Tony twice and found nothing wrong... Either way, the BBC "lost or destroyed" evidence, so something happened somewhere. As Steve rightly says though, until and unless there's a proper investigation or a libel/unfair dismissal tribunal, who is in fact guilty of what is a matter of innocent until proved guilty.

  15. #215
    Join Date
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    Downstairs by the PC


    This though seems to be a definite case where nobody is suggesting Tony did anything. According to the reports the only thing he didn't do was "co-operate with the investigation" by saying that two meetings alleged to have taken place, didn't take place. Now, Bill Cotton is dead, whether the lawyer in question is I don't know, but if it's a case of one person's word against anothers.....

    Either way, by intention or design, the real story (ie, the report release itself) has been overshadowed by all this. And although almost certainly Tony Blackburn will win any unfair dismissal case he brings, there'll be no going back for him or the BBC on this, so it will be a slightly hollow victory I think. Very sad.

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Hollow victory it might be but it will clear his name & give other commercial radio stations the confidence to hire him without this hanging over him or them.

  17. #217
    Join Date
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    Airstrip One


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Wallis View Post
    A tough one to call. We'd have said Saville, Harris and Hall were all beyond reproach ten years ago;
    Many (many) people thought it about Saville. Harris and Hall, maybe.

    My instinct tells me he's a scapegoat, but I guess we'll see.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

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