Awful day, tired as hell, had to go to an early football match for my son's team which was away - so you can imagine that meant UBER early.

The team they played were a bunch of little bastards - and cos they were fielding the ref, he turned a blind eye to a lot. We had to cause up a fuss after one of their players when up and kicked one of ours in an act of spite. That player was sent off, although kind of lost the point when everyone from their team.

A real spiteful side, my son's team always get upset after playing them - they always manage to get in a few name calling, some nasty tackles and half the team refuse to shake hands at the end of the game. In the end I heard the referee apologise for the incident to their coach (!?!).

Did I mention the kids age is a mere 9 - heaven help us when we get to the teenager stages.