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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC

    Default New New New New Season Spoilers - S4.1

    As you know I usually avoid spoilers like the plague, but I've inadvertantly come across some fascinating info for the first story of season 4 which I know will get some people excited. And since I always like to spread the excitement around, I thought it only fair to share:

    Apparently, the season 4 opener WILL be a multi-Doctor tale. Peter Davison has already agreed to return as the fifth Doctor, as has Sylvester McCoy and (surprisingly) Christopher Eccleston. McCoy in particular has been quoted in today's Sunday Times as being "absolutely delighted to have a chance to rrrrrrrrreprrrrrrrrrrrrrise the rrrrrrrrrrrrrole of the seventh Doctor". Colin Baker has been offered a role, but with a contractual clause that he lose 3 stone in weight before filming begins. The clause has been described as "inappropriately insidious malignance" by Baker, as "a bloody cheek" by his agent, and as "made me laugh out loud for days" by Peter Davison.

    RTD and co are still negotiating with Paul McGann, but the big issue there is apparently costume. Notoriously unhappy with his TV Movie look, in particular the hair, McGann has said he's happy to play the Doctor on TV again, but only if he's allowed to strip back the look. He has cited his original photoshoot look, of short hair, and plain jacket, as the image he has for his Doctor - but as RTD has pointed out to his agent, "He'll look exactly the same as old big ears - we can't have two Doctors the same!" McGann has reportedly made this a deal-breaker, and already there have been several attempts to resolve the issue. McGann's agent has suggested an extra 40% on the fee; Ian Levine has suggested they think of all the poor Who fans who would be DISGUSTED and whose opinions will be LOWER than A cockroach if the two gentlemen involved don't recognise the HONOUR of being PERMITTED to star in Doctor Who; and Harry Hill has suggested a fight.

    The script will, of course, be written by RTD, and is rumoured to reintroduce not only the Timelords and their home planet, but also the Drahvins from Hartnell story "Galaxy 4". The reason for this (allegedly) is that the BBC hopes to make a small fortune in the run-up to Christmas 2008 by selling remote-controlled Chumblies, and (for the adult market only) blow-up Drahvins.

    Due to the various work schedules of the various leading-men involved, the filming for this story, although not due for transmission until April 2008, is due to commence in the third week of May this year, in Cardiff. Consequently, the script has already been finalised, and contains the words "fool", "bloody" and "April" and, as the first episode of season 4, has been given the production code of 01/04.

  2. #2
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    Are they not using that colourised Tenth Planet footage then?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Gah, rumbled!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The North


    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Curnow View Post
    Gah, rumbled!!
    Rumbled?! You might as well of put a heading saying "This is an April Fool's joke". You're meant to make these things convincing!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Subtlety has never been my strong point. Plus I didn't want to get anybody excited about it being real, only to snatch it away at the last moment. It's known as the "Phoenix Rising Syndrome"...

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