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  1. #26
    Join Date
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  2. #27
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    I think panic's beginning to set in, in the No camp. They're only just realising that they've played this all wrong....they may be correct in what they say but they've been putting their case across in such a patronising manner that all it seems to do is wind some people up! Although I've found out that it's not easy trying to stick up for them without sounding patronising, even if you don't mean to! It's like all those politicians have dared the Scottish public en masse to vote against the Union. It's a challenge, "I bet you won't do it!" which people seem to be rising to meet. "We'll show you we mean business..." seems to be the reply at the moment!

    It's a really big problem for which time is running out. There are many problems and issues with the current government, but trying to seperate these issues from the question at hand is the hard bit for many people. But the thing is, even though things like cuts, the Bedroom Tax, etc are really big issues at the moment how are they really going to affect people 100 years or more down the line? Regardless of what we think of them, they are current issues which would get resolved one way or another naturally through time (and General Elections!) but one wrong decision here with Independence and it could cause serious problems way down the line. Much of our economy would rely on the income from oil, but what happens when that runs out in, say, 100 years time? Too many people seem to think it's not their problem, let others deal with it...

    And the thing about polls too is that they're exactly that...polls. The views of a random selection of people extrapolated to guess the mood of the nation. A guide based on a handful of people. The problem is when you get numerous polls all with different participants all giving the same result The only time a poll actually means anything is on Polling Day...the moment of truth is fast approaching!

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    If wheeling out Gordon Brown is No's answer to their problem, then they've seriously mis-judged the situation!

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    I'm expecting it to be a narrow margin, either way.

    It could be 'fun' if they do vote for independence - just look what sort of mess changes could happen to the TV
    Assume you're going to Win
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  5. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Airstrip One


    Quote Originally Posted by Nyder View Post
    If wheeling out Gordon Brown is No's answer to their problem, then they've seriously mis-judged the situation!
    Precisely, not that Darling was a very good choice either. The people who lost the last election, brilliant strategy.

    Still very close, but not surprising YES has gained ground, too many can see a NO vote is a vote for permanent austerity, and permanent war - both of which has been promised to the scots by Cameron. YES at least gives them a chance to build a better future.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  6. #31


    I do agree with Kenny that the NO campaigners have handled this badly and complacently expected to win. I really do feel a YES vote week next Thursday will have serious implications for Scotland and the UK. Only this week as YES seems to be gaining ground I am worried about the impact as I never thought it would happen myself so maybe I've been complacent about it too. If we manage to get a NO vote through I'm going to breath a heavy sigh of relief.

    It's a step of faith into complete uncertainty and I'm frustrated that those of us that don't want it will be dragged into it. I'm starting to think of all the implications to my job and overall circumstances.

    The likes of Salmond will likely retire shortly having caught the imagination of many Scots that see some kind of utopia and leave the rest of us to work through it.

    As for the rest of the UK I just think it will diminish the whole. Can't wait until this is over -it's no game, if this goes through it's irreversible.

  7. #32


    There's some nice 2 bedroom flats in Carlisle.....

  8. #33


    Here's what credit suisse have to say

    In our opinion Scotland would fall into a deep recession. We believe deposit flight is both highly likely and highly problematic (with banks assets of 12x GDP) and should the Bank of England move to guarantee Scottish deposits, we expect it to extract a high fiscal and regulatory price (probably insisting on a primary budget surplus). The re-domiciling of the financial sector and UK public service jobs, as well as a legal dispute over North Sea oil, would further accelerate any downturn. In our opinion, as North Sea oil production slows, we estimate that the non-oil economy would need a 10% to 20% devaluation to restore competitiveness. This would require a 5% to 10% fall in wages, driven by a steep rise in unemployment.

    Still at least they wouldn't have to go to war.

  9. #34
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Never mind Gordon Brown or Alistair Darling. The fact that David Cameron and Nick Clegg are heading to Scotland tomorrow along with Ed Milliband highlights just how much the No camp are panicking...their campaign now seems to be in total disarray. They still have the strongest hand but just don't have a clue how to play it now.

    They've misjudged things badly from Day One. Like I said before, being patronising with their facts, and concentrating too much on the negative side of a Yes vote; the combination of these has given many people the impression of threats and intimidation which has just got their backs up and make them vote the other way. Of course, they shouldn't have ignored such things but they should have been giving out a much more positive message, highlighting the positives of remaining part of the Union. The Yes crowd, on the other hand, have been largely positive and are spreading an optimistic message that many people want to believe in. A message which sounds great, but is largely lacking in decent facts. And at the end of the day, regardless of which way people eventually vote, they'll all be hoping for the same thing...a better Scotland than we have at the moment. It's just a question of who you believe most.

