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  1. #26


    Well I didn't expect Barrowman to get dropped from Big Finish! Still heartbroken about Noel Clarke.
    Putting zero blame on the other cast for not speaking out. Would rather work with John than Noel.
    Anyway, if Jack was intended for this year then wow that's going to be some last minute rewrites on the lockdown developed stories!
    Zero evidence Captain Jack in this series, unlike the evidence they've been accused of etc.

    And I look forward to rolling my eyes when Barrowman bought up again during S13 broadcast!

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Gaumont Tce, London, United Kingdom


    Clarke is a sexual predator who like his counterparts Bill Cosby and Clarence Thomas is trying to use the Oppressed Black Man image to protect himself. Being from an oppressed group doesn't stop one from being a cr-phole human being.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Gaumont Tce, London, United Kingdom


    If anyone's trying to stop you watching Torchwood it's... the people who made Torchwood.

  4. #29


    Well if anyone is still interested. Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill, Chris Chibnall and John Bishop will release their Comic-Con interview about the new series at 6pm tonight.
    No idea if there'll be a trailer release.
    But it's something to do on a Sunday evening.
    Doesn't it seem like Christmas was just yesterday?

  5. #30

  6. #31


    We finally have a trailer!

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    I'm quite excited to learn that there will be a cliffhanger every week. Just like old Doctor Who!
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by duncan View Post
    I'm quite excited to learn that there will be a cliffhanger every week. Just like old Doctor Who!
    I thought we were going to get that continuously after The Woman Who Fell To Earth cliffhanger.
    Didn't quite turn out that way. I've enjoyed the last two series. If it takes it further then wonderful!
    I'm thinking of later Lost In Space episodes ending with "To Be Continued....Next Week".
    Except it'll probably be more Who cliffhangers.
    Either way, this year is going really fast, don't you feel?

  9. #34
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    Nov 2006


    Cliffhanger? what is this "cliffhanger" of which you speak?

    *sudden flash of realisation*

    Don't tell me the lead singer of the Shadows is going to be in Doctor Who?!

  10. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Wallis View Post
    Cliffhanger? what is this "cliffhanger" of which you speak?

    *sudden flash of realisation*

    Don't tell me the lead singer of the Shadows is going to be in Doctor Who?!
    Well the speculation could begin from that! Personally, I'd rather just enjoy the remaining episodes we have left because. Sigh... Just when switching on as well! Why do they do this? They didn't with RTD and Tennant!

  11. #36
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    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    I see that J Michael Straczynski has declared an interest in the showrunner's job, over on Twitter. A talented, experienced genre writer with plenty of experience building a tv series from scratch... he's got no chance of getting the job, then!

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by MacNimon View Post
    I see that J Michael Straczynski has declared an interest in the showrunner's job, over on Twitter. A talented, experienced genre writer with plenty of experience building a tv series from scratch... he's got no chance of getting the job, then!
    Well aside from Doctor Who bring made, I really feel the next few years we'll see the end of the BBC as we know it. It will be good not seeing pensioners going to prison for not paying the licence fee. But what could replace it?
    And I'll take (not directed at you MacNimon or anyone on here) "woke" Doctor Who over "apolitical but really Tory propaganda" Doctor Who!
    Anyway, that's a bit in the future. We've got a new series and three specials to look forward to.

  13. #38
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Regardless of whether new episodes are considered "woke" or political or anything else, it really isn't too important as long as they tell good, enjoyable, well-acted and well made memorable stories which can be enjoyed by a wide range of people. The jury's out on how well they've succeeded doing that over the past decade or so...

    Let's just hope that they concentrate on making good tv rather than making 'relevant' tv!

  14. #39
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by MacNimon View Post
    Let's just hope that they concentrate on making good tv rather than making 'relevant' tv!
    Doesn't the absolute best TV still remain good TV decades later? eg. Fawlty Towers. So good we're still watching it nearly 50 years later (like some serial purporting to be the origins of a famous Doctor Who monster which I could mention...) The main message of The Germans, even in its edited form, still manages to be "relevant" now as then, because the message is done with more subtlety than recent Who ever could. The rest of the run is good without the need to be socio-politically relevant, and still remains relevant because it was billed as comedy, and it still makes people laugh.

    The case rests. Now you can send me to Pseuds' Corner!

  15. #40
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    Nov 2006


    Just something I piocked up the other day, UNIT are ue to turn up in probably the last story of Whittaker's run. So we'll probably get Osgood & Kate Lethbridge-Stewart aswell.

  16. #41


    Well who saw this for the future?

  17. #42
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    Nov 2006



    Not quite sure what to make of this. Is the BBC's best or even only idea to ask back someone who's, albeit with a large degree of success, done the job before? or do they truly not think anybody else is that up for it in any respect?

    Given that he made Who in a good enough manner before, I shall wish him well for the good of the show. On the other side, I did feel at the time - I can see my excommunication and public lynching on the horizon for this - that the worst writer during the first RTD run was RTD himself. Oh well...

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Wallis View Post
    ....or do they truly not think anybody else is that up for it in any respect?.
    Well my reading of this is that RTD is the new JNT. Only returned because no one else wanted the job & he doesn't want to see it off air. I only hope & pray that he doesn't go down hill like JNTs tenure did in the late 80's; (IMO of course).

  19. #44


    A Spaceship projected over the Pier Head of Liverpool tonight.
    Well if they are going to do publicity like that, and it hasn't even began. It's going to be inescapable before it starts. Getting nearer!!!

  20. #45
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    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    I hope they do a lot of publicity - lots of fans are complaining there hasn't been enough!
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  21. #46


    So UK transmission confirmed for Halloween!
    CANCEL. PLANS. "But it's first Halloween since Lockdown!"
    We've had
    Doctor Who The Key To Time.
    Doctor Who The Trial A Time Lord.
    And now all these years later, a shortened series going under the title
    "Doctor Who: Flux".

    Well! No clips yet (but can see where they'd be fitted into come nearer transmission).
    I admire the confidence of the Doctor Who production team. Have faith in their talents and excitement about how it will feel
    Best of three for Series arcs?
    Or has Big Finish made better Story Arc Series?

    Halloween! Doctor Who: Flux! Treated with tricks and intrigue!

  22. #47


    Welp! Everything's apparently wrapped.
    New series and specials featuring Jodie as The Doctor.
    I'll miss and offer thanks for her portrayal.

  23. #48


    More substantial trailer!

  24. #49


    Ok so it's a series of chapters. And the first title is
    Just some messages to fill out the What's New section
    Ba ba buh bap ba bap ba baaa
    Tweedly tweedly dee oo we oh tweedly tweedly dee
    That should be enough space, shouldn't it?
    Just to be safe
    And safer still
    Ok, that should be enough.

    Chapter 1: The Halloween Apocalypse

    It's shaping up to be the more interesting series, isn't it?

  25. #50


    Not got Tweet to hand, but Doctor Who made front cover on three rival TV listings magazines.
    Apparently bus stop adverts as well.
    It had three front covers last series didn't it?

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