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  1. #1

    Default S13 News Thread (Possible spoilers)

    Series 13 to begin filming in a few weeks!
    Apologies if there was a plan to make a thread the second it started rolling.
    No idea what the show will be like when it comes back. Hope the health and great safety for cast and crew.
    Nothing more to do but yes, I was expecting filming to start a little later.
    And you just know an idea that divided the fans from last series will be brushed off with a one liner!
    So light at the end of the tunnel!
    Doctor Who is scheduled to start filming again.p!
    No, there's too many syllables for that to fit tune of Happy Days Are Here Again.

    Predictions? I don't know. But when writers and guest cast get announced, here is your thread!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    There was talk of Walsh & Cole possibly leaving. I thought the group had done quite well, but there is always 1 being sidelined abit. It'll be interesting to see a new dynamic if they do.

    I know the "Christmas/New Year" special has been filmed & will be ready to go but I have no spoilers on it. I don't get much info these days as I used to, so every episode is usually spoiler free.

    The big question in my mind is will Jodie be doing the now regular 3 series stint & then move on? Or will she put in a more solid 4 or 5 series?

  3. #3


    I always find just as you get a handle on their take of the character... Off they go!
    Would love Jodie to be around for the 60th. Absolutely no idea what a 60th anniversary story will look like. But I'd be happier with a small scale Silver Nemesis story than an "Every Doctor EVER!!!" special.
    Although obviously, better story than Silver Nemesis!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Not too difficult a task!

    I know there's good reasons for doing it, but really! possibly even less episodes again?! Oh well...

  5. #5
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    Nov 2006


    It could be another year of 'specials'. Which wouldn't be too bad I guess.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2006


    Better than nothing...

  7. #7


    Still no idea how it'll be filmed. I'd be astonished if overseas filming actually happened. Oh! First guess about the next series! Probably concentrated in one studio location as the Brexit happens under the filming.
    A series of base under seiges? There'll hopefully have some really experimental episodes.
    Still no idea what notes and feedback on the last series given. The worst thing they can do is exclusively cater to fans! Will it be even lighter in tone to cheer a viewing nation?
    Reduced episodes does seem a bit obvious.
    Just don't release every episode at once! Release to stream once a week one at a time like The Mandalorian did. If Streaming HAS to happen.
    Yeah, stick with Sunday. May as well.
    Still no idea who's writing. But it's going to happen. Still looking forward to catching whatever we get next year.
    And I have noticed the last two series both reappearing on the TV on Video charts. The last series has charted for over 23 weeks or more.
    I think the potential audience could be a lot higher next series. Maybe if those "divisive" series are charging is not knowing what they (TV viewers) had when it was there? Or see what the fuss was about? A reminder of happier times!
    I really didn't mean to make this large a post.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2006


    We had three years of mostly base under siege in the late '60s, bear in mind, and they contained the closest thing to overseas filming pre-City Of Death. That was Wales... Only the fans seem to have noticed either!

  9. #9


    On top of the forthcoming Children In Need telethon (Christmas Special clip?) here's a tweet of who's directing and a companion we thought going is sticking around

  10. #10

  11. #11
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    Nov 2006


    Looks like we'll only be getting 8 episodes (inc Christmas). Better than nothing.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Gently View Post
    Looks like we'll only be getting 8 episodes (inc Christmas). Better than nothing.
    A few months ago I really feared it would be 2022 before anything new.
    Wish them all the luck and health on the [gulp] TEN month shoot!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Gaumont Tce, London, United Kingdom


    Just an observation but i prefer Davros to his Daleks.

  14. #14


    Trailer! And quite an appetising one at that!
    EDIT: Well trailer for New Year's Day special. Maybe in the wrong thread

  15. #15
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    Nov 2006


    Can someone make a "rate & discuss" thread please. I can't make polls for some reason.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Gently View Post
    Can someone make a "rate & discuss" thread please. I can't make polls for some reason.
    I'll give it a go, but bloody hell! John Bishop!!!

  17. #17


    So the shock of John Bishop gives way to rumours undenied etc of Jodie jumping.
    Sad to see her go, if true. No idea of anyone I'd like to see in the role. (Seriously, I've got my TV down to just Doctor Who, Ghosts and the Star Trek/TNG repeats on the Sci-Fi Channel. No idea there are other Actors in existence!)
    One things for sure, The Timeless Children will not be retconned.

  18. #18


    A report on a Zoom interview with John Bishop.
    Reveals a returning monster and scene filmed. Delighted with the setting. Seems more convincing than using that city for the new Batman film.. Putting two and two together when taking in he's got a Comedy tour next year.
    You probably already know already

  19. #19
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    Nov 2006


    Any more news on the new series? I haven't seen anything for ages.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Gently View Post
    Any more news on the new series? I haven't seen anything for ages.
    In spoiler from what remembered.
    This bit will still be able to read in the activity log. Just a bit more. How is everyone by the way? Hah! We all said when things go back to normal they can't be the way they were. That's exactly what society has done and why we turn to Doctor Who for the escape.


    Sontarans back. Weeping Angels back. Crimean War setting. Nightingale/Seacole possible storyline.
    There is the usual chatter of Producer and Lead Actors leaving that either happen or don't.
    No idea on writers. Filming finishes July. No idea how long post production is.
    One really beautiful thing Twin Dilemma actor Kevin McNally back! No idea character, episode etc. But how lovely!

  21. #21
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    Nov 2006


    So not a lot new then. Where are rabid fans when you want them!?

  22. #22


    St. Luke's Church in Liverpool was hit badly in the second world war.
    A few years ago an open mic was allowed before they wanted cash (And ha! The Beer festival who hired the venue damaged an historic fountain!! Damage from Poets and musicians? Zero!!!)
    anyway 2017 or later.
    Doing my turns in the interior of what was left of the building. I never stopped thinking Why the hell hasn't it been used for a Doctor Who location before?
    Well this year a few months ago they filmed there!
    I didn't go there or Batman filming because *CLAP LOCKDOWN!

  23. #23


    Put up huge green screens outside and yeah
    Although obviously, goes without saying, dub every bit of dialogue spoken! Hahahaha,,!

  24. #24
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    Gaumont Tce, London, United Kingdom


    Can't say I'm surprised about Barrowman. (Not that I'd heard any specifics, just little things that when coupled with the allegations just had me thinking, "Yeah, that makes sense.")

    I remember an interview where he mentioned that part of his agreement with appearing on Arrow was that he have a scene with a shirtless Stephen Amell and thinking how things would be different if an actor requested doing a scene with a shirtless female star.

    His comfort in the "ladies, your ratings have just gone up" scene.

    And the line in the song "The Ballad of Russell & Julie" about "Johnny B getting his c*** out".

  25. #25
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    I dread to think what would happen if he used his name to run for parliament...*

    "In other news, John Barrowman, the prominent member for Kanye West..."

    * - I was going to put "stand", rather than run.... Ouite apart from the fact that if you stand for the British parliament, you'll stand for anything...

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