    And one more thing...given the popularity (cough!!!!) of Cameron & Clegg in Scotland at the moment (and sorry, Ralph, but I'm not meaning that as a cheap political shot!) I can't help but wonder if this could be the kiss of death for the No campaign...maybe causing more problems rather than fixing them?

  10. #35
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    Airstrip One


    Quote Originally Posted by MacNimon View Post
    Never mind Gordon Brown or Alistair Darling. The fact that David Cameron and Nick Clegg are heading to Scotland tomorrow along with Ed Milliband highlights just how much the No camp are panicking...their campaign now seems to be in total disarray. They still have the strongest hand but just don't have a clue how to play it now.
    Quite. And on top of all that, the NO (or I should say 'NAW') camp have at their disposal probably the greatest living 'orator', in Westminster at least, in George Galloway. He would have completely destroyed Salmond in *any* debate, but they have shied away from approaching him because he isn't part of 'the establishment'.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  11. #36
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Perry Vale View Post
    Quite. And on top of all that, the NO (or I should say 'NAW') camp have at their disposal probably the greatest living 'orator', in Westminster at least, in George Galloway. He would have completely destroyed Salmond in *any* debate, but they have shied away from approaching him because he isn't part of 'the establishment'.
    Agreed. Like him or hate him, he knows his stuff and more importantly, how to get it across convincingly to the working man. The man in the street would probably pay more attention to him than Alistair Darling and Co.

  12. #37


    George Galloway despite his controversial style would have done no worse for the NAW campaign.... I agree he would have better reached the "working man" for want of a better description..... Ah well at least another 9 days of being in the UK before we go over the cliff edge into the unknown.... I think we'll need to have a separate section on PS....

  13. #38
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    One thing I've noticed in general though is that many of those who are planning on voting 'Yes' seem to be a lot more vocal and louder in their opinions than those who are voting 'No'. They seem to be more actively (and loudly) trying to convert others to their way of thinking when they find out someone is voting no, but the 'No' voters when in the same position just seem to be quietly digging their heels in determined not to be swayed.

    Not that this probably actually means much in itself, but hopefully the term 'Silent Majority' will prove true here.

  14. #39
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    Downstairs by the PC


    I don't really know much about it all, but since I've been wrong before I'm happy to be wrong again. My instinct is that the 'yes' vote won't win, and that actually when it comes to the vote it won't actually be that close. I assume, though, that it's a simple 'more yes than no' result, it's not got to be a certain percentage of yes, regardless of whether the balance is 'no' or 'not turned up'?

    On a sort of connected note, I wonder if anybody can clarify something that always confuses me? Last time I tried to look up an answer I couldn't find one, but it may have figured in some of your election literature recently - two things that people are forever moaning about 'down South' are that Scotland gives free prescriptions and free university places. Now, my question is: is that because money is given to Scotland for that specific purpose; or because the Scottish parliament decides to allocate funds from its overall budget, to those two things? People get quite worked up by it, but it seems to me that if it's the latter (ie, a decision by Scotland) then England could decide the same thing itself. (In other words, getting annoyed at Scotland for it is aiming your annoyance in the wrong direction.)

  15. #40


    I agree YES voters are louder and some aggressive too and tearing down NO signs is hardly democratic. The YES voter that decided to raise his views with me last Saturday I guess had a few too many but the bitterness he felt towards the UK government eventually extended to me. Many YES voters are not prepared to listen to any NO views and it is those people that are leaving a bit of a legacy after the final count is completed. If we do get a NO vote through I wonder if these particular people will carry their grudges against NO voters forward....

  16. #41


    Hi Andrew in answer to your question the Scottish government decided to allocate their budget in that way. In relation to people in England getting upset they hopefully will remember to address that towards the politicians rather then the population. What is sacrificed in Scotland in favour of these decisions I'm not sure.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    The No campaign is sending up the heavyweights today

    The leaders of all the main parties are going to Scotland because they now fear the Yes campaign may win
    Assume you're going to Win
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  18. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Can't really add anything, but I'm finding all this very interesting.

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    This adds absolutely nothing but some of you guys down south may enjoy the standard of debate many are having on Facebook (this popped up on my timeline because these guys are all local and a personal friend commented on it - the first guy to reply). I've tried editing the language because I wasn't sure about swear filters etc on here. And these guys are serious, by the way. It just seems to be the mindset of some...

    After reading it, you won't know whether to laugh or cry...

    Steven Easton
    6 hrs · Mauchline ·

    See all these c**ts that are voting no dae they still sing the flower of scotland if use dae use don't ken wit use are on about voting no then. It's a big yessssssss from me **** England.

    Kimberley Labedzki, Allistair Kane and 21 others like this.

    John Irvine British by birth scots by the grace o god n god save the queen is our national anthem too
    6 hours ago · 1

    Scott Grier So your voting no cause u hate the English? That's intelligent
    5 hours ago · 3

    Stuart Kerr No
    5 hours ago

    William Scott Which 1 are you Easton?

    5 hours ago · 4

    Steven Easton Obv no Scott Grier but haf the folk that vote no sing the flower of scotland that's no intelligent.
    5 hours ago

    Steven Easton Al go for them all wullie am no brainy enough tae get into a debate lol.
    5 hours ago

    William Scott Easton wanting to still be part of the uk doesn't mean you are less scottish or shouldn't sing flower of Scotland. You have to look at the bigger picture. If this doesn't work out and you think the uk's bad now? It could be a lot f***ing if we get independence at it goes tits up. Either way were just going to have to deal with whatever happens. 🇬🇧
    5 hours ago · 10

    Darren Biggart Its got absloute nothing to do wae fitba whit folk vote Steven Easton its up to everybody to have there own opinion and what benefits them the most for there future and kids future etc.
    4 hours ago · 6

    Richard McDowall Alex salmond is going to do all the damage coming away from the crown , then labour will be voted in to cope with his mess !! To keep up with inflation for every £1000 we earn we will walk away with £600 according to Norwegian papers who have became in depended " but strongly advice us not to "
    4 hours ago

    Steven Easton That's only one opinion Darren Biggart thers hunners more who rattled ur cage anyway u should be working.
    4 hours ago

    Darren Biggart Lunch time. lol. Aye but a wouldny just vote for yes coz the national anthem ****sake whatever u vote u want it to benefit u.
    4 hours ago

    Richard McDowall Lads wee will get screwed either way working for tuppence and screwed with tax no worth falling out about
    4 hours ago · Edited

    Marc Reid We'll solve the solution vote f**k knows then lol
    4 hours ago · 2

    Steven Easton Obv am no but thousands ov people sing the flower of scotland but dusnae make sence if they vote no we fought for freedom so this is our chance tae stick up for our country we have the money the oil the lot am voted yes yes yes lol.
    4 hours ago

    Steven Easton Vote pigs and blankets
    4 hours ago · 1

    Darren Biggart F**k sake daniel bryan. Steven Easton lol
    4 hours ago · 2

    Marc Reid Vote communism like china lol
    4 hours ago · 1

    Steven Easton Haha vote susan Manson tae get her knickers valeted at the top garage
    4 hours ago · 4

    Stuart Barnes Comin fae a man that supports an English Fitba team. If there's a yes vote they'll no b a match of the day 4 us anymore
    4 hours ago · 1

    Steven Easton Fitbas nuhin tae dae way it am scottish wiz born in scotland f**k match of the day ya killie prick
    4 hours ago · 1

    Stuart Barnes Ur sayin f**k England an that when ur beloved teams fae there ur sayin **** them 2 haha mon the killie
    4 hours ago · Edited

    Steven Easton Aye f**k England Man United have nuhin tae do wae the referendum am voted yes thers hunners of hings a could write down on here why but can't be f**ked need tae go and dae a backshift. F**k killie and f**k the queen lol.
    4 hours ago · 1

    Claire Ritchie What's the national anthems anything to do with our political future? Has to be one of the silliest comments I've saw yet! X
    4 hours ago · 6

    Steven Easton Ul find out if u listen tae the flower of scotland.
    3 hours ago

    Harry Lyle a sing flower of Scotland because am a true Scotsman and proud if it but ma vote is [ NOOOOO ]
    3 hours ago · 5

    Gloud Ritchie Ask his mum
    2 hours ago · 3

    Steven Robertson Always a yes for me wedtminster are absolute shitting themselfs they need us we don't need them they have been taking our money long enough

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Isle of Wight


    That was like reading Irvine Welsh

  21. #46
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Just imagine Capaldi saying those lines and it'll all make perfect it's own senseless way!

  22. #47


    Aye we're a smart articulate population up here in bonny Scotland lol!

  23. #48
    Join Date
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    Airstrip One


    George Galloway has tweeted that BBC Question Time have "rescinded" his invite to appear on tomorrow's show as the NO representative.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph View Post
    Aye we're a smart articulate population up here in bonny Scotland lol!
    Let's give them some really does take some effort to type things out in your local dialect. I've tried it and it's not easy! Bad enough for me to make some of it out, never mind you's worse than trying to read a text...

  25. #50


    Not quite sure what Jim Sillars former SNP deputy leader has in mind with his "day of reckoning" threat for businesses that support a NO vote - so much for democracy if they get a YES vote next Thursday. Given that a number of businesses have supported YES, there is no need for this kind of comment. It's this kind of attitude that reinforces my support for NO to separation. I so hope it's a NO as I really am tired of the intimidation from the YES camp who also seem to feel they wholly represent Scotland's best interests and have hijacked the flag